<< Antitwister
for Windows computers
Upgraded  4 March 2025,  version  25.03.04

When you click Download Antitwister your browser will place the program in your Downloads folder.

When you first try to run the program:

Windows 7  displays the message  “Unknown Publisher: publisher could not be verified.”  Click “Run.”

Windows 8  works the same way as 7.

Windows 10  says it “protected your PC.”  Click “More info.”  It says Antitwister is not recognized and goes on to say that running the program “might put your PC at risk.”  After that slander, click “Run anyway.”

Windows 11 – I don’t have this version of Windows but judging from articles about running other software, you will get the message “This app has been blocked for your protection.”  At this point Windows 11 blocks all unknown software.  To get past this:  Right-click the Antitwister file and from the dropdown menu choose “Properties.”  In the “General” tab that appears, checkmark “Unblock” then click “OK.”  Then run it again.

Antitwister  passes reputable virus checkers such as Kasperski, Symantec, McAfee, and Malwarebytes.  Some virus checkers such as MaxSecure and Webroot that rely on  “machine learning,”  “artificial intelligence,”  or  “heuristics”  instead of actually searching for malware, may give a false positive.

Questions or comments?  Email  atw@ariwatch.com