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The Nurse’s Notes
Introduction – What are the Nurse’s Notes?
How the HTML Differs from the Photocopy
Editorial Protocol
Missing Pages and Other Aberrations
Highlighted: Visitors & Insulin Treatments
Insulin Shock
Court Historians
Other Medication
Watch Schedule
Note Conventions
The Nurse’s Notes
Thoughts on Reading the Nurse’s Notes
Why Suicide
Why Murder
Who Did It

Here you will find the complete text of the Nurse’s Notes from the appendix to the Willcutts Report on the death of James Forrestal.  First a little background and why the Notes are important.

James Forrestal was kept under round-the-clock observation during his stay at Bethesda Naval Hospital. The watch maintained a record of his progress, handwritten on forms titled “Nurse’s Notes.” They take up several dozen pages of the Willcutts Report’s appendix. Here they are typed and all placed on a single webpage, what we shall call the HTML version of the Nurse’s Notes.

Likening the Nurse’s Notes to a window into Forrestal’s hospital suite, and the disorder, poor handwriting, and photocopy “static” to dust and grime obscuring our view, the transcription below wipes the window clean so we obtain a clearer glimpse of Forrestal during what turned out to be the last 50 days of his life. In a limited way the Nurse’s Notes allow Forrestal to speak for himself so that we can evaluate his personality and the way he was treated ourselves. Mostly mundane, at times the Notes are most revealing.

How the HTML Differs from the Photocopy

Before we get to the Nurse’s Notes, how does the HTML version differ from the photocopy furnished by the Navy?

In the HTML version two numbers, a date, and the day of the week head each page:
# exhibit number      [photocopy page number]      date      weekday
The left number appears on the photocopies at or near the bottom right corner and without the #.  These are exhibit numbers – or rather sub-numbers under exhibit 3, but here we simply call them the exhibit numbers – and were written around the time the Notes were entered into the exhibits of the Navy’s investigation. When the date spans two days, the weekday we furnish is that of the second day.

We have numbered the photocopy pages provided by the Navy, the light green number in brackets; it is not on the actual page of the Nurse’s Notes. (Add 97 to our bracketed number to obtain the page number in the PDF file at Princeton’s Seeley Mudd Manuscript Library.)

The photocopy pages of the Nurse’s Notes are out of order. The HTML version returns them to their original, chronological, order, consequently the photocopy page numbers, in brackets, are out of order here.

Each of these page numbers in the HTML version is a link. Clicking it will display the actual photocopy page, with one change:  since the photocopy is of a photostat, which is a negative (white on black) of the original, here the negative of this has been taken to restore the image to a positive (black on white). Per the next paragraph, which describes the editorial protocol used to convert the handwritten notes to HTML, scholars wishing to quote from this webpage should refer to the photocopy as well.

Editorial Protocol for the Nurse’s Notes

Unlike the HTML version of the body of the Willcutts Report, which scrupulously reproduces the original’s capitalization, punctuation, spelling and format, in the Nurse’s Notes we have silently modified these trivial aspects in the interest of readability.  The abbreviation consisting of the letter C with a dash over it, standing for “with” (after the Latin), has been expanded, as have a few other abbreviations, the most frequent being “ask” for “asked.”  We omit the text of the blank printed form on which the notes are written.  We omit the number written on the front pages under “WARD NO.” – in this case the room number 1618.  We omit the number written under “REGISTER NO.” – always 162220 (the same number typed on Forrestal’s hospital Admission Notice).  Poor grammar is retained but not sic’ed.  Insubstantial corrections are silently followed.  The apothecary symbol for oz is rendered as Z.  Sometimes a nurse will sign his entries even when there is no change in the nurse writing the notes; these extra signatures are omitted.  We use the date as a heading and omit it within the notes.  X’s indicate illegible manuscript. A question mark in brackets indicates some doubt about the previous word. Anything in brackets is ours.

Missing Pages and Other Aberrations

Eleven pages of Nurse’s Notes — #51 to #53,  #61 to #64,  #74,  #76,  #166,  #167 — are missing from the Willcutts Report, or at least from the photocopy of it furnished by the Navy. We indicate these gaps where they occur.

Some original exhibit numbers are overwritten in the photocopy:  (1) The orginal #75 was overwritten by #74, the original of which is missing. So the reader is aware of the gap we have retained the original #75 and only indicated the overwriting.  (2) Numbers originally in the range #76 to #100 were each incrased by one: #77 to #101.  With the changed numbering #76 is missing, and there are two #101s.

The two #101s are pages [88] and [87], which according to the time indications belong in that reversed order. Per above, the #101 on [88] was originally #100 then the last zero was overwritten by a one. (This is very clear on the photocopy, despite the reverse – #101 to #100 – fixing the duplication.)

Four pages of the photocopy — [83], [84], [85], [86] — are identical to previous pages:  [79], [81], [82], [79]  respectively.  Leaving off the brackets:  79, 83 and 86 are triplicates of exhibit #96 (overwriting #95 per above),  81 and 84 are duplicates of #99 (overwriting #98),  82 and 85 are duplicates of #100 (overwriting #99).

Highlighted:  Visitors & Insulin Treatments

Forrestal’s visitors who were not directly involved with his care are printed in blue and the entry highlighted with a light yellow background. (We have included Rear Admiral Clifford Swanson in this category of visitor even though he was Surgeon General and head of the Medical Corps. He was an ear nose and throat specialist but apparently did not visit in that capacity.)

Because Forrestal was not really himself at the end of the higher dosage insulin treatments (see next section), the medication column is highlighted during the insulin treatments, each of which lasted three hours, with a light purple background to emphasize that the notes during this time differ in context from the others.

Insulin Shock

The history of psychiatry – mainstream, official, accredited – is replete with cockamamie schemes alleged to help people labeled “patient” (as if their problem were organic) that in fact harm them. Surely insulin therapy is one of the worst. Fortunately the dosages given Forrestal by the well-meaning doctors at Bethesda Naval Hospital were sub-coma, about one third to one half of that required to induce coma. However it is clear from the notes that the last several, higher dosage, treatments which Forrestal endured did assault his central nervous system in a major way. During these “insulin shocks” he seemed to be “in a fog,” had a “glassy stare,” once confused a greeting card with a piece of toast, suffered twitching of the limbs, photophobia, etc.  Except during these treatments nothing remotely like this is reported in the notes, though the photophobia – aversion to light – lasted some time afterwards.  Clearly Forrestal survived the treatments rather than benefited from them.

“Insulin therapy” is performed by injecting a large amount of insulin into the bloodstream.  This insulin shock, as it is called, suddenly lowers the blood glucose level. In a word, insulin shock is artificially induced hypoglycemia. (The degree of this hypoglycemia depends on the individual and their initial glucose level, besides on the amount of insulin injected.) The principal consequence is to starve the brain of glucose, its fuel, which eventually causes sweating, restlessness, depression, confusion, tremor, seizures, coma, and death. The quacks, or rather doctors, interrupt this progression by giving the victim a sugary beverage.

Insulin therapy is like trying to repair a radio – assuming it was broken in the first place – by banging on the case with a hammer. Forrestal seems to have trusted the men in white coats to know what they were doing. None of the notes record him objecting to these treatments, though his reaction to the last suggests that at that point he would have.

(Like all fads eventually insulin therapy became passé. However the psychiatric establishment never admitted it was harmful, only “no better” than what became the next fad. For more on the psychiatric profession’s use of drugs see Toxic Psychiatry by Peter Breggin, M.D.)

After the “sub-shock” series of treatments was over the doctors continued to give Forrestal smaller “stimulating” doses of insulin – small doses (say not over 10 units) are initially stimulating and then temporarily enfeebling – right up to the end.

It should be noted that insulin is not a psychotropic drug, such as LSD or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Prozac and the like).  Doubtless the insulin treatments weakened Forrestal physically, but they would not have caused psychosis or a psychotic episode.  Arguing  “Forrestal killed himself because insulin therapy drove him crazy.”  is as fallacious as arguing  “Forrestal killed himself because Drew Pearson said he was crazy.”

Court Historians

Court historians, as David Martin – following Harry Elmer Barnes – calls intellectuals who falsify history in order to promote the agenda of the powers that be, have a hard time of it in these days of the Internet. Though a process of pernicious selective quotation from the Nurse’s Notes could make Forrestal look bad, a complete and honest reading shows a man concerned about his personal appearance, curious about his surroundings and the world outside, proud of his family, helpful to the corpsmen, interested in their careers and ambitions, at first patient – as in “enduring” – yet into the second month anxious to escape, by the seventh week apparently wondering what the hell was going on. In short he acted as any reasonable man would have acted finding himself in a similar situation.

Forrestal failed to realize what he was up against.  Paranoid?  He should have been more suspicious,  much more.

Other Medication

Besides insulin Forrestal was treated with several other substances during his stay at Bethesda:

Coramine – trade name of nikethamide, it acts as a stimulant. Used to treat low blood pressure.
Dextrose – the kind of sugar the body uses, the right-hand isomer of glucose.
Liver extract –  an iron supplement used to treat anemia and consequent fatigue.
Metamucil – trade name fiber supplement and stool softener.
Phenobarbital – acts as a sedative. It can be used to ease withdrawal from another barbiturate, such as sodium amytal (amobartital).
Phospho soda – trade name laxative which acts by drawing water to the lower bowel from the rest of the body.
Sodium amytal –  also called amobarbital, it acts as a sedative. Can cause confusion on awakening. Odorless and a slightly bitter taste. An overdose causes sleeplessness and severe confusion. Once thought to be a “truth serum” when given in large doses.
Sodium phosphate – one of the two principal ingredients of Phospho soda, see above, and having the same effect.
Thiamin – vitamin B1.  Used to treat fatigue caused by thiamin deficiency.

Watch Schedule

The watch kept on Forrestal was divided into three shifts each lasting approximately eight hours.  The nominal times, in military and civilian format, were

First shift0800 – 1600      8:00 am  – 4:00 pm
Second shift     1600 – 2400      4:00 pm  – midnight
Third shift2400 – 0800      midnight – 8:00 am

however the actual times vary, sometimes by over an hour.

The following hospital corpmen worked full shifts at various times:

W. R. Breon 52 shifts throughout Forrestal’s stay.
R. W. Harrison      1 shift and part of a second at the end.
J. M. Kelley 31 shifts during the first three fifths of Forrestal’s stay.
Iver P. Kipp   3 shifts near the beginning.
E. W. Prise 46 shifts throughout Forrestal’s stay.
C. F. Stuthers 17 shifts near the end, replaced by Harrison at the end.

Most corpsmen who did watch duty only to briefly relieve a full shift watch (e.g. for lunch) are not identified in the Notes.  The following, not among the above, are identified:

J. C. Woods   once, lunch April 4.
W. M. Water       five times, lunch April 7, 9, 11, 12, 13.
C. L. M.  once, about an hour at start of first watch April 30.

Below is the schedule for all the corpsmen on full shifts. If missing pages encompassed an entire corpsman’s watch he was “interpolated” from the corpsmen on the preceding and following days (fortunately always both the same) and printed in gray. (These are used in the counts above.) Partially missing or unsigned notes were identified by the handwriting.

 0800 to 1600  BreonKippKippKippPrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrise
 1600 to 2400 BreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreon
 2400 to 0800Breon  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  

 0800 to 1600 PrisePriseBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreon
 1600 to 2400BreonBreonKelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  Kelley  
 2400 to 0800Kelley  Kelley  PrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrise

 0800 to 1600 BreonBreon  BreonBreonBreonPriseBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreon
 1600 to 2400Kelley   PrisePrisePrisePriseBreonPrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrise
 2400 to 0800PrisePriseStuthersStuthersStuthersStuthersStuthersStuthersStuthersStuthersStuthersStuthersStuthersStuthersStuthers

 0800 to 1600 BreonBreonBreonBreonBreonBreon
 1600 to 2400PrisePrisePrisePrisePrisePrise
 2400 to 0800StuthersStuthersStuthersStuthersHarrisonHarrison

At night, besides the corpsman in the room with Forrestal or at the nurse’s desk right outside his door, a doctor was on call in the adjoining room, where the doctor would sleep. His shift lasted approximately from 1630 to 0830 (4:30 pm to 8:30 the next morning) – this according to the Willcutts Report testimony of Dr. Hightower, question 4. The “doctors’ room,” as it was called, was separated from Forrestal’s by a shared bathroom with a door on each side.

David P. Hightower and Robert Reynolds Deen alternated this watch each night, except – generalizing from the Report testimony of Dr. Hightower, question 15 – watching two consecutive nights on weekends. On the night beginning Friday May 20 Dr. Hightower was on call (his Report testimony, question 13), and the night beginning Saturday May 21 Dr. Deen was on call (his Report testimony, question 14).

Note Conventions

A few remarks follow concerning various conventions used by the nurses when writing their notes.  A nurse – here a male navy hospital corpsman – always refers to himself in the third person. Thus when “the corpsman” is the subject or object of a sentence, it means “I” or “me.”  When a nurse writes “so-and-so to see patient” he refers not to the future but to the time of writing, that is, “so-and-so in to see patient.”  “O” in quotes indicates that the preceding medicine was given orally.  “Complain” means to state a problem, no peevishness is implied.  The dosage of a solid oral medicine is measured by weight in grains, one grain being about 65 mg.  Liquid oral medicines are measured in ounces and written preceded by the apothecary symbol for ounce, which we have rendered as “Z.”  Numerically both grains and ounces are usually written in lowercase roman numerals, with “ss” meaning ½  (for example ivss means 4 ½).  Regarding an injection I.M. stands for intramuscular.  All times are military:  1200 is noon, 2400 midnight, and in general if the military time is 1259 or less just insert a colon (then add a.m. if less than 1200, otherwise p.m.), if 1300 or greater subtract 1200 before inserting the colon (then add p.m. if less than 2400, otherwise a.m.). Thus if military time begins with 0, 11 or 24 it is morning.

Another convention that warrants an explanation regards the statement  “Patient terminated.”  It means the treatment was terminated, not the patient !  Unfortunately the humor in that observation gets lost in the nature of the treatment and subsequent events.

Room 1618  ·  Bethesda Naval Hospital  ·  1949
Nurse’s Notes

#30  [21]  April 2 – April 3  Sunday
0430Reg. diet.
Suicidal precautions.
Assumed special watch.      [Breon]
Pt ate fairly well at dinner tonight.
E.E.G. run on Pt.  Pt seems friendly.
Pt restless, throws himself around in bed.
1920 Sod. amytal  gr vi“O”.  Pt still restless, but states he can go to sleep.
1920Phospho soda  Z ii 
2000 Pt asleep at this time.
2100 Pt asleep.
2200 Pt asleep.
2300 Pt asleep.
2345Sod. amytal  gr iiiGiven “O”.
Pulse was not taken at 2130, 2230 because Pt was awakened at 2030 when it was taken.
Watch relieved.
2350       W. R. Breon, HN
2430 Pt asleep.  Pt resting at present.      [Kelley]
0130 Pt asleep.
0230 Pt asleep.
0330 Pt asleep.
0430 Pt asleep.
0530 Pt asleep.  Pt resting fine at present.

#31  [22]  April 3  Sunday
0630  Pt awake.  Sat up in bed and asked what time it was.  Pt now is just resting.
0730Insulin units 10
30 m/l
Given.  Pt still awake.  Pt restless.  Throws himself around in bed.
0745 Watch relieved.
      J. M. Kelley, HN
0750 Pt sleeping lightly, moving occasionally from side to side.      [Kipp]
0815 Pt ate a good breakfast.  Conversed slightly (said breakfast was very good).  Then turned over & closed his eyes.
0845 Pt seen by Dr. Smith.  Got up from bed & went into bathroom; but when the special watch followed him in he turned around & went back to his bed.
0915 Dr. Lang @ this time dropped by to inquire about Pt.  No remarks.
0940 Pt shaved & showered @ this time.  Still dizzy from sedation.  Pt shaves & showers with quick, exact movements.  Helped to clean shower room & make bed.

#32  [23]  April 3  Sunday
1000  Pt asked to see Adm. Swanson; Dr. Smith notified.  Pt states “It is of the utmost importance for the Navy.”  Slightly agitated.
1005Na amytal  grs vi, “O”Still asking for Adm. Swanson.
1010 Pt seen by Dr. Raines @ this time.
1040 Pt sleeping very soundly.
1130 Pt still sleeping.
1200 Pt was startled awake @ this time.  He got up immediately &, with the assistance of the corpsman, he went into the head, brushed his teeth & then took a cold bath.  He then went back to his bed, crawled into it & immediately fell asleep.
1225  Pt ate dinner; appetite fair.  Still groggy from sedation.
1240 Dr. Raines & Dr. Hogan to see Pt.
1330Crude liver extract  1 cc
Thiamin HCl  1 cc
      }  IM
1400 Pt sleeping soundly.
1445 Pt woke up just for a moment & then went back to sleep.

#33  [24]  April 3  Sunday
1500 B.P. 108/72, P 68Pt got up, took off his PJ pants, and stated that he was going to get dressed because someone was going to take him away from here.  When told that Dr. Raines would be up in 15 minutes, he said “Oh!”, put on his pants, & crawled back in bed.
1600 Watch relieved.    Iver P. Kipp, HM3
1600 Relieved the watch.  Pt doesn’t seem to be sleeping.  Pt is resting quietly.      [Breon]
1650Insulin 10 U Given.  Pt awake at time of injection.
1700 Adm. Swanson to see Pt.  Pt requested that Att. Gen. T. Clark be notified.
Pt awake at time of visit.
1725Reg. dietDinner served.  Pt did not eat a great deal.  Could not be talked into it.  He eats extremely fast.
1745Sodium amytal  grs vi
Fleet’s Phospho soda  Z i  in H2O  200 cc
Pt to head.
Back to bed.

#34  [25]  April 3  Sunday
1800 Back rubGiven.  Pt encouraged to brush teeth.  Back to bed.
1810175 cc  milkPt drank.  Did not want the whole glass.
1845 Pt up to head.  Very watery stools.  Pt given clean PJ pants.
1900 Pt resting quietly.
1905150 cc  H2OPt to head 3 times in 5 minutes for B.M.  Watery stools each time.  Pt states the Phospho soda must be good “stuff”.
1910 To head again!  For B.M.
1925 To head again!  For B.M.
1950240 cc  orange juiceTo head again.  B.M. seems to be nothing but water now.
2000B/P 92/58  P 60Pt talking in sleep.  Could not understand, but had something to do with “cabinet”.
2030B/P 80/52  P 54  R 20Nurse notified of B/P. e X  Seen by Dr. Hightower.
2045Coramine  1.5 cc  I.M. Given as ordered.
2055B.P. 86/54  P 54  R 18Pt sleeping.

#35  [26]  April 3 – April 4  Monday
2130 B/P 80/64  P 54  R 18Nurse notified.  Dr. Smith called.
2200B/P 78/62  P 54  R 20Pt opened eyes but closed them right away & went back to sleep.
2215 Pt stirring but still asleep.
2245 Pt up to head.  Clean PJ pants & bed changed.  Back to bed.
2300B/P 82/60  P 52  R 18Pt to head.
2330B/P 88/68  P 60  R 20Pt resting fine now.
2400B/P 90/70  P 56  R 18Pt sleeping.
2400 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
  Pt resting fine at present.      [Kelley]
0100 Pt sleeping.  Has been resting fine for the past hour.
0135150 cc  H2OPt to head for B.M.  Watery stool.  Pt asked for glass of H2O.  Pt then returned to bed.
0200B/P 90/70  P 59  R 18Pt resting fine at present.  Pt is not asleep.
0300 Pt sleeping.  Resting fine at present.

#36  [27]  April 4  Monday
0400 B/P 86/60  P 54  R 20Pt awoke while B/P was being taken.
0500 Pt sleeping.
0600B/P 98/62  P 56  R 18Pt sleeping sound at present.  Has been a little restless the past half hour.  Pt throws arms from side to side.
0630200 cc  H2OPt had some H2O then pulled the covers over him.  Pt trying to go back to sleep.
0650 Pt sprang up in bed and asked what time it was.  Pt then laid down.
0700 Pt not asleep.
0710150 cc  H2OPt went to head for B.M.  Watery stool.  Clean P.J. pants and then back to bed.
0745 Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelley, HN
0745 Assumed watch.  Pt asleep.    [Kipp]
0800B/P 102/70  P 60  R 16 
0810 Pt had a small BM, no solid particles.
0835Reg insulin  10 USeen by Dr. Smith & Dr. Hightower.
0855 Pt asking for breakfast.
0910 Pt ate an excellent breakfast.

#37  [28]  April 4  Monday
0920  Pt was asked to shave & shower.  He immediately complied.  Slightly groggy from medication but had no difficulties with this routine.
0925 Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1140Liver extract  1 cc
Thiamin HCl  1 cc
      }  IM
B/P 108/68  P 62  R 20
Weight 148
Pt conversing slightly.  Very abrupt questions about sp. watches, past and present life, about living conditions now, prices & naval career.
1220 Pt ate a good dinner.
1230 During relief watch Pt asked this corpsman “What religion are you?”  After reply – “Catholic” – he said “Don’t lose it.”  After a few seconds elapsed, corpsman asked “Are you Catholic.”  [Pt replied] “I was, but I lost it.  I would appreciate it if you would say a few prayers for me the next time you go to church.”
      J. C. Woods
1245 Pt desires to see Adm. Swanson.  Dr. Raines notified.

#38  [29]  April 4  Monday
1300 Sod. amytal  grs iiiPt sleeping soundly @ 1320.
1400P 54  R 16Pt only resting now.
1420 Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1500 Pt sleeping soundly.
1600BP 108/64  P 58  R 18Pt resting with eyes closed.
1620 Watch relieved.    Iver P. Kipp, HM3
1620 Assumed watch.    WRB
1630 Pt asleep.
1650Insulin  10 UGiven.  Pt awake asking if Dr. Raines will be up to see him this evening.
Coffee  150 cc
Milk  100 cc
Pt ate fairly well.  Drank some milk and coffee, ate a good bit of the rest.
Pt asked corpsman many questions as to Navy career, future, etc.
1735Na amytal  gr iiiGiven with 200 cc orange juice.  Dr. Raines to see Pt.  No orders other than what there is.  Pt awake.
1835 Pt asleep.  Adm. Swanson to see Pt.

#39  [30]  April 4 – April 5  Tuesday
1900  Pt asleep @ this time.
2000B/P 100/64  P 54  R 18Pt woke up to have B/P taken.  Went to sleep again.
2100Na amytal  gr iii
Back rub with alcohol
Given as verbal orders of Capt. Raines.
Pt has been in bed all evening.  Asleep a great deal of the time.  Pt changes positions frequently.
2200P 56  R 18Pt asleep at this time.  Skin feels slightly damp.
2300 Pt changed position but apparently still asleep.
2355 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
2400B/P 104/66  P 54  R 18Pt still asleep.  Has changed positions several times in the last few minutes.      [Kelley]
0100 Pt sleeping well at present.
0200P 58  R 20Pt sleeping at present.
0215 Pt awake.
0230 Pt now asleep.
0300 Pt sleeping.  Has been resting well so far tonight.
0400B/P 106/64  P 56  R 18Pt sleeping at present.  Pt moves from one side of the bed to the other.

#40  [31]  April 5  Tuesday
0500  Pt sleeping.  Pt has been a little restless the past hour.
0545 Pt awake.  Said he had a good night’s rest.
0600P 58  R 18
240 cc  orange juice
Pt had orange juice.  Said it was very good.  Pt then laid down and pulled sheet up over him.  Pt now resting.
0615 Pt asked what was outside?  Pt said he could hear the birds and wondered how the weather was outside.  Pt was given answer by corpsman.  Pt thanked corpsman, then laid down.
0700 Pt to head.  Pt then returned to bed.  Pt asked a few questions to the corpsman of his Navy career, also corpsman’s name and what state he was from.
0715240 cc  H2OPt given 240 cc H2O.
0730Insulin  10 UGiven.  Pt asked if Dr. Raines would be here this morning to see him.

#41  [32]  April 5  Tuesday
0750  Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelley, HN
0750 Watch assumed.  Pt awake, said “Good morning”.      [Kipp]
0800 Adm. Swanson to see Pt.
Breakfast served.
0810 Pt ate a small amt. of cereal, 1 piece of toast, drank his coffee, juice & only a small sip of milk.
0820 Pt shaved & showered.  Talked about psychosis; that is, his viewpoints on it in comparison with religious fanatics.  Asked me how many books I had read on N.P. [*] & did I plan on furthering my studies.
0830 Pt helped to make bed.
0845 Pt got up; sat in easy chair.  Was asked if he wished to smoke.  Pt paused, then said “Yes, I believe I do.”
0900 Relieved for pay day.
0930 Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1020 Dr. Menninger to see Pt.

[*  Perhaps neuropsychology or neuropsychiatry.]

#42  [33]  April 5  Tuesday
1100  Pt sitting in chair smoking pipe.
1120 Pt changed to rm. 1615 temporarily.
1125Sod. amytal  grs ivss 
1130BP 110/72  P 66  R 18Relieved watch for chow.    ( E. W. Prise, HN
Pt lying comfortably in bed talking with me.
1220 Pt up and to head.  Upon returning said “I’m afraid I won’t be a very good companion from now on because of the sedative.”  Pt quiet and resting.
1250 Relieved by reg. day watch.  Pt sleeping.  E. W. Prise )
1300 Pt sleeping soundly.
1400BP 108/74  P 60  R 18Pt awake.  Asked permission to see a padre.  Dr. Raines notified.  Pt was asked to wait until tomorrow until Dr. Raines could speak to him again.  Pt complied.

#43  [34]  April 5  Tuesday
1410  Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1615 Watch relieved.    Iver Kipp, HM3
1615 Assumed watch.    WRB
1630Sod. amytal  gr issPt awake resting quietly.
1640B/P 108/76  P 62  R 18Pt resting.
1650Insulin  10 UGiven as ordered.
1700 Pt asleep.
1725DinnerDinner served @ this time.  Pt awake.  Pt ate one egg and some spinach, dish of ice cream, 1/2 cup coffee & app., 50 cc H2O, 1 slice bread.
1755 Pt up to head to brush teeth.  Pt requested his back rub now.
1800Alcohol back rubGiven at Pt’s request.
Pt asking questions as to corpsman’s family & future.
1805P 56  R 18Pt quiet.
1835 Pt got up and said he wanted to see something.  He picked up the paper, put his glasses on, and started paging through the paper.

#44  [35]  April 5 – April 6  Wednesday
  He apparently didn’t find what he wanted as [i.e., by the time] Dr. Smith came to see Pt.
1900  Pt back in bed.  Dr. Smith left.
1950Sod. amytal  gr ivss
Phospho soda  Z ss
Given as ordered.  Pt still asking questions.
2000B/P 122/74  P 54  R 20Pt resting quietly.
2030 Pt up to head.
2100 Pt to head for B.M.  Watery stools.
2110 To head for B.M.
2130 To head 3 times since 2100.
2200P 54  R 18Pt apparently sleeping.
2300 Pt asleep.
2345 Pt tossing and turning.
2355 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
2355 Assumed watch.    (JMK)
2400B/P 114/70  P 58  R 18Pt sleeping.
0100 Pt is a little restless.
0130Na amytal  gr issGiven.
0200P 56  R 20Pt is still awake.  He has been

#45  [36]  April 6  Wednesday
  very quiet for the past half hour.
0230  Pt is still awake.
0300 Pt is awake but is very quiet.
0400B/P 96/58  P 46  R 16Pt sleeping fine at present.  Pt awoke while B/P was being taken.
0600 Pt asleep and resting fine at present.
0600P 52  R 18Pt asleep.
0640 Pt awake.  Pt asked what time it was.
0700 Pt still awake.
0730Insulin 10 UPt asking corpsman questions about his future.
0740 Relieved watch.    J. M. Kelley, HN
0745 Assumed watch.  Pt awake & to head.
[The handwritting of this entry differs from that of the previous and following entry.]
0915 Relieved watch.  Pt sitting up in bed.  Said he is feeling somewhat better.    E. W. Prise, HN
0945 Pt visited by Dr. Raines.
1200Sod. amytal  grs 4issDr. Raines left.  Pt given lunch.  Said “I’m very hungry.”

#46  [37]  April 6  Wednesday
1230  Relieved for chow.  Pt smoking and talking with corpsmen.    (E. W. Prise)
1230 Relieved E. W. Prise for supper.      [Water]
1245 Pt talking to corpsman.
1255 Pt seems very drowsy.
1300 Pt asleep.
1324 Relieved by E. W. Price [sic, Prise]    (W. M. Water)
1400P 56  R 16Pt sleeping very soundly.      [Prise]
1530Liver extract  1 cc
Thiamin HCl  1 cc
Pt awake.  Asked for book to read.  Also asked if Mrs. ~~~~ was coming to visit him this afternoon.
1545 Pt visited by wife & Dr. Raines.
1615P 52  R 18Pt’s wife left.  Pt resting nicely.
1640Insulin  10 unitsDr. Raines still in with Pt.
1645 Relieved the watch.    WRB
[The order of this and the following should be reversed.]
1645 Watch relieved.    E. W. Prise, HN
1700 Dr. Raines with Pt.
1725 Dr. Raines left.  Pt awake.
1730DinnerDinner served.  Pt ate fairly well.  Stated he couldn’t eat it all and it was

#47  [38]  April 6  Wednesday
  a shame to waste it.  He offered it to the corpsman on watch.
1750  Pt to head, brushed teeth.
1800B/P 114/66  P 58  R 18Pt resting in bed.
1900 Pt requesting back rub now.
1910Alcohol back rubGiven as ordered @ Pt’s request.  Pt resting quietly.
1915 Pt requesting his medication.
1920Na amytal  gr ivssGiven as ordered.  Pt resting quietly.
2000B/P 108/60  P 52  R 18Pt resting quietly.
2100 Pt asleep.
2200P 56  R 18Pt awake only short time while pulse was being taken.  Asked what time it was.
2230 Pt awake.  Taking fluids.
2300 Pt awake.
2320Na amytal  gr iiiAs ordered.  Pt quiet all evening.
2345 Pt asleep at this time.
Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN

#48  [41]  April 6 – April 7  Thursday
2345  Assumed watch.    JMK
2400B/P 110/62  P 54  R 18Pt asleep at this time.
0100 Pt asleep.
0200P 58  R 18Pt asleep.
0300 Pt asleep.
0400B/P 118/70  P 60  R 18Pt asleep.  Pt moved quite a bit while B/P was being taken.  Pt has rested very good so far tonight.
0500 Pt still asleep.
0600P 58  R 20Pt asleep.
0615 Pt awake.  Said good morning to corpsman.
0700 Pt awake.
0715240 cc  H2OPt to head.  Pt brushed his teeth while in head.  Pt then drank some H2O and then returned to bed.
0730Insulin 10 UGiven as ordered.
Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelley, HN
0730 Relieved night watch.
Pt awake sitting in bed talking.    E. W. Prise
0800B/P 1xx/66  P 6x  R 18Pt given breakfast.  States

#49  [42]  April 7  Thursday
 Wt. 150 3/4“That insulin makes you hungry and you don’t realize it.”
0810  Pt finished breakfast sitting up in chair smoking and reading.
0815 Pt given A.M. care.
0830 Visited by Dr. Smith.  Pt seems to be very pleased with the care he is getting.
0900 Dr. Smith left.  Pt pacing floor and smoking pipe.  Pt goes to head quite frequently.
0930Liver extract  1 cc
Thiamin HCl  1 cc
Pt walking around room talking to corpsmen [plural, may be an error] & reading front page of paper.
0945 Visited by Dr. Raines.
1130 Dr. Raines left.  Pt asked “When is chow?”
1155 Pt eating lunch.
1215 Relieved for chow.
1230 Lunch secured.
1235TPR 98-45-20Pt was very inquisitive as to his TPR.  He was told by the corpsman that it was normal.    (W. M. Water)

#50  [43]  April 7  Thursday
1300  Relieved by E. W. Prise.    (W. M. Water)
1330 Pt sleeping.
1400 Pt sleeping, is a bit restless.
1430 Pt awake.  Opened package which was a book then threw it in the waste can.  Asked for a pencil.  Then he wrote a list of something.
1500 Pt sitting in bed talking to corpsman.
1520 Pt visited by son.  When corpsman remarked on what a fine looking son he had, Pt said “Yes! He’s a fine boy.”
1600T.P.R. 98 4-58-18Pt visited by wife.  Appears to be in very good mood.
1630 Dr. Raines with Pt.
1645 Watch relieved.    E. W. Prise, HX
  Assumed watch.    WRB
1700 Dr. Raines with Pt.
1710Insulin  10 UGiven as ordered.  Dr. Raines gone.
1730DinnerDinner served.

#51 –  #53  missing  (1730+ April 7  to  1430 April 8) 

#54  [44]  April 8  Friday
1430  Pt awake.  Lit up pipe and asked “I’m supposed to have some visitors this afternoon.”
1515T.P.R. 98-58-18Pt sitting in bed very quiet.  Seems perfectly at ease.
1600 Pt visited by wife and son.
1630 Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1645 Watch relieved.    E. W. Prise, HA
  Assumed watch.    WRB
1720DinnerDinner served.  Pt ate fairly well tonight.
1730 Drank a little orange juice & some H2O.
1735 Pt requesting his tooth brush.
1800 Pt resting.
1830 Back rub requested.
1840Alcohol back rub.Given at Pt’s request.
1900 Dr. Hightower made rounds.
1945Na amytal  gr viPer order.
2000 Pt resting in bed.
2100 Pt still awake but quiet.

#55  [45]  April 8 – April 9  Saturday
2200  Pt apparently sleeping.
2300 Pt sleeping
2400 Pt asleep.
Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
2400 Pt asleep.      [Kelley]
0100 Pt asleep.
0200 Pt asleep.  Pt has been tossing and turning quite often.
0300 Pt asleep.
0400 Pt asleep.
0500 Pt awake.
0505 Pt went to head.
0515 Pt requested to see Dr. Hightower.
0517 Dr. Hightower seeing Pt.
0530 Pt asked questions about the weather.  Pt also asked who my relief was when I go off duty.
0600 Pt still awake.
0700 Pt awake.  Pt went to head.  Pt brushed teeth.

#56  [46]  April 9  Saturday
0735  Dr. Deen to get lab work.
0745 Relieved by watch.    J. M. Kelley, HN
0800Wt 150Relieved the watch.    (EWP)
 1st day of insulin sub-shock 
0815Insulin  20 unitsPt given insulin injection.  Asking about treatments.
0830P 52  R 18
B/P 106/80
Pt lying in bed very comfortably.  Visited by Dr. Smith.
0900 Pt sitting quietly in bed smoking.
0915P 56  R 18Dr. Smith left.  Pt sitting in bed reading.
0930B/P 110/76  P 52  R 18Pt lying quietly in bed with eyes closed.
0935 Pt visited by Adm. Swanson.
0955 Adm. Swanson left.  Pt resting.
1000B/P 116/82  P 56  R 18Pt sitting in bed smoking his pipe.  Asked “When do we eat chow?”
1015P 60  R 18Pt looking around room.  Resting nicely.
1030P 56  R 18Pt lying still in bed talking to Dr. Hightower.  Says he is feeling the insulin.

#57  [47]  April 9  Saturday
1045 P 52  R 18Pt up and to head.
1100P 54  R 20
B/P 110/82
Pt lying very still with eyes closed.
1115240 cc OJ  20 cc glucosePt terminated at this time.  Says he would like to have a very small lunch.
1145 Pt sitting quietly in bed.
1200TPR  98-56-20 
1230 Lunch served.
1250 Pt ate more of his lunch.
1305Sod. amytal  gr iiiOrdered by Dr. Smith on Pt’s request.
1307 Relieved by E. W. Prise.    W. M. Water
1310 Returned from chow.  Pt sitting up in bed talking.  Appears to be feeling fairly good.
1400 Pt sleeping.
1430Thiamin HCl  1 cc
Liver extract  1 cc
Pt woke up.  Struck up conversation with corpsman by saying “Prise, you must begin to regard your patients as animals in a zoo after a

#58  [48]  April 9  Saturday  (original incorrectly marked 4-10-49)
  while.”  When I told him I didn’t, he smiled and said “That’s good.”
1530  Pt lying in bed with eyes closed but is not sleeping.  Was given some saltines & orange juice on his request.  Complains of being hungry.
1545T.P.R. 98.4-58-18Pt resting nicely.
1600 Pt visited by wife.
1635 Wife left.  Pt in very good mood.
1645 Relieved by evening watch.    E. W. Prise
1645 Relieved the watch.    W. R. Breon, HN
1700 Pt resting comfortable.
1705 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
1730Dr. Smith left.
1740DinnerDinner served.  Pt ate fairly well this evening.
1800 Pt resting.
1900 Pt requesting back rub.

#59  [49]  April 9 – April 10  Sunday
1900 Alcohol backrubGiven as ordered & on Pt’s request.
1935TPR  98-56-18
B/P  128/82
Pt stated he did not want the sandwich tonight.
1945Na amytal  gr viGiven “O” as ordered.
2000 Pt resting.
2015 Dr. Deen made rounds.
2100 Pt apparently asleep.
2200 Pt asleep.
2300 Pt asleep.
2345 Watch relieved.    W. P. Breon, HN
2350 Assumed watch.    JMK
2400 Pt sleeping.
0100 Pt sleeping.
0115 Pt awake.  Pt asked corpsman what time it was.
0130 Pt now asleep.
0200 Pt sleeping.
0300 Pt sleeping.
0305 Pt awake.  Pt asked if window could be opened a little more.

#60  [50]  April 10  Sunday
0320  Pt went to head.
0400 Pt asleep.
0500 Pt sleeping.
0530 Pt has been tossing and turning quite a bit the past half hour.
0600 Pt asleep.
0615 Pt awake.  Pt asked what time it was.
0630 Pt to head.
0650 Pt to head to brush teeth.
0700 Pt just resting in bed at the present.
0740 Relieved watch.    J. M. Kelley, HN
0800 Pt given A.M. care.  Shave, shower, bed made etc.  Given a cup of black coffee.      [Prise]
 2nd day insulin sub-shock treatment 
0830Insulin  20 U
T.P.R.  97.8-52-18
B/P 132/96
Pt given insulin.  Is lying in bed smoking pipe.  No complaints.
0845P 54  R 18Pt lying quietly in bed.

#61 –  #64  missing  (0845+ April 10  to  0900 April 11) 

#65  [51]  April 11  Monday
  in bed smoking pipe.
0900 P 56  R 20Pt lying quietly in bed staring at ceiling.
0915B/P 126/88  P 52  R 20Pt resting.  Asked to see Dr. Raines.
0930P 54  R 18Pt up and to bathroom at this time.
0945B/P 130/92  P 52  R 18Pt visited by Dr. Raines.
1030B/P 124/104 
1100B/P 116/98 
1110B/P 128/102Pt terminated.
1120 Dr. Raines left.  Pt up walking around room.  Says he is very hungry.
120098.2-52-18Pt given lunch.  Appears to be very hungry.
1215 Relieved E. W. Prise for chow.
1315 Relieved by E. W. Prise.    W. M. Water
1315 Returned from chow.  Pt resting.    (E. W. Prise)
1320 Pt up and took a shower.
1330 Pt lying quietly in bed.  States he [is] going to try and catch a nap.

#66  [52]  April 11  Monday
1340  Pt sleeping.
1445 Pt awake.  Up walking around & smoking pipe.
1545 Pt sitting up in bed smoking pipe, waiting for wife to visit.
1600 Pt visited by wife and son.
1615T.P.R. 98.6-58-18Pt’s wife & son left.
1645 Relieved by evening watch.    E. W. Prise
1645 Relieved the watch.    (WRB)
Pt resting quietly in bed.
1700 Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1730DinnerDinner served.  Pt ate very well tonight.  New orders given.
1800 Dr. Raines gone.  Pt to head to brush teeth.
1825Metamucil  Z iWith 300 cc H2O.
1845Back rub (alcohol)
B/P 120/72
TPR 98.8-64-18
Given at Pt’s request.
Pt ready for bed.  Resting comfortable.
1900Na amytal  gr viGiven as ordered.

#67  [53]  April 11 – April 12  Tuesday
1910  Dr. Hightower made rounds.
2000 Pt awake, resting quietly.
2100 Pt asleep.
2200 Pt asleep.
2300 Pt awake.
2320Na amytal  gr iiiAs ordered for sleep.
2400 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
2400 Assumed watch.    (JMK)
Pt asleep.
0100 Pt sleeping.  Pt has been quite restless for the past half hour.
0200 Pt sleeping.
0300 Pt sleeping.
0400 Pt sleeping.
0500 Pt sleeping.
0600 Pt still sleeping.  Pt has slept good all night.
0630 Pt awake.  Pt asked what time it was.
0645 Pt to head.  Pt asked what time would his coffee be ready.

#68  [54]  April 12  Tuesday
0700  Pt awake.  Resting quietly.
0745 Pt asked if he could shave now before he had his coffee.
0750 Pt given A.M. care.
0800 Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelley, HN
 4th day of sub-shock insulin 
0800Insulin  35 U
B/P 112/86  T 98.8-62-14
Pt given insulin shot.  Sitting in bed.  Seems to be in a very good mood.    E. W. Prise
0815P 58  R 18Pt lying quietly in bed.  Is very cooperative.
0825 Pt visited by Adm. Swanson.
0840B/P 98/64  P 54  R 18Adm. Swanson left.  Pt has a slight perspiration.  Pt visited by Dr. Smith.
0930B/P 108/90  P 56  R 18Dr. Smith left.  Pt lying in bed talking.  Skin slightly flushed.
0945P 52  R 18Pt states he [“]should be very hungry by noon”.

#69  [55]  April 12  Tuesday
1000 P 54  R 18Pt sleeping.
1015P 56  R 18Pt still sleeping.
1030B/P 114/66  P 56  R 18Pt visited by Dr. Raines.
1100B/P 120/102  P 58  R 18Pt terminated.  Had a very slight shaking while drinking his dextrose & orange juice.
1200 Dr. Raines left.  Lunch served to Pt.
1210 Relieved for chow.    E. W. Prise
1230 Lunch secured.  Pt ate a very good lunch today.
1240T.P.R. 98.6-64-20 
1315 Relieved by E. W. Prise.    W. M. Water
1315Wt. 149Returned from chow.  Room cleaned & rug laid.  Pt resting quietly.
1430 Pt was up walking around.  Asked corpsman for cigarette.  Crawled into bed and smoked it.
1450 Pt visited by wife & son.
1515 Pt’s wife left.  Pt taking

#70  [56]  April 12 – April 13  Wednesday
1530  Pt visited by Dr. Raines.
1600T.P.R. 98.6-60-18Dr. Raines still visiting Pt.
1640 Relieved by evening watch.    E. W. Prise
1640 Relieved the watch.    WRB
1700 Pt resting quietly.
1730DinnerDinner served.  Pt ate fairly well.
1750 Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1820 Dr. Raines left.
1845Alcohol back rub
B/P 132/78
TPR 98.6-54-18
Given as ordered.
Pt seems slightly restless tonight.
1900Na amytal  gr viAs ordered.  Dr. Deen made rounds.
1930 Pt given sandwich and glass of orange juice.
2000 Pt awake.
2100 Pt asleep.
2200 Pt sleeping.
2300 Pt sleeping.
2400 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
  Assumed watch.    JMK

#71  [39]  April 13  Wednesday
2400  Pt awake.  Pt asked for something to put him to sleep.
2410 Pt to head.
2440Na. amytal  gr iiiPt now resting.  Said he was very pleased to get the pill.
0100 Pt still awake.
0130 Pt asleep.
0130 Pt asleep.
0200 Pt asleep.
0300 Pt asleep.
0400 Pt asleep.
0500 Pt asleep.
0600 Pt asleep.
0630 Pt awake.
0700 Pt resting quietly.
0730 Pt to head.
0745 Pt given AM care.
0750Wt. 148Relieved watch.    J. M. Kelley, HN
0750 Relieved the watch.      [Prise]
Pt sitting quietly in bed.  Given black coffee.  Appears to be in a very good mood this morning.

#72  [40]  April 13  Wednesday
 5th day sub-shock insulin 
0800 T.P.R. x78-54-18
B.P. 108/86
Insulin 40 units
Pt given insulin injection.  Lying very quietly in bed smoking pipe.
0815P 52  R 18Pt still sitting in bed smoking.
 P 56  R 18Pt sitting very quietly in bed.
0830B/P 116/92  P 52  R 18Pt visited by Adm. Swanson.
0850 Adm. Swanson left.  Pt still the same.
0855 Pt visited by Dr. Smith.
0940B/P 122/92  P 54  R 14Dr. Smith left.  Pt sitting quietly in bed.
0955 Pt complaining of dizziness.
1000B/P 122/88  P 62  R 20Pt sitting in bed reading mail.
1015P 58  R 18Pt reading mail.
1030B/P 120/92  P 58  R 18Pt’s skin is slightly flushed and cold.  Slight perspiration on upper lip & forehead.
1040 Pt visited by Dr. Hightower.
1100B/P xxx/92Pt terminated.  Asked for something

#73  [57]  April 13  Wednesday
  to go with orange juice and dextrose.  Given a piece of toast.
1130  Pt up and to head.  Says he is feeling fine.
1155 Pt’s lunch served.
1210 Relieved for chow.    E. W. Prise
1230TPR 98.6-68-20 
1305 Dr. Hogan & Pt’s brother came up to see him for a few minutes.
1420 Relieved by E. W. Prise.
      W. M. Water
1420 Returned to duty.  Pt sitting up in bed talking.    E. W. Prise
1435Liver extract  1 cc
Thiamin HCl  1 cc
Pt given injection.  Seems very friendly & very consoling [sic if meant considerate] toward corpsman.
1500 Pt visited by Dr. Raines.
163598-56-18Dr. Raines left.  Pt in very good mood.
1645 Watch relieved.
      E. W. Prise, HA

#74  missing  (1645+  to  2300 April 13) 

#75 (overwritten by 74)  [58]  April 13 – April 14  Thursday
2300  Pt awake.
2400 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
2400 Assumed watch.    (JMK)
Pt asleep.
0100 Pt asleep.
0200 Pt asleep.
0250 Pt awake.
0300 Pt resting fine.  Pt just about asleep.
0330 Pt now asleep.
0400 Pt asleep.
0500 Pt asleep.
0530 Pt awake.
0600 Pt awake.  Pt resting quietly in bed.
0700 Pt resting.
0715 Pt to head.
0730Wt. 148 
0740 Pt given black coffee.
0750 Watch relieved.  J. M. Kelley, HN
0750 Relieved the watch.  Pt asked if he could shave.  Given “razor”.      [Prise]

#76  missing  (0750+  to  1110 April 14) 

#77 overwriting 76  [59]  April 14  Thursday
1110  Pt sleeping.  Dr. Raines left.
1200T.P.R. 97.8-60-18Pt still sleeping.
1215 Relieved for chow.    E. W. Prise
1300 Returned from chow.  Pt sitting up in bed talking.
1400 Pt up walking around room.  Makes quite a few trips to the head.
1440Thiamin HCl  1 cc
Liver extract  1 cc
Pt back in bed.  Has taken a shower.  Resting nicely.
1500 Pt visited by son.
1515 Pt’s son left.  Pt resting.
1530 Pt visited by Dr. Raines.
1635 Relieved by evening watch.    E. W. Prise
1635 Relieved the watch.    (WB)
Dr. Raines still with Pt.
1705 Dr. Raines left.  New orders given.  Corpsman could not find Phospho soda.  Have to wait until nurse comes.
1715Dinner servedTray was brought in at this time.

#78 overwriting 77  [60]  April 14 – April 15  Friday
1745 Phospho soda  Z iGiven.
1800 Pt resting quietly.
1845Alcohol back rub
B/P 12x/xx  TPR 98.4-54-18
Given as ordered @ Pt’s request.
1905Na amytal  gr viGiven as ordered.
Pt eating crackers & cream cheese.
2000 Pt resting quietly.
2100 Pt resting quietly.
2130 Up to head.  More flowers brought into room.
2200 Pt awake.
2230 Pt asleep.  Dr. Deen made rounds.
2300 Pt asleep.
2345 Pt awake.
2400Na amytal  gr iiiWatch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
  Assumed watch.    JMK
0100 Pt sleeping.
0200 Pt sleeping.
0300 Pt sleeping.
0400 Pt sleeping.
0500 Pt sleeping.

#79 overwriting 78  [61]  April 15  Friday
0550  Pt awake.
0600 Pt awake.  Pt to head.
0700 Pt awake.  Pt asked for coffee, as soon as he could have it.
0730 Pt given A.M. care.
0745 Pt given coffee.
0800Wt. 150Pt’s bed made upon his request.
08157th day insulin sub-shock 
0820Insulin  45 units
T.P.R. 98.6-48-16
B/P 1xx/90
Pt resting.  Sitting in bed talking to corpsmen.
0830P 48  R 16Pt up and to head.
0845P 52  R 18Pt sitting up reading.
0900B/P 116/92  P 54  R 18Pt lying quietly in bed.  Pt visited by Dr. Smith.
0945P 54  R 18Dr. Smith left.  Pt resting in bed.
1000B/P 108/72  P 52  R 18Pt lying quietly in bed.
Talking to Dr. Deen.
1015P 54  R 18Pt reading book.

#80 overwriting 79  [62]  April 15  Friday
1030 B/P 114/72  P 50  R 18Pt resting quietly.
1035 Pt visited by Dr. Raines.
111545 cc  DextrosePt terminated.
1205 Pt given lunch.  Dr. Raines left.
Relieved for chow.    E. W. Prise
1300 Returned from chow.  Pt sitting in chair reading.
1340Thiamin HCl  1 cc
Liver extract  1 cc
Pt reading.
1350 Pt visited by Dr. Raines.
1505 Visited by a friend.
1600T.P.R. 98.2-58-20Dr. Raines & this friend left.  Pt up walking around room.
1645 Watch relieved.      [Prise ends]
1645 Relieved the watch.    (WB)
1700Phospho soda  Z iiGiven as ordered.
1710DinnerDinner served.  Pt ate good tonight.
1800 Pt up walking around room for last 15 minutes.  In bed now.
1845B/P 124/74
TPR 98.8-62-18
Taken as ordered.
Pt resting quietly.

#81 overwriting 80  [63]  April 15 – April 16  Saturday
1900  Dr. Deen to see Pt.  Hold off medication until 2000.  Verbal order, Dr. Deen.
2000 Pt stated he did not want his pills yet.
2055Na amytal  gr iiiPt only wanted one of his pills, at this time.
2100 Pt resting.
2115Na amytal  gr iiiPt wanted other pill & it was given.
2145 Pt asleep.
2200 Pt asleep.
2300 Pt asleep.
2400 Pt asleep.
Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon
2400 Assumed watch.    (JMK)
Pt asleep.
0100  Pt asleep.
0200  Pt asleep.
0300  Pt asleep.
0330  Pt awake.  Pt said he could go back to sleep.
0400  Pt is still awake.

#82 overwriting 81  [64]  April 16  Saturday
0415  Pt asleep.
0500 Pt sleeping.
0600 Pt sleeping.
0610 Pt to head.
0700 Pt lying in bed resting.
0730Wt. 150Pt to head.
0740 Relieved watch.    J. M. Kelley, HN
0745 Pt shaving.      [Prise]
 8th day of insulin sub-shock 
0800Insulin  50 units
B/P 112/78  T.P.R. 97.6-48-18
Pt given insulin injection.  Went to head and back several times.
0815P 50  R 18Pt lying quietly in bed.  Asked corpsman to explain how to take a blood pressure.
0830B/P 1xx/84  P 50  R 18Pt lying quietly in bed.
0845P 54  R 18Pt lying in bed smoking.
0900B/P 11x/x2  P 52  R 18Pt seems to be a little uneasy in making a motion, like he was “rolling pills”. [*]
0925P 54  R 18Pt talking with corpsman.
0930B/P 130/102  P 54  R 18Pt up and into head.  Complains of being thirsty.  Given cold water.

[*  Pill-rolling is a tremor in which the hand moves rhythmically as if manipulating small objects. It is symptomatic of generalized brain dysfunction.]

#83 overwriting 82  [66]  April 16  Saturday
0945 P 56  R 18Pt up and to head.
1000 Pt visited by Adm. Swanson.
1015P 54  R 18Dr. Swanson left.  Pt lying quietly in bed.
1030B/P 126/76Pt visited by Dr. Raines.
1100B/P 126/72
Dextrose  50 cc
Pt terminated at this time.
Has quite a bit of shaking and unsteadiness of hands.
1130 Visited by wife.
1200T.P.R.  97.2-58-18Pt’s wife & Dr. Raines left.  Pt lying comfortably in bed.  Asked if he would have time before lunch to take a shower.
1210 Pt given lunch.
1215 Relieved for chow.
1300 Returned from chow.
Pt sitting up in bed very quiet.
1310 Visited by Dr. Raines.
1530 Dr. Raines left.  Pt quiet.
1600 Pt writing letters.  Requests that corpsman take care of mailing them.
1645 Relieved by Breon, HN    E. W. Prise

#84 overwriting 83  [67]  April 16 – April 17  Sunday
1645  Assumed watch.    (WB)
Pt resting quietly.
1700 Pt resting.
1715DinnerDinner served.  Pt ate good this p.m.
1800 Pt resting quietly.
1845B/P 126/74  TPR 98.4-50-18Taken as ordered.
1900Thiamin chl.  1 cc
Liver ext.  1 cc
Milk of Mag.  Z i
Given now because it wasn’t given earlier.

Given as ordered.
Bed linen changed at Pt’s request.
2000 Pt apparently asleep.
2100 Pt awake.
2120Na amytal  gr iiiPt took only one capsule.  Stated he would take the other one if needed.
2140Na amytal  gr iiiAs requested.
2200 Pt awake.
2300 Pt apparently asleep.
2400 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
2400 Assumed watch.    (JMK)
Pt asleep.

#85 overwriting 84  [68]  April 17  Sunday
0100  Pt sleeping
0200 Pt awake.  Pt said he could go back to sleep.
0230 Pt sleeping.
0300 Pt sleeping.
0330 Pt awake.  Pt asked for some of the flowers to be taken out.  Said they were too strong for him.
0400 Pt now asleep.
0500 Pt asleep.
0600 Pt awake.
0630 Pt asked for windows to be opened further.
0700 Pt in bed resting.
0725 Pt shaved and (etc).
0800 Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelley, HN
0800 Relieved the watch.      [Prise]
0830T.P.R.  98-58-18Pt served breakfast.
0900 Breakfast finished.  Room cleaned.  Pt sitting in bed reading morning papers.
0930 Pt resting.  No complaints.
1000 Pt given tap water.

#86 overwriting 85  [69]  April 17  Sunday
  Enema with good results the second time.
1100  Pt has been back and forth to head several times in the past hour.  Seems very uneasy.
1130Metamucil  1 zSeen by Dr. Hightower.
1150 Relieved for chow.  Dr. Raines in to see patient.
1250 Returned from chow.  Dr. Raines still with Pt.
1415 Dr. Raines left.  Pt in fair mood.
1430 Pt sleeping.
1515 Pt awake.  Says he is hearing “little sounds” or noises.  When told it was the radiator he jumped up and turned it off.
1550Thiamin HCl  1 cc
Liver extract  1 cc
      }  IM
Pt lying in bed talking to corpsmen.
1635 Relieved by evening watch.    E. W. Prise, HA

#87 overwriting 86  [70]  April 17 – April 18  Monday
1635  Assumed watch.    WB
1650 Dr. Hightower here.  Doctor examined Pt’s rectum.  New orders given.  Chow served.  Pt did not eat too well tonight.
1730 Bed linen changed at Pt’s request.  Pt took a bath.
1750Metamucil  Z iGiven as ordered.
1800 Pt resting quietly.
1900 Pt resting.
1930B/P 12x/74  TPR 98.4-50-18
Alcohol back rub
Taken as ordered.
Given as ordered.
1950Na amytal  gr iiiPt ate some crackers & a little ice cream.
2015 Pt apparently asleep.
2100 Pt asleep.
2200 Pt awake.
2300 Pt asleep.
2400 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
2400 Assumed watch.    (JMK)
Pt asleep.
0100 Pt asleep.
0200 Pt asleep.

#88 overwriting 87  [71]  April 18  Monday
0240  Pt awake.  Pt to head.
0300 Pt still awake.
0345Na amytal  gr iiiAs ordered.
0400 Pt is just about asleep.
0500 Pt sleeping.
0600 Pt sleeping.
0645 Pt awake.
0700 Pt to head.
0745 Pt shaving and (etc).
0750 Assumed the watch.    WB
0750 Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelley, HN
 9th Day of Insulin Therapy 
0800Insulin  50 U
B/P 120/72  TPR. 98-54-18
Given I.M.
Pt resting in bed.
0810Metamucil  Z i
Wt. 149
Given.  Pt drank cup of coffee.
0830B/P 124/76  P 54  R 18Pt in bed cleaning fingernails.
0850 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
0940 Dr. Smith left.
0945B/P 130/76  P 52  R 18Pt up to head.  Stated he would read his mail later.
1000 Pt resting in bed.
1015B/P xxx/xx  P 56  R 18Pt slightly shaky.

#89 overwriting 88  [72]  April 18  Monday
1045 B/P 13x/76  P 60  R 18Dr. Raines in with Pt.
1100B/P 138/74Pt terminated with 50 cc dextrose in 240 cc orange juice.  Dr. Raines with Pt at this time.
1115 Dr. Raines left.
1200TPR  98.4-60-20Pt resting comfortable.
1215LunchLunch served.  Pt ate very well.  Watch relieved for chow.
1300 Pt up and about room helping corpsman straighten up room.
1400 Pt resting in bed.
1445 Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1530 Maintenance here to clean rug.
1630 Dr. Raines left.
1635Thiamin chl.  1 cc
Liver ex.  1 cc
Given as ordered.
Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
163598.6-58-18Assumed watch.    (JMK)
1700 Pt setting in bed reading paper.  Pt asked when chow would be served.
1715 Dinner served.  Pt ate very good tonight.

#90 overwriting 89  [73]  April 18 – April 19  Tuesday
1800  Pt resting quietly.
1815 Pt’s wife to see him.
1900 Pt setting in bed talking to his wife.
1915 Pt’s wife left.
1950Na amytal  gr iiiGiven as ordered.
2000134/74  TPR 98.4-56-20Pt resting at present.
2005 Pt to head.
2025 Pt to head.
2100 Pt seems to be asleep.
2200Na amytal  gr iiiPt awake.
2300 Pt asleep.
2400 Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelley, HN
0100 Pt sleeping.      [Prise]
0200 Pt sleeping
0215 Pt awake.  Requests that window be closed.
0230 Pt sleeping.
0300 Pt sleeping.
0400 Pt sleeping.
0500 Pt sleeping.
0530 Pt awake.  Had a very good night, except is quite restless

#91 overwriting 90  [74]  April 19  Tuesday
  in sleep.  Rolled & tossed quite a bit.
0535  Pt fell asleep again.
0630 Pt still sleeping.
0725 Pt awake.  Went to head.
0740Wt. 149Pt up & shaving.
0750 Pt finished shaving.
0755 Relieved by day watch.    E. W. Prise
0755 Assumed watch.    WB
 10th day of I.T. 
0800Insulin 55 U
B/P 120/78  TPR 97.2-52-18
Given I.M.
Pt had coffee & is now in head.
0815Metamucil  Z iGiven as ordered.
0830B/P 118/78  P 54  R 18Pt in bed resting.
0900B/P 126/82  P 52  R 18Pt in bed reading paper.
0915 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
0955 Dr. Smith left.
1000B/P 140/80  P 56  R 20Pt reading mail.  Seems slightly shaky.
1030B/P 138/78  P 56  R 18Pt up to head.  In bed now, resting quietly.
1100B/P 138/80Terminated with 55 cc dextrose in orange juice.

#92 overwriting 91  [75]  April 19  Tuesday
  Pt was perspiring profusely at termination time.
1145  Pt resting comfortably.
Relieved for chow.
1210Lunch.Served.  Pt ate very good.  Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1240 Dr. Raines left.
1245TPR  98.4-62-20Pt had B.M.  Pt states he did not have any good results.
1300 Pt sitting on arm of chair looking out window, smoking pipe.
1400Thiamin chl.  1 cc
Liver ex.  1 cc
Given I.M. as ordered.  Pt still looking out window.
1500 Pt trying to have B.M. but can’t get any results.      [Breon]
1600Liver extract  1 ccDr. Raines with Pt.
1645Thiamin HCl  1 ccDr. Raines left.
1645TPR  98.6-6x-18Assumed watch.    (JMK)
1700DinnerServed.  Pt ate very well tonight.
1715 Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1720 Dr. Raines left.

#93 overwriting 92  [76]  April 19 – April 20  Wednesday
1745  Pt to head.
1800 Pt resting in bed.
1815 Pt to head.
1820Metamucil  Z iGiven as ordered.
1830 Pt to head.
1845 Dr. Hightower made rounds.  Pt to head again.
1900 Pt resting in bed.
1905 Pt’s wife to see him.
1925 Pt’s wife left.
1930 Pt to head.
1950Na amytal  gr iiiGiven as ordered.
2000128/72  TPR 98.4-58-20Pt resting at present.
2100 Pt sleeping.
2200 Pt sleeping.
2300 Pt sleeping.
2400 Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelley, HN
2400 Relieved the watch.  Pt sleeping.    E. W. Prise
0100 Pt sleeping.
0150 Pt awake.  Went into head.
0200 Pt sleeping.
0300 Pt sleeping.
0345 Pt awake.
xxxx Pt sleeping.
04xx Pt awake.
0530 Pt lying in bed but not sleeping.

#94 overwriting 93  [77]  April 20  Wednesday
0610  Pt up to head.
0700 Pt lying in bed but not sleeping.
0735Wt. 149Pt up in head, shaving, etc.
0750 Relieved by day watch.    E. W. Prise
075011th day of insulinAssumed watch.    (WB)
0800Insulin  60 U
B/P 120/78  TPR 98.4-56-18
Metamucil  Z i
Phospho soda  Z i
Given as ordered.
Pt resting in bed drinking coffee.
0830B/P 130/80  P 56  R 18Pt resting.
0850 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
0920 Dr. Smith left.
0930B/P 130/78  P 54  R 18Pt’s feet a little cold.
1000B/P 162/80  P 54  R 18Pt perspiring quite a bit.
Resting comfortable.
1015B/P 150/78Pt still perspiring.
1030B/P 148/88  P 56  R 18Pt resting in bed.  Perspiring.
1100B/P 166/82  P 60Terminated with 60 cc dextrose in orange juice.  Perspiring at termination profusely.  Skin hot & clammy.
1200TPR  98-60-18Relieved for chow.
1300 Returned from chow.

#95 overwriting 94  [78]  April 20  Wednesday
1400  Pt up and about.  To head several times in last hour.
1500 Pt up.  Showered.  Had small B.M.  Dr. Raines here.
1630 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
1630Liver extract  1 cc
Thiamin HCl  1 cc
Assumed watch.    (JMK)
Dr. Raines still with Pt.
1645 Dr. Raines left.
1655 Dr. Hogan to see Pt.
1700 Dr. Hogan left.
1715 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
1725DinnerServed.  Pt ate good tonight.
1735 Dr. Smith left.
1750 Pt to head.
1800 Pt resting in bed.
1810 Pt to head.  Had good B.M.
1835 Pt to head for B.M.
1900 Pt resting in bed.
1915 Dr. Deen made rounds.
2000128/74  98.4-60-18Pt resting in bed.
2015 Pt to head.
2045 Pt to head.

#96 overwriting 95  [79]  April 20 – April 21  Thursday
2100  Pt resting in bed.
2130Na amytal  gr iiiGiven as ordered.
2200 Pt trying to go to sleep.
2300 Pt sleeping.
2400 Pt sleeping.
Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelley, HN
2400 Relieved the watch.  Pt sleeping.
2445Na amytal  grs iiiPt awake.  Complains of strange odor in room.    (E. W. Prise)
0100 Pt sleeping.
0200 Pt sleeping.
0300 Pt sleeping.
0400 Pt sleeping.
0500 Pt sleeping.
0600 Pt sleeping.
0610 Pt woke up.  States “I had a very good night.”
0620 Up to head.
0630 Pt resting.
0700 Pt shaving, showering, & etc.
0725Wt. 149Pt back in bed.  Given morning papers.
0750 Relieved by day watch.    (E. W. Prise)

#97 overwriting 96  [65]  April 21  Thursday
0750 12th day of I.T.Assumed watch.    (WB)
0800Insulin  60 U
B/P 98/72  TPR 98.6-60-20
Given I.M.
Pt had coffee & is now reading a paper in bed.
0830B/P 98/70  P 54  R 18Pt has been up walking around.  No objective symptoms as yet.
0845 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
0930B/P 128/70  P 54  R 18Dr. Smith left.  Pt resting in bed.
0940 Adm. Swanson to see Pt.
0955 Adm. Swanson left.
1000B/P 136/74  P 52  R 18Pt reading mail.  Slight perspiration.  Skin cool & clammy.
1030B/P 124/70  P 54  R 20Pt resting.  Perspiring.
1100B/P 132/60Insulin terminated with 60 cc Dextrose in orange juice.
1200 Pt sleeping.
1220Metamucil  Z iRelieved for chow.
1225LunchLunch served.  Pt ate good.
1300 Returned from chow.
Pt resting quietly in bed.

#98 overwriting 97  [80]  April 21  Thursday
1400  Pt up and about.
1500 Pt resting.
1515 Dr. Raines to see Pt.
Room cleaned.      [Breon]
1600 Dr. Raines with Pt.
1635 Assumed watch.    (JMK)
1700 Dr. Raines left.
1725 Pt’s wife & son to see him.
1730DinnerServed.  Pt ate good tonight.
1745 Pt’s wife left.
1800 Pt looking out of window.
1815 Pt now resting in bed.
1830 Pt to head.
1855Metamucil  Z iDr. Hightower made rounds.
1900 Pt smoking pipe looking out of window.
1930Na amytal  gr iiiGiven as ordered.
1935Liver extract  1 cc
Thiamin HCl  1 cc
Given as ordered.
2000130/72  98.6-60-20Pt resting.
2100 Pt asleep.
2200 Pt sleeping.
2300 Pt sleeping.

#99 overwriting 98  [81]  April 21 – April 22  Friday
2400  Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelley, HN
2400 Pt sleeping.      [Prise]
0100Na amytal  grs iiiPt woke up.  Asked for “sleeping pill”.
0200 Pt sleeping.
0300 Pt sleeping.
0400 Pt sleeping.
0500 Pt sleeping.
0600 Pt sleeping.
06x0 Pt awake lying in bed.
0650 Pt up to head.
0700Metamucil  Z iPt lying quietly in bed.
0730Wt. 149Pt in head, showing and etc.
0800 Relieved by day watch.    E. W. Prise
 13th day of insulin 
0800B/P 11x/72  TPR 98.2-52-18
Insulin  60 U
Assumed watch.    (WB)
Given as ordered.
0830B/P 126/70  P 52  R 18Pt seems restless this a.m.  Up and about looking out window.
0835 Adm. Swanson here to see patient.
0850 Adm. Swanson left.  Pt in bed now, reading morning papers.  No complaints.

#100 overwriting 99  [82]  April 22  Friday
0900 B/P 128/74  P 56  R 18Pt in bed reading paper.  Seems to be having no effect.
0915 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
1000B/P 130/66  P 52  R 18Dr. Smith left.  Pt perspiring and complains of feet being cold.  Pt tried to read mail but quit.  Seems to be in a fog.
1030B/P 146/68  P 56  R 20Pt perspiring.  Skin cold & clammy.  Resting quietly.
1100B/P 128/66    "Terminated with 60 cc dextrose in orange juice.  Dr. Hightower here for termination.  Pt perspiring profusely.  Slight shaking.
xxxx Pt sleeping.
xxxxTPR 98.4-56-18Pt awake.
xxx0 Pt’s son to visit Pt.
xxx5 Son left.
xxx0 Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1420 Dr. Raines left.
xxxx Pt up & about.
xxxxThiamin chl.
Liver ex.
1 cc ea.
Given as ordered.

[83] duplicates [79],  both are  #96 (overwriting 95)

[84] duplicates [81],  both are  #99 (overwriting 98)

[85] duplicates [82],  both are  #100 (overwriting 99)

[86] duplicates [79],  both are  #96 (overwriting 95)

#101 overwriting 100  [88]  April 22  Friday
1600  Gen. Patterson to see Pt.
1620 Gen. Patterson left.
Dr. Smith in with Pt.      [Breon]
1630 Assumed watch.    (JMK)
1700 Pt’s wife to see him.
1715 Pt’s wife left.
1730DinnerServed.  Pt ate good tonight.
1745 Pt to head.
1750Metamucil  Z iGiven as ordered.
1800 Pt resting in bed.
1830 Pt looking out of window.
1845 Pt to head.  Had good B.M.
1900 Pt resting in bed.
2000126/72  98.4-60-18Pt in bed resting.
2010Na amytal  gr iiiGiven as ordered.
2100 Pt resting quietly.
2110 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
2130 Dr. Smith left.
2135 Pt had sandwich and glass of milk.
2200 Pt asleep.
2300 Pt asleep.

#101  [87]  April 23  Saturday
2400  Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelley, HN
2400 Relieved the watch.  Pt awake.      [Prise]
0100 Pt sleeping.
0200 Pt sleeping.
0300 Pt awake.  Up and to head.
0400 Pt asleep.
0415 Pt awake.
0430 Pt out of bed.
0500 Pt awake.
0545Wt. 148 1/2Pt up walking around room.
0630 Pt resting.
0730 Pt in head shaving, showering and etc.
0755 Relieved by day watch.    E. W. Prise
075514th day of insulinAssumed watch.    (WB)
0800Insulin  60 U
Given I.M.
B/P 122/80  TPR 99.4-60-20
Pt just drank some hot coffee.  Temp. was taken – 100°.  Taken again after a few minutes.
0815Metamucil  Z iGiven as ordered.
0830B/P 126/80  P 56  R 18Pt in bed resting.

#102  [89]  April 23  Saturday
0900 B/P 128/78  P 60  R18Pt seems restless.  Sitting up in chair.
0915 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
0945 Dr. Smith left.
1000B/P 132/74  P 60  R18Pt perspiring profusely.  Skin cold & clammy.
1030B/P 138/82  P 72  R [ ]Dr. Hightower here.
1045 Terminated at this time with 60 cc dextrose in orange juice.
1100 Pt taking a shower.  Room squared away.
1125 The President of the United States [Harry Truman] here to see Pt.
1200 Relieved for chow.
1300 Pt resting in bed.
1400 Pt up in chair reading mail.
1500 Up walking around room.
1545 Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1600 Pt’s wife to see Pt.
1630 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
1630 Assumed watch.    (JMK)
Pt’s wife in with Pt.

#103  [90]  April 23 – April 24  Sunday
1645 Liver extract  1 cc
Thiamin HCl  1 cc
Given as ordered.
1700 Pt’s wife left.
1715 Dr. Raines with Pt.
1725 Dr. Raines left.
1730DinnerServed.  Pt ate very good tonight.
1800Metamucil  Z iPt had small B.M.
1900 Pt resting in bed.
2000128/72  98.6-50-18Pt resting quietly.
2030 Pt had a little lunch.  He ate very good.
2100 Pt resting quietly in bed.
2200 Pt resting quietly in bed.
2300 Pt appears to be asleep.
2400 Pt awake.
Watch relieved.    (JMK)
2400 Relieved the watch.  Pt awake.      [Prise]
0100 Pt still awake.
0200 Pt sleeping.
0300 Pt sleeping.
0400 Pt sleeping.
0445 Pt awake.
0500 Pt sleeping.

#104  [91]  April 24  Sunday
0550  Pt awake.
0600 Pt up & into head.
0700 Pt resting.
0715Wt. 149 1/2Pt sitting in bed talking to corpsman.
0730 Pt went to head.  Shaving, showering & etc.
0735 Pt talked to Dr. Deen.  When doctor told him he had a poor night because he did not take his sleeping pill, Pt said “They put it in my food last night.”  Nothing the doctor said would change Pt’s mind about this.  Pt also stated “The reason I know it was there, is because I could taste it.” [*]
0745 Relieved by day watch.    E. W. Prise
 15th day of insulin      [Breon]
0750B/P 128/84  T 98  P 52  R 18
Metamucil  Z i
Pt resting in bed.
Given as ordered.
0800Insulin 60 UGiven I.M.
Pt had coffee.

[*  Sodium amytal (amobarbital) has a slightly bitter taste.]

#105  [92]  April 24  Sunday
0830 B/P 126/78  P 56  R 18Pt up and about last half hour.  In bed now.
0900B/P 126/72  P 54  R 18Pt was up in chair reading paper.  Stated he could feel a reaction, so back to bed.
0930B/P 128/80  P 54  R 18Pt in bed resting.
1000B/P 118/76  P 56  R 18Pt in bed resting.
1030B/P 98/66  P 54  R 18Pt resting quietly.  Perspiring profusely.
1040 Terminated with 60 cc dextrose in orange juice per order of Dr. Deen.  Doctor still unable to convince Pt there were no sleeping pills in food.  Pt states he was fighting pills, that’s why he didn’t have a good night.
1115 Adm. Swanson & Adm. Pugh to see Pt.
1200TPR  97-60-18Pt resting quietly.
1220 Relieved for chow.
1230Dinner servedPt ate well.

#106  [93]  April 24 – April 25  Monday
1300  Pt resting.
1325 Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1620 Dr. Raines left.
1625Thiamin HCl  1 cc
Liver ex.  1 cc
Given as ordered.
1635 Wife to see Pt.
1640 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
1640 Assumed watch.    JMK
1700 Pt’s wife left.
1745DinnerServed.  Pt ate very good.
1800 Pt resting quietly in bed.
1900 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
1940 Dr. Smith left.
2000134/84  98.6-56-20Pt resting.
2100 Pt resting quietly.
2145Na amytal  gr iiiGiven as ordered.
2200 Pt resting.
2300 Pt asleep.
2400 Pt asleep.      [Kelley]
2400 Assumed the watch.    (E. W. Prise)
2430 Pt awake.
2440 Pt sleeping.
0100 Pt sleeping.
0110 Pt woke up and asked for another blanket.  Given one.
0115 Pt Sleeping.

#107  [94]  April 25  Monday
0200  Pt sleeping.
0300 Pt sleeping.
0400 Pt sleeping.
0430 Pt awake.  Asked if window could be closed.
0445 Pt sleeping.
0500 Pt sleeping.
0600 Pt sleeping.
0645 Pt awake.  Up and to head.
0700Wt. 149Pt up walking around room complaining of it being cold.
0730 Pt up and into head to shave, but changed mind & went back to bed.
0755 Relieved by day watch.    (E. W. Prise)
0755 Assumed watch.    (WB)
 16th day of insulin 
0800B/P 126/82  P 52  R 18Pt resting in bed.
0805Insulin  55 UGiven I. M.
0815Metamucil  Z iGiven as ordered.
0830B/P 12x/84  P 54  R 18Pt in bed smoking pipe.
0840 Pt up to head for a quick shave.
0900B/P 132/80  P 60  R 18Pt looking at letters & such.
0930B/P 146/80  P 56  R 18Pt up reading mail & the such.

#108  [95]  April 25  Monday
0940  Dr. Smith to see Pt.
1035 Dr. Smith left.
1040B/P 156/66  P 60  R 20Pt perspiring and resting in bed.
1100B/P 142/76  P 52  R 18Pt perspiring.
1105 Terminated with 55 cc dextrose in orange juice.
Dr. Hightower standing by.
1200 Pt sleeping.
1210LunchServed.  Pt ate very good.
1230TPR  98-64-18Relieved for chow.
1310 Returned from chow.
1330 Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1400 Dr. Raines left.
Pt up walking around room smoking pipe, reading his mail.  Room cleaned.
1435 Sec. of Defense Johnson to see Pt.
1500 Pt sitting in chair reading.
1530 Dr. Raines with Pt.
1640 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
1640 Assumed watch.    (JMK)

#109  [96]  April 25 – April 26  Tuesday
1700  Dr. Raines left.
1710Thiamin HCl  1 cc
Liver ex.  1 cc
Given as ordered.
1720DinnerServed.  Pt ate very good tonight.
1725 Pt’s wife to see him.
1750 Pt’s wife left.
1800 Pt resting quietly.
1900Metamucil  Z iPt resting.
2000134/74  98.4-62-18Dr. Smith to see Pt.
2005 Dr. Smith left.
2100 Pt resting quietly.
2200 Pt resting quietly.
2300 Pt resting quietly.
2400 Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelley, HN
2400 Relieved the watch.  Pt resting.      [Prise]
0100 Pt sleeping.
0200 Pt awake.
0300 Pt sleeping.
0400 Pt sleeping.
0500 Pt sleeping.
0515 Pt awake.
0600 Pt awake.

#110  [97]  April 26  Tuesday
0700  Pt awake.
0755 Relieved by day watch.    (E. W. Prise)
0755 Assumed watch.    (WB)
 17th day of insulin 
0755B/P 142/90  T 98  P 54  R 18
Wt. 148
B/P taken several times to make sure.
0800Insulin  55 UGiven I.M.
0810Metamucil  Z iGiven as ordered.
0830B/P 146/90  P 54  R 18Pt seems to be comfortable.  Resting in bed.
0900B/P 140/90  P 60  R 18Pt resting in bed.  No complaints.
0910 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
1010B/P 146/86  P 56  R 18Dr. Smith left.
1030B/P 150/84  P 60  R 20Pt in bed reading paper.  Perspiring, skin cold and clammy, slight shaking of hands.
1050B/P 152/78  P 60  R 18Pt resting.
1100 Terminated with 55 cc dextrose in orange juice.  During term. Pt ate his toast as usual.  After he finished that he picked up a card from some flowers he

#111  [98]  April 26  Tuesday
  had just received and took a bite out of it.  Then he asked for another piece of toast.  Pt drank 750 cc of orange juice in termination.  Dr. Hightower standing by.
1130  Pt up to head, shaving & showering.
1200TPR 98.4-76-20Pt resting in bed.  Remarked about card he had taken a bite out of.
1220 Relieved for chow.
1230LunchServed.  Pt ate good.
1305 Returned from chow.
1410 Pt up in chair reading book.
1500Thiamin HCl  1 cc
Liver ex.  1 cc
Given as ordered.  Pt up reading mail.
1520 Dr. Raines with Pt.
1645 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
1645 Assumed watch.   (JMK)
1700 Dr. Raines with Pt.
1720DinnerServed.  Pt ate good.
1800 Pt resting.
1915 Dr. Deen to see Pt.

#112  [99]  April 26 – April 27  Wednesday
1920  Dr. Deen left.
1930Metamucil  Z iGiven as ordered.
2000148/98  99-66-22Pt resting quietly.
2100 Pt resting quietly.
2200Na amytal  gr iiiGiven as ordered.
2300 Pt appears to be asleep.
2400 Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelley, HN
[ ] Relieved the watch.  Pt very quiet.      [Prise]
2435 Pt awake.
2445 Pt seems to have fallen to sleep again, is snoring.
0105 Snoring stopped.  Pt very quiet.
0200 Pt very quiet, appears to be sleeping.
0300 Pt has been very quiet.  Appears to be sleeping.
0305 Pt awake.  Talking to corpsman.  Up and into head.
0330 Pt appears to be asleep.
0340Alcohol to back for itchingPt awake.  Complains of back itching & window making noise.
0350 Pt quiet.
0430 Pt very quiet, apparently sleeping.

#113  [100]  April 27  Wednesday
0500  Pt sleeping.
0530 Pt very restless, but from sound of breathing is apparently asleep.
0600 Pt sleeping.
0626 Pt awake, very cheerful.
0645 Pt up walking around room.
0715Wt. 149Pt resting in bed.
0730 Pt in head shaving & etc.
0747 Relieved by day watch.    (E. W. Prise)
0747 Assumed watch.    (WB)
 18th day of insulin 
0750B/P 122/82  TPR 98.2-60-18Pt resting in bed.
0758Insulin  60 UGiven I.M.
0800 Pt given coffee.  Up walking around room.
0830B/P 134/86  P 60  R 18
Metamucil  Z i
Pt up in chair smoking.
Given as ordered.
0900B/P 140/86  P 60  R 20Pt reading paper.  Slight shaking of hands.
0905 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
1000B/P 132/78  P 60  R 18Dr. Smith left.
1030B/P 142/76  P 56  R [ ]Pt seems drowsy.  Perspiring.

#114  [101]  April 27  Wednesday
1050  Terminated with 60 cc dextrose in orange juice.  Twitching of arms and legs noticed, dropping off in sleep minutes at a time.  Dr. Hightower standing by.
1130 Pt asleep.
1150 Pt awake.  To head.  Taking shower.
1200TPR  98-64-20Relieved for chow.
1215LunchServed.  Pt ate good.
1240 Returned from chow.
1300 Pt resting in bed.
1400 Pt reading today’s paper.
1500 Reading mail.
1515 Dr. Raines to see Pt.      [Breon]
1635 Assumed watch.    (JMK)
Liver ex.
Pt’s wife to see Pt.
1700 Pt with wife.
1730DinnerServed.  Pt ate very good tonight.
1900Metamucil  Z iPt resting quietly.
1950 Dr. Hightower made rounds.

#115  [102]  April 27 – April 28  Thursday
2000 138/88  98.6-60-18Pt resting quietly.
2100 Pt resting.
2200Na amytal  gr iiiPt resting.
2300 Pt awake.
2400 Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelley, HN
2400 Relieved the watch.  Pt awake.  When corpsman tried to turn bed lamp off, Pt said “I think I’ll leave that on.  I can sleep anyway.”      [Prise]
0100 Pt very quiet.  Appears to be sleeping.
0200 Pt sleeping.  Bed lamp still on.
0300 Pt awake.
0340 Pt up rummaging through waste can, then went to head.
0400 Pt resting quietly.
0500 Pt very quiet.  Appears to be asleep.
0600 Pt awake.

#116  [103]  April 28  Thursday
0615  Pt very quiet.
0645 Pt awake.
7:30 Pt given shaving gear.  Lying quietly in bed.
(Note)  Pt left bed lamp on all night.  Whenever corpsman tried to turn it off, Pt said “Leave it on, I can sleep with it on.”
0745 Relieved by day watch.    (E. W. Prise)
0745 Assumed watch.    (WB)
 19th day of insulin 
0750B/P 128/80  TPR 97.8-54-18Pt resting in bed.
0800Insulin 55 U
Wt. 146 1/2
Given I.M.
Pt seems nervous more than usual this a.m.
0830B/P 126/80  P 54  R 18Pt resting in bed.
0900B/P 122/84  P 54  R 18Dr. Smith to see Pt.
0945 Dr. Smith left.
1000B/P 132/74  P 54  R 18Pt resting quietly in bed.  Seems depressed today.
1030B/P 146/88  P 60  R 18Pt seems to be drowsy.  Started to read papers several times but put them down.  Resting.  Does not seem to be perspiring much today.

#117  [104]  April 28  Thursday
1055 B/P 138/76  P 60  R 20Pt very quiet.  Seems to be in a “fog”.
1100 Terminated with 55 cc dextrose in 480 cc orange juice.  Color back in cheeks after one glass.
1115 Pt asleep.
1200 Pt asleep.
1215LunchServed.  Pt ate good.
1225 Relieved for chow.
1310 Returned from chow.
1400 Pt up taking a shower.  Bed changed.  Dr. Raines here for a few minutes.
1500 Pt resting in bed.
1530 Dr. Raines here to see Pt.
1600 Dr. Raines ordered a sandwich & milk shake.  Pt seemed to be having a delayed insulin reaction.
1655 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
1655 Assumed watch.    (JMK)
1700 Dr. Raines with Pt.

#118  [105]  April 28 – April 29  Friday
1720  Pt’s wife to see him.
1725DinnerServed.  Pt ate very good tonight.
1740 Dr. Raines left.
1820 Pt’s wife left.
1825Thiamin HCl
Liver ex.
      }  1 cc
Given as ordered.
1900 Dr. Deen made rounds.  Pt resting quietly.
2100 Pt resting.  Dr. Deen to see Pt.
2105 Dr. Deen left.
2140Na amytal  gr iiiGiven as ordered.
2200 Pt resting.
2300 Pt appears to be asleep.
2400 Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelley, HN
2400 Relieved the watch.  Pt sleeping.      [Prise]
2425 Pt awake.  Up and into head.
2445 Pt seems to be sleeping.
0140 Pt awake.
0200 Pt appears to be sleeping.
0300 Pt sleeping.
0400 Pt sleeping.
0500 Pt appears to be asleep.
0515 Pt awake lying in bed.
0600 Pt awake.

#119  [106]  April 29  Friday
0700  Pt awake lying quietly in bed.
0735 Pt in head shaving & etc.
0745 Relieved by day crew.    (E. W. Prise)
0745 Assumed watch.    (WB)
0800Wt. 149
Metamucil  Z i
Pt up walking around room.
0805B/P 118/78  TPR 97-56-20Pt resting & reading paper.
0810BreakfastServed.  Pt ate all his eggs, toast, cereal and drank his coffee & a little milk.
0900 Pt resting in bed.
0910 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
1000 Dr. Smith left.  Pt reading mail.
1025 Dr. Hightower here for a few minutes.
1100 Pt reading paper.
11x0 Pt’s wife here.
1205 Relieved for chow.
1245LunchServed.  Pt ate good.
1245TPR  98.6-76-20Returned from chow.
1300 Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1515 Dr. Raines left.  New orders given.

#120  [107]  April 29 – April 30  Saturday
  Read new orders.
1600 TPR  99.2-66-20Pt resting in bed.  Pt was smoking pipe 10 min. before temp. was taken.
1635 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
1635 Assumed watch.    JMK
1700 Pt setting in chair reading book.
1715DinnerServed.  Pt ate very good tonight.
1800 Pt resting quietly in bed.
1900 Pt in chair reading book.
2000124/74  98.4-62-20Pt resting quietly.
2045 Pt had a little lunch.
2100Na amytal  gr viGiven as ordered.  Pt resting.
2200 Pt resting.
2300 Pt appears to be asleep.
2400 Pt awake.
2400 Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelly, HN
2440 Relieved the watch.  Pt awake.  Pt complains of odor in room.  Says it smells like ether.      [Prise]
0100 Pt very quiet but not asleep.

#121  [108]  April 30  Saturday
0125  Pt appears to be asleep.
0200 Pt sleeping.
0300 Pt sleeping.
0400 Pt sleeping soundly.
0440 Pt awoke with a start, as if something had frightened him.  Jumped out of bed, walked to window, looked out, asked corpsman what time it was, opened door, and went back to bed.
0500 Pt appears to be asleep.
0535 Pt awake.  Insists that door to room be open.
0600 Pt awake sitting quietly in bed.
0700 Pt sitting in bed talking to corpsman.
0740 Pt in head, shaving showering, & etc.  Walking around room.
0800 Relieved by day watch.    (E. W. Prise)
0800 Relieved the watch    (CLM)

#122  [109]  April 30  Saturday
0935 Metamucil  Z iAssumed watch.    (WB)
0945Extra lunchServed.  Pt ate large portion of eggs, some bacon, and a piece of toast, and drank a glass of orange juice.
0955 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
1040 Dr. Smith left.
1100 Pt resting in bed.
1120Wt. 150Pt was not weighed early this morning.
1200TPR  99-68-22Pt resting in bed.
1205LunchPt ate well !
1210 Adm. Willcutts & Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1230 Relieved for chow.
1250 Dr. Raines with Pt.
1400Extra feedingPt ate large portion of egg salad & a glass of orange juice.
1430 Dr. Raines left.
1435Na amytal  gr iiiGiven as ordered.
1500 Pt resting very quietly, not asleep.

#123  [110]  April 30 – May 1  Sunday
1555 TPR 98.8-70-20Taken as ordered.  Pt very quiet.
1600Extra feeding.Pt stated he was not hungry but did eat a piece of toast.  He also stated he did not want tea, but drank 100 cc milk.  Pt very drowsy.    W. R. Breon, HN
1630 Assumed watch.    (JMK)
Pt resting in bed.
1640 Pt up to head.
1700 Pt reading paper.
1720DinnerServed.  Pt ate fair tonight.
1800 Pt appears to be asleep.
1900 Pt resting quietly.
1920 Dr. Hightower made rounds.
1930Metamucil  Z iGiven as ordered.  Pt resting quietly.
2200 Pt asleep.
2300 Pt asleep.
2410 Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelley, HN
2410 Relieved the watch.  Pt woke up.      [Prise]

#124  [111]  May 1  Sunday
  Went into head and is taking a shower.
2420  Pt out of head.  Back in bed.
2435 Pt appears to be asleep.
0100 Pt sleeping.
0200 Pt sleeping.
0300 Pt sleeping.
0400 Pt sleeping.
0500 Pt woke up.
0515 Pt appears to be sleeping.
0600 Pt sleeping.
0615 Pt awake.
0700 Pt resting quietly in bed.
0730 Pt up walking around room.
0745 Relieved by day watch.    (E. W. Prise)
0745 Assumed watch.    (WB)
Pt to head shaving & showering.  Bed linen changed.
0800Metamucil  Z iGiven as ordered.
Wt. 149
Served.  Pt ate very good.
Resting now, smoking pipe.
0900Thiamin chl.  1 cc
Liver ex.  1 cc
Given as ordered.
0905B/P 11x/7x  TPR 98.2-64-18Pt resting.

#125  [112]  May 1  Sunday
0930  Extra feeding was brought up from galley.  Pt stated he did not want anything.  He said he couldn’t eat a thing.  The tray was left there and he drank 150 cc milk and took a couple bites from the eggs.  Dr. Hightower made rounds.
1000 Pt resting in bed.
1100 Pt sitting in chair reading.
1125 Adm. Swanson with Pt.
1145 Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1200LunchServed.  Pt ate fairly well.
1310 Dr. Raines left.
1315Na amytal  gr iiiGiven as ordered.
1400 Pt resting in chair.
1500 Pt asleep.
1550 Wife to visit Pt.    W. R. Breon, HN
1620 Assumed watch.    (JMK)
1700 Pt resting quietly.
1710DinnerServed.  Pt ate very good tonight.
1800 Pt resting quietly.
1845Metamucil  Z iGiven as ordered.

#126  [113]  May 1 – May 2  Monday
1930  Dr. Hightower made rounds.
2000124/72  98.4-62-22Dr. Hightower with Pt.
2100 Pt resting fine.  Pt given luncheon.  Pt ate fair.  Stated that he wasn’t hungry but he would eat a little.
2110Na amytal  gr viGiven as ordered.
2200 Pt appears to be asleep.
2300 Pt asleep.
2400 Watch relieved.    J. M. Kelley, HN
2400 Assumed the watch.  Pt asleep.    (E. W. Prise)
0100 Pt sleeping.
0200 Pt appears to be sleeping.
0300 Pt sleeping.
0400 Pt sleeping.
0500 Pt asleep.
0600 Pt asleep.
0620 Pt awake.  Up and into head.
0700 Pt sitting in bed.  Appears to be in deep thought.
0725 Pt given shaving gear.
0740 Into head, shaving & etc.    E. W. Prise
0750 Relieved watch.    (WB)

#127  [114]  May 2  Monday
0800 Insulin 40 U
B/P 110/68  TPR 98.2-56-18
Given as ordered.
Pt given black coffee.
0830B/P 110/66  P 54  R 18Pt seems restless this a.m.  Up in chair reading paper.
0850 Adm. Swanson here to see Pt.
0900B/P 120/78  P 56  R 18Pt starting to perspire a little.  Pt seems rather nervous.  Has a glassy stare about him.
0930B/P 126/80  P 60  R 18Pt. still seems nervous.  Quite a bit of limb movement.  Skin cold and clammy.  Pt keeps picking at forehead.
0950 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
1025 Dr. Smith left.  Pt seems very drowsy.
1030B/P 124/66  P 66  R 18Pt is half asleep.  Perspiration seems to have subsided, but skin is still cold.  It does not feel wet.
1055B/P 124/68  P 68  R 20Pt terminated with 40 cc dextrose in 250 cc orange juice.  Dr. Hightower standing by.
1120 Pt reading mail.  Doctor left.

#128  [115]  May 2  Monday
1130  Pt to head.  Showering.
1155TPR  97.8-62-20
Metamucil  Z i
Pt up and about.
Given with water.
1205LunchServed.  Pt ate very good.
1300 Pt resting quietly.
1400 Pt in head.
1445 Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1500Extra feedingGiven at this time.
1615 Dr. Raines with Pt and wife.
1620 Dr. Raines left.
1625 Wife left.
1630Thiamin chl.
Liver ex.
      }  1 cc
Given I.M. as ordered.
1640 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
1640 Assumed the watch.  Pt resting.    (E. W. Prise)
1730DinnerServed.  Pt ate fairly good.
1755 Pt finished dinner.  Sitting in chair smoking & reading.
1820Metamucil  Z iPt in bed resting.
1900 Pt pacing floor & smoking.  Seems to be in deep thought.
1930 Pt visited by Dr. Deen.
2000 Pt resting.
2030 Pt asked for evening feeding.

#129  [116]  May 2  Monday
2040 Extra feedingPt ate very little of extra feeding.
(Note) Pt seems very uneasy when there is any lights on in room.  Has told corpsman several times that he prefers to have room pitch dark.
2100 Pt refuses to take Na amytal until 2200.  Setting quietly in bed.
2200 Pt still refuses to take medication.
Storm was blowing rain in window but when corpsman tried to close it, Pt said “Leave the window open.”  Pt has been pacing floor for past hour as if he could not decide what to do.
2210 Pt states “If that was a synthetic storm it was a good one.”  When asked

#130  [117]  May 2 – May 3  Tuesday
  what he meant by a “synthetic storm” he replied, “You know, you can produce rain by sprinkling something in the stratosphere.”
22xx Pt seen by Dr. Deen.
2245  Pt still awake.
2400 Relieved by night watch.    (E. W. Prise)
2400 Assumed watch.  Pt apparently asleep.    [Stuthers]
2430 Pt awake, asked to have windows open.  Wind blowing on metal blinds causing them to bang against screen.
 Pt apparently asleep.
0115 Pt asleep.
0200 Pt asleep.
0300 Pt asleep.
0330 Pt to head.
0334 Pt back to bed.
0415 Pt asleep.
0500 Pt asleep.

#131  [118]  May 3  Tuesday
0530  Pt awake.  Tossing & turning in bed.
0555 Pt to head.
0600 Pt back to bed, not asleep.
0630 Pt awake.
0700 Pt awake.  Pt said he was sleepy.
0730 Pt paid $1.60 to newsboy for 4 weeks papers.  Pt seems to be in deep thought.  Continually scratching the right side of his head with his little & ring finger.
0745 Watch relieved.    [Stuthers]
0745 Assumed watch.    (WB)
0755B/P 134/80  TPR 98-56-18Pt given coffee.
0800Insulin  35 UGiven I.M.
0805Metamucil  Z iTaken as ordered.
0830B/P 128/78  P 60  R 18Pt resting in bed.
0850 Adm. Swanson to see Pt.
0900B/P 132/80  P 60  R 18Adm. Swanson left.
0910 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
0950 Dr. Smith left.
1000B/P 136/70  P 60  R 18Pt resting quietly in bed.

#132  [119]  May 3  Tuesday
  Seems to be half asleep.
1030 B/P 144/78  P 60 R 20Pt doesn’t seem to be having much of a reaction.  Pt resting quietly, almost asleep.
1045 Dr. Hightower here.
1100B/P 134/78  P 60 R 18Terminated with 35 cc dextrose in orange juice.
1155TPR  98-62-20Pt sitting in chair.
1210Lunch.Served.  Pt ate very well.
1300 Pt sitting in chair reading.
1400 Pt still reading.      [Breon]
1500Thiamin chl.
Liver ex.
      }  1 cc ea.
Pt visited by Dr. Raines.
1545 Pt visited by wife.
1645 Relieved the watch.    (E. W. Prise)
[delayed signature, handwriting indicates relieved watch at 1500]
Pt’s wife still visiting.
1700Metamucil  Z iPt appears to be in a very good mood.
1715DinnerServed.  Pt seemed worried about getting too much on tray.
1730 Pt finished dinner.  Ate fairly good tonight.
1800 Pt sitting in chair.  Seems to be in deep thought.
1845 Pt sitting in chair reading.

#133  [120]  May 3 – May 4  Wednesday
1940  Pt seen by Dr. Hightower.
Pt seems to be in [blank]
2000 Doctor still with Pt.
Dr. Hightower removed rose thorn from Pt’s right index finger.
2040 Pt given evening feeding.
2100Na amytal  gr viPt resting quietly.
2145 Pt seems to be asleep.
2230 Pt sleeping.
2300 Pt sleeping.
2400 Relieved by night watch.
Pt sleeping.    (E. W. Prise)
2400 Pt sleeping.  Assumed watch.    cfs
2430 Pt restless, tossing & turning although appears to be asleep.
0100 Pt asleep.
0200 Pt asleep.
0300 Pt asleep.
0330 Pt very quiet.  Appears to be asleep, no movement.
0400 Pt asleep.
0500 Pt asleep.
0520 Pt awake, to head.

#134  [121]  May 4  Wednesday
0500  Pt back to bed.
Resting quietly in bed.
0600 Pt awake.  Appears drowsy.
0630 Pt awake.
0700 Pt awake, to head.
0710 Pt back to bed.
0730 Pt to head, shave & shower.    C. Stuthers
0750 Assumed watch.    (WB)
0755B/P 128/84  TPR 98.6-60-20Pt up drinking coffee.
0800Insulin  35 UGiven I.M.
0815Metamucil  Z iGiven as ordered.
0830B/P 120/86  P 64  R 18Pt resting in bed at time of B/P, then up fooling around with blinds.
0930B/P 144/76  P 64  R 18Pt up walking around.  Complaining of not having enough air in room.
0940 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
0950B/P 144/80  P 60  R 18Pt resting in bed.  Seems to be in a fog.  Slight perspiration.

#135  [122]  May 4  Wednesday
1030 B/P 144/82  P 60  R 18Pt resting in bed.  Slight perspiration.  Skin cold and somewhat clammy.
1055B/P 130/82  P 64  R 18Dr. Hightower here.
1100 Terminated with 35 cc dextrose in orange juice.
1155TPR 98.2-80-20
Pt up walking around room, eating crackers.
Served.  Pt ate very well.
1300 Pt resting in bed.
1400 Dr. Smith here for a few minutes.
1500 Pt sitting in chair reading.
1515Extra feeding.Pt ate most of this.
1530Thiamin chl.
Liver ex.
      }  1 cc ea.
Given as ordered.
1540 Dr. Raines to see Pt.
1xxx Wife to see Pt.
1645 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
1645 Relieved the watch.    (E. W. Prise)
1720 Dr. Raines left.  Pt seems very cheery this evening.
17xxDinnerPt served dinner.
1750 Pt finished dinner.  Ate

#136  [123]  May 4 – May 5  Thursday
  very good.
1830  Pt sitting in chair reading.
1900 Pt seen by Dr. Deen.
1915 Dr. Deen left.  Pt in unusually good mood.
200098.8-66-20Pt sitting in bed thinking.
2030 Pt resting very quiet.
2100Extra feeding.Served.  Pt ate fair.
2110Na amytal  grs viPt resting quietly.
2200 Pt resting quietly.
2225 Pt sleeping.
2300 Pt sleeping.
2400 Pt appears to be sleeping.
0100 Pt sleeping.
0115 Relieved by night watch.    (E. W. Prise)
0115 Assumed watch.    (C. Stuthers)
Pt appears to be sleeping.
0200 Pt appears to be sleeping.
0300 Pt asleep.
0400 Pt asleep.
0500 Pt asleep.
0545 Pt awake.
0600 Pt awake.

#137  [124]  May 5  Thursday
0630  Pt awake, resting quietly.
0700 Pt awake.
0730 Pt to head.
0750 Relieved by day crew.    C. Stuthers
0750 Assumed watch.      [Breon]
Pt still in head shaving at 0800.
0802Insulin  35 U
B/P 130/84  TPR 98-64-20
Pt drinking coffee.
0820Metamucil  Z iGiven as ordered.
0830B/P 129/80  P 62  R 20Pt up reading paper.
0900B/P 118/80  P 60  R 18Pt sat up in bed and pulled the call-light out of the wall.  Then he tried to plug the radio in where the ear-phones go.  Adm. Swanson here to see Pt.
0920 Dr. Smith here.
0950 Dr. Smith left.
1000B/P 130/76  P 60  R 18Pt seems very restless.  He kept clicking fingers when B/P was being taken.
In bed reading.
1030B/P 138/80  P 60  R 18Pt perspiring somewhat.  Skin cold & clammy.

#138  [125]  May 5  Thursday
1040  Dr. Hightower here.
1055B/P 130/76  P 60  R 18Pt resting quietly.
11x0 Terminated with 35 cc dextrose in orange [juice] with 2 pieces of toast, some crackers & cheese.
1120 Pt asleep.
1200TPR 97-62-18Pt resting.
1210 Relieved for chow.
1215LunchServed.  Pt ate fairly well.
1245 Returned from chow.
1300 Pt resting in bed.  Continuously picking at right forehead.
1400 Pt up walking around room.
1430Thiamin chl.
Liver ex.
      }  1 cc ea.
Pt sitting in chair resting.
1435 Dr. Raines here to see Pt.
1500Extra feedingPt ate most of it.
1610 Dr. Raines left.
1615 Wife to see Pt.
1630 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
1630 Relieved watch.  Pt’s wife still visiting Pt.    (E. W. Prise)
1645 Pt paid $1.60 to newsboy for papers.
1715 Pt’s wife left.  Pt walking about room.  Appears to be in good mood.

#139  [126]  May 5 – May 6  Friday
1735 DinnerServed.  Pt seems to have a good appetite.
1755 Pt finished dinner.  Ate very good.  Sitting quietly in bed.
1830 Pt sitting quietly in chair thinking.
1910 Pt visited by Dr. Hightower.
193098.6-66-22Pt given pitcher of orange juice upon his request.
2000 Pt sitting quietly in chair.
2100Extra feedingPt requested a glass of milk & a sandwich.
2115Na amytal  grs viPt finished extra feeding.  Ate fair.
2200 Pt walking around room.  Complains of it being “unbearably hot in room”.
2300 Pt resting.  Still awake.
2400 Relieved by night watch.    (E. W. Prise)
2400 Assumed watch.  Pt awake.      [Stuthers]
2430 Pt awake.  Complains of heat.

#140  [127]  May 6  Friday
0100  Pt awake.
0130 Pt awake.  Room hot, has odor of stale tobacco, probably pipe.
0215 Pt asleep.
0230 Pt asleep.
0300 Pt asleep.
0310 Pt awake.  Complains of heat.
0330 Pt awake.
0340 Pt asleep.
0400 Pt asleep.
0430 Pt asleep.
0500 Pt asleep.
0530 Pt asleep.
0600 Pt asleep.
Pt seemed restless & agitated most of night.  Did not rest well.
0700 Pt awake.
0715 Pt awake.  To head.
0730 Pt awake.  Walking about room.
Relieved by day crew.    (C. Stuthers)

#141  [128]  May 6  Friday
0755 Insulin  35 U  IM
B/P 132/84  99.2-58-20
Relieved the watch.  Insulin given as ordered.      [Prise]
0810Metamucil  Z iGiven as ordered.
0830B/P 128/88  P 62  R 20Pt sitting in bed.
0900B/P 124/82  P 62  R 20Pt lying quietly in bed.
0920 Pt visited by Dr. Smith.
0950B/P 132/74  P 56  R 20Dr. Smith left.  Pt sitting in chair.  Has a slight twitching of arms & legs.  Skin cold & clammy & very flushed.
1040P 62  R 22Pt started to ask corpsman something but all he could say was “I’ll have a little.”  When corpsman asked Pt what was wrong he stated  “I !  I can’t think”  and got a frightened look on his face.

#142  [129]  May 6  Friday
1055 B/P 140/88  P 54  R 18
Dextrose  35 cc
Pt terminated by Dr. Hightower.
1115 Pt says he thinks he has pretty well pulled out of it now.
1205LunchServed.  Pt has been dozing for the past 45 minutes.
1230 Pt visited by Dr. Raines.
1425 Dr. Raines left.  Pt taking a shower.
1440 Pt visited by son.
1450Thiamin chl.  1 cc
Liver ex.  1 cc
Pt’s son left.  Pt resting quietly in bed.
1510Extra feedingPt lying quietly in bed.
1515 Pt ate very good.  Resting quietly.
1600 Pt visited by Dr. Smith.
16xx Dr. Smith left.  Pt visited by wife.
1645 Relieved by evening watch.    (E. W. Prise)
1645 Assumed the watch.    (WB)
1650 Wife left.
1700 Pt up walking around room.
1725 The President of the United States [Harry Truman] to see Pt.
  [further entries, if any, missed by photocopy]

#143  [130]  May 6 – May 7  Saturday
1735 DinnerServed.  Pt stated he did not want much but he did eat all.
1925 Dr. Hightower here.
2000B/P 106/74  TPR 98.8-64-18Pt resting quietly.
2050Extra feedingPt ate half a sandwich and 1/2 glass milk.
2100Na amytal  gr viTaken as ordered.
2200 Pt very quiet.  Apparently asleep.
2300 Pt apparently asleep.
2345 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
2400 Assumed watch.  Pt apparently sleeping.      [Stuthers]
0100 Pt asleep.
0200 Pt asleep.
0300 Pt asleep.
0400 Pt asleep.
0500 Pt asleep.
0510 Pt awake, lying quietly in bed.
0530 Pt awake.
0600 Pt awake.
Pt slept well, in spite of heat

#144  [131]  May 7  Saturday
  of room.
0630  Pt awake.
0700 Pt awake.
0715Wt. 150Pt to head, shave.
0750 Relieved by day crew.    C. Stuthers
0750 Assumed watch.    (WB)
0800B/P 120/78  TPR 98-56-18Pt resting in bed.  Pt would not give razor to other corpsman.  Day corpsman got it when policing head.
0900Metamucil  Z iPt up for last hour.
0930 Dr. Smith here.
1015 Dr. Smith left.
1100 Pt sitting in chair.
1120 Dr. Raines here.
1230LunchPt ate fairly well.
1350 Dr. Raines left.
1355Na amytal  gr iiiGiven as ordered.
1400Thiamin HCl
Liver ex.
      }  1 cc ea.
Given.  Pt resting in bed.
1500 Pt resting in bed.  Extra feeding not sent up from galley.
1515Extra feeding.Pt ate half of sandwich & drank a glass of milk.
Pt resting in bed.  Up several times to head.

#145  [132]  May 7 – May 8  Sunday
1600 TPR  98.8-66-20Pt resting in bed.
1650 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
1650 Relieved the watch.  Pt resting.    (E. W. Prise)
1710DinnerServed.  Pt seems a bit drowsy.
1725 Pt finished dinner.  Resting quietly.
1740 Pt visited by wife.
1810 Pt’s wife left.  Pt resting.
1900 Pt resting nicely.
1925 Pt visited by Dr. Deen.
1950 Dr. Deen left.  Pt sitting in bed smoking.
2100Extra feeding.Pt ate very well.
2115Na amytal  gr ivPt given “sleeping pills”.  xxxx quietly in bed.
2200 Pt very quiet.
2245 Pt sleeping, or appears to be sleeping.
2330 Pt awake talking xxxx.
2400 Relieved by night watch.    (E. W. Prise)
2400 Assumed watch.  Pt appears to be sleeping.    C. Stuthers

#146  [133]  May 8  Sunday
0100  Pt asleep.  Room cool.
0200 Pt asleep.
0300 Pt asleep.
0315 Pt awake.  Asked if the corpsman was cold, remarked about change in weather.
0345 Pt appears to be sleeping very quiet.
0400 Pt asleep.
0500 Pt asleep.
0530 Pt awake.
0600 Pt awake, lying quietly in bed.
0700 Pt awake.
0730 Pt to head, shave.
0755 Relieved by day watch.    (C. Stuthers)
0755 Assumed watch.    (WB)
0805Wt. 150 1/2Dr. Deen here.
0810BreakfastPt ate fairly well.  Stated he didn’t want much but he ate good.
0845Metamucil  Z iTaken.
0900 Resting quietly.
1000 Resting.

#147  [134]  May 8  Sunday
1100  Pt resting in bed.
1120 Dr. Raines here.
1145LunchServed.  Pt ate fairly well.
1335Na amytal  gr iiiGiven as ordered.  Dr. Raines left.  New orders given.
1400 Pt resting in bed.
1500 Pt slightly nervous.  Up walking around room.
1530Extra feeding.Pt did not eat much.  Half a sandwich and small amount of milk.
1600TPR  98.x-60-18Pt resting in bed.
1640 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
1640 Relieved the watch.    E. W. Prise, HA
1740DinnerServed.  Pt sent part of it back.
1800Multi-vit tab’tPt finished dinner.  Ate fairly good.
1900 Pt sitting in chair reading.  Is in very good mood.
2000T 98.6  P 60  R 20Pt still reading.
2100Extra feedingPt has taken cover off of night light to unscrew light

#148  [135]  May 8 – May 9  Monday
  and is unable to replace it.
2110 Na amytal  grs viPt finished evening feeding.  Ate very little.
2200 Pt awake.  Has been walking about room for past hour.
2250 Pt requested a “coke”.  When corpsman went into galley to get it, Pt followed and got himself a glass to share coke with doctor.  Dr. Deen with Pt.
2335 Pt appears to have fallen asleep.
2400 Pt sleeping.
2430 Relieved by night watch.    (E. W. Prise)
2430 Assumed watch.  Pt appears to be asleep.      [Stuthers]
0100 Pt asleep.
0130 Pt asleep.
0200 Pt awake, turning back & forth in bed.
0230 Pt went to head.  Came out.  Back in bed.
0300 Pt asleep.
0330 Pt asleep.
0400 Pt asleep.
0430 Pt asleep.

#149  [136]  May 9  Monday
0500  Pt asleep.
0530 Pt awake.
0545 Pt awake, walking about room looking out of door in his room.  Spoke to tower corpsman.
06000 Pt back in bed.  Seems restless.
0630 Pt awake.
0700Phenobarbital  gr issPt to head, shave.
0730Insulin  20 U  IMPt in bed, resting quietly.
0800 Relieved by day crew.    (C. Stuthers)
0800B/P 134/76  TPR 98-66-18Assumed watch.    WB
0805Metamucil  Z iGiven as ordered.
0810BreakfastServed.  Pt ate very good.
0825 Pt given glass of orange juice with enough dextrose to terminate 10 U insulin, as too much was given this a.m.
0830Multi-vit tab’tGiven as ordered.
0830 Pt resting in bed.
0910 Dr. Smith here.
0940 Dr. Smith left.
1000 Pt setting in bed smoking.
1100 Pt resting in chair.

#150  [137]  May 9  Monday
1130 Phenobarbital  gr 1ssGiven as ordered.  Pt very inquisitive as to new medications.
1150TPR  98.6-70-20Pt resting in bed.
1205LunchServed.  Pt ate fairly well.
1300 Pt pulled bed lamp over in front of him and is now hanging on it.
1400 Pt setting in chair.  Still keeps picking at forehead.
1445 Dr. Raines.
1510Extra feedingPt did very well on this.
1635 Dr. Raines left.  Pt’s wife in room.
1645 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
1645 Relieved the watch.  Pt sitting in bed talking to corpsman.    E. W. Prise
17x5Metamucil  Z iPt lying very comfortably in bed.
1745DinnerServed.  Pt says he is not very hungry.
1800Multi-vit tab’tPt finished dinner.  Ate very good.  Requested to see doctor.
1900 Pt sitting in chair reading.
Seen by Dr. Hightower.
1920 Pt visited by oldest son.

#151  [138]  May 9  Monday
1925  Pt’s son left.
1935 Dr. Hightower left.  Pt walking about room.
2000 Pt resting quietly.
2030Extra feedingDr. Hightower in to see Pt.  Pt requested to take Na amytal at 2200.
2100 Pt lying very quiet in bed.
2145 Pt appears to be sleeping.
2200 Pt seems to be asleep, so I [the corpsman] did not wake him to give him his Na amytal.
2230Na amytal  grs viPt did not want to take medication but when corpsman insisted, he took them and went into head.
2300 Pt still awake.  States “I will go to sleep if they turn that thing off.”  When asked  “What thing?”  he said “The thing that is piping that etherish odor into

#152  [139]  May 9 – May 10  Tuesday
  the room.
2325  Pt seen by Dr. Hightower.  Sitting up in chair.
2335 Pt desired to sleep in doctors’ room with Dr. Hightower.
2350 Relieved by night watch.  Pt sleeping in room with Dr. Hightower.    (E. W. Prise)
2400 Assumed watch.  Pt not in room.  Appears to be sleeping in room with Dr. Hightower.      [Stuthers]
0100 Pt appears to be sleeping, still in doctors’ room.
0200 No change.
0300 No change.
0315 Pt returned to his own room.  Wanted to know what time he had to be up.
0330 Pt asleep.
0400 Pt asleep, tossing about.
0500 Pt asleep.
0530 Pt awake.  Pt lying in bed very quiet.

#153  [140]  May 10  Tuesday
  Nurse’s Notes
0600 --Pt awake in bed.
0700 Pt awake in bed.
0730Phenobarbital  gr iss
Insulin  10 U  IM
Pt to head, shave.
Given as ordered.
0750 Relieved by day watch.    (C. Stuthers)
0750 Assumed watch.    (WB)
0800B/P 118/82  TPR 98.2-60-18Pt resting in bed.
0805BreakfastServed.  Pt ate fairly well.
0820Multi-vit tab’t
Metamucil  Z i
Given as ordered.
Pt takes xxxx.
0900 Pt setting in chair resting.
0920 Dr. Smith to see Pt.
0955 Dr. Smith left.  Pt asked for cup of coffee.  Was given same.
Adm. Willcutts here for a minute.
1045 Pt requested small glass of orange juice.  Was given same.
1100 Pt setting in chair smoking.
1130Phenobarbital  gr iss
Insulin   10 U
Given as ordered.  Pt still asking questions about medication.
1155TPR  98.2-60-18Pt resting in chair.
1200LunchServed to Pt.  Pt ate very well.
1300 Pt asleep.  Only slept 10 minutes.
1400 Pt resting in chair.
1500 Pt resting in chair.

#154  [141]  May 10  Tuesday
1505 Extra feeding.Pt ate half of sandwich & drank most of milk.
1520 Dr. Raines here to see Pt.
1x30 Dr. Raines left.
1615 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
1615 Relieved the watch.    (E. W. Prise)
1705Metamucil  Z iPt sitting comfortably in bed.
1715 Dr. Deen visited Pt.
1720DinnerPt stated he didn’t want much.
1745 Pt finished dinner.  Ate very good.
1805 Pt’s wife in to visit him.
1830Multi-vit tab’tPt’s wife left.  Pt resting.
1915 Dr. Deen to see Pt.
2000 Pt sitting in doctors’ room.
20x5Evening feedingTaken in by nurse.
2045 Pt finished eating.  Ate very good.
2100Na amytal  grs ivPt brushing teeth.  Has all the lights out.
2200 Pt lying very quiet in bed.
2300 Pt appears to be asleep.
2345 Relieved by night watch.  Pt sleeping.    (E. W. Prise)

#155  [142]  May 10 – May 11  Wednesday
2345  Assumed watch.  Pt asleep.      [Stuthers]
2400[«  as written]Pt went into doctors’ room.  Appears to be asleep.
2430[«  as written]Pt asleep.
[«  as written]Pt got out of bed, stood by bed a minute & went into head.  Then into doctors’ room & into bed in doctors’ room.
2415 Pt appears to be asleep.
2430 Pt asleep.
0100 Pt asleep.
0200 Pt asleep.
0300 Pt came back to own room & into bed.
0310 Pt appears to be asleep.
0330 Pt asleep.
0400 Pt asleep.
0500 Pt asleep.
0530 Pt awake.
0600 Pt awake.

#156  [143]  May 11  Wednesday
xxxx Pt to head. [?]  [illegible]
xxxxxxxxRelieved by day crew.    (C. Stuthers)
xxxxxxxxAssumed watch.    (WB)
Pt xxx xxx xxxx out of xxxx xx xxx corpsman went in xxx xxxx xxxxx.
xxxxB/P xxxx  TPR xxxxPt resting in bed.
B/P xxx TPR xxxBreakfastServed.  Pt ate very good.
xxxxMulti-vit tab’tGiven as ordered.
xxxx Pt resting in bed smoking.
xxxx Dr. Smith here.
1005  Dr. Smith left.
1100 Pt resting in bed.
1130Insulin  10 UPt stated room was “stuffy” and asked to have door to other room open.  Room temp. is down to about 40 now.  Corpsman said xxxx will become cold, xxxx xxxx said we’ll close the windows.
115xTPR 97-54-18Room door opened & head door closed.  Room still cold but not quite so breezy.
Pt still xxxx xxxx.

#157  [144]  May 11  Wednesday
1200 LunchServed.  Pt ate fairly well.
1245 Barber here.  Pt getting haircut.
1310 Head cleaned.  Pt in bed.
1400 Dr. Smith here.
1405 Dr. Smith left.
1445 Pt’s brother here.
1455 Pt’s brother left.  Dr. Smith here.
1500 Pt pacing around room asking for Dr. Smith. (Dr. Smith in passageway talking.)  Eating nuts he received today.
1510 Still pacing around room.  Opened door several times to see if doctor was still here.      [Breon]
1515 Pt visited by Gen. Marshall.
1530 Gen. Marshall left.
1545Extra feeding.Dr. Raines with Pt.
1630 Relieved the watch.    (E. W. Prise)
1645 Pt visited by his son.
1735DinnerServed.  Dr. Raines & Pt’s son left.
1755 Finished dinner.  Ate very

#158  [145]  May 11 – May 12  Thursday
1800 Multi-vit tab’tPt resting quietly.
1900 Pt sitting in chair.  xxxxxxx to be in deep thought.
2000 Dr. Hightower in to see Pt.
2045Extra feeding.Pt states he does not want all that is on his tray.
2100Na amytal  grs ivPt ate 1/2 a sandwich & a glass of milk.
2130 Pt went into doctors’ room to sleep.
2200 Pt still in doctors’ room, lying very quiet with door open.
2205 Pt appears to be asleep.
2300 Pt seems to be asleep.
2355 Relieved by night crew.    (E. W. Prise)
2400 Assumed watch.  Pt in doctors’ room.  Appears to be asleep.      [Stuthers]
0100 Pt asleep.
0200 Pt asleep.
0250 Pt awake, in head.

#159  [146]  May 12  Thursday
0300  Pt in own bed, awake.
0310 Pt to head.  Closed door.  Venetian blinds were heard rattling.  Crossing hall to doctors’ room, found Pt with blind up & window wide open.  When corpsman started toward Pt he dropped blind & returned to his own bed.  Pt complained about buzzer at nurse’s station that sounded several times.
0330 Pt awake.
0345 Pt appears to be asleep.
0400 Pt appears to be asleep, restless.
0415 Pt asleep.
0430 Pt asleep.
0445 Pt awake.  Asked time.
0500 Pt awake.
0530 Pt awake.
0600 Pt awake, restless.
0700 Pt awake, lying in bed.
0730Insulin  10 U  IM
Phenobarbital  gr iss
Pt to head, shave & shower.

#160  [147]  May 12  Thursday
0755 Sod. phosphate  Z i  with
Relieved by day crew.    (C. Stuthers)
Assumed watch.    (WB)
0800B/P 118/78  TPR 94-54-18Pt resting in bed.
0855BreakfastServed.  Pt ate fairly well.
0820Multi-vit tab’tGiven as ordered.  Bed linen changed.  A small sharp metal object was found in his bed when it was made up.
0900 Pt resting in bed.
1000 Pt up walking around, eating nuts & dates.
1010 Dr. Smith here.
1055 Dr. Smith left.
1100 Pt seems rather sleepy today.  Resting in bed now.
1130Insulin  10 U  I.M.
Phenobarbital  gr iss
Given as ordered.  Pt resting in bed.  Rather sleepy.
1200LunchServed.  Pt ate good.
1245TPR  98-68-18Pt resting.
1400 Pt resting comfortably in bed.  Still picking at forehead.
1445 Pt up: opening boxes xx xxx, and then throwing them down.

#161  [148]  May 12  Thursday
1500  Pt up walking around.  Went into other room to look around.
1515 Dr. Raines here.
1545Extra feeding.Pt did very well on this.
1605 Pt’s brother here for few minutes.    W. R. Breon, HN
1645 Relieved the watch.  Dr. Raines with Pt.    (E. W. Prise)
1650 Pt visited by son.
1720 Dr. Raines left.
1730DinnerServed.  Pt states he is not hungry.
1745 Pt finished dinner.  Ate very good.
1815Multi-vit tab’tPt lying in bed in doctors’ room.
1830 Pt visited by Dr. Smith.
1900 Dr. Smith left.  Pt back in his room.
1910 Pt appears to be sleeping.
2000 Dr. Deen to see Pt but Pt was sleeping.
2030 Pt woke up.  Asked about door between rooms being closed.

#162  [149]  May 12 – May 13  Friday
2050  Pt refused his evening feeding.  He said “I don’t want anything at all tonight.”
2100Na amytal  grs ivPt lying in bed resting.
2110 Pt asked corpsman to get his tooth paste.  When I [the corpsman] went to get it I found he had none.  Pt states he had some this a.m.
2140 Pt asleep.
2300 Pt sleeping soundly.
2400 Watch relieved by night man.    E. W. Prise
2400 Assumed watch.  Pt asleep.      [Stuthers]
0100 Pt asleep.
0200 Pt asleep.
0300 Pt asleep.
0315 Pt tossed about bed a few times.  Appears to be awake.  Made no comment.

#163  [150]  May 13  Friday
0330  Pt appears to be sleeping, very quiet.
0400 Pt asleep.
0500 Pt asleep.
0600 Pt asleep.
0615 Pt awoke at this time.  Greeted corpsman, sounded very cheerful.  Pt rested very well during night.
0630 Pt awake, lying in bed.
0700 Pt awake.
0730Insulin  10 U  (IM)
Phenobarbital  gr iss
Shower & shave.
0755 Relieved by day watch.
      (C. Stuthers)
0755 Assumed watch.      [Breon]
0800Pt 108/76  TPR xx-62-20Pt resting in bed.
0815BreakfastServed.  Pt resting quietly.
0900Multi-vit tab’t Given as ordered.
1000 Pt up walking around eating nuts, prunes, cheesecake, etc.
1040 Dr. Smith here.
1100 [? Dr. Smith left.]

#164  [151]  May 13  Friday
1130 Insulin  10 U
Phenobarbital  gr iss
Given as ordered.  Pt resting in bed.
1155TPR  97.2-58-20Pt resting in bed now.
1200LunchServed.  Pt ate good.
1230 Dr. Raines here.
1415 Dr. Raines left.
1500Extra feeding.
TPR  98.2-56-18
Pt ate most of it.  Pt requested door to other room be left open.
1645 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
1645 Relieved the watch.    E. W. Prise
1715DinnerServed.  Pt eating.
1735 Pt finished dinner.  Ate fairly well.
1805 Mr. Biffle in to visit Pt.
1815Multi-vit tab’tMr. Biffle left.  Pt resting.
1900 Pt sitting in chair.  Appears to be in deep thought.
2000 Pt sitting in bed reading.
2100Na amytal  gr iv
Milk  150 cc
Pt refused evening feeding.  Would not take anything but 1/2 a glass of milk.
2200 Pt resting but is not asleep.

#165  [152]  May 13 – May 14  Saturday
2300  Pt has been in & out of bed almost constantly the past hour.  Resting quietly at present time.
2315 Pt appears to be asleep.
2400 Pt woke up.  Relieved by night watch.    E. W. Prise
2400 Assumed watch.  Pt appears to be asleep.      [Stuthers]
0100 Pt asleep.
0200 Pt asleep.
0300 Pt asleep.
0330 Pt awake, to head.
0340 Pt back in bed.
0400 Pt asleep.
0500 Pt asleep.
0530 Pt asleep.
0655 Pt awake.
0655 Pt slept well entire night.  Room was close & stuffy.
0700 Pt awake.

#166 –  #167  missing  (0700+ May 14  to  c. 2100 May 15) 

#168  [153]  May 14 – May 15  Sunday
2xxx Pt got up & brushed teeth.
2200  Pt resting.
2235 Pt sleeping.
2300 Pt sleeping.
2400 Pt sleeping.  Watch relieved.    (E. W. Prise)
2400 Assumed watch.  Pt asleep.      [Stuthers]
0100 Pt asleep, restless.  Room hot.
0200 Pt asleep.
0300 Pt asleep.
0310 Pt awake.
0330 Pt awake.
0335 Pt appears to be asleep.
0400 Pt asleep.
0430 Pt asleep.
0500 Pt asleep.
0530 Pt asleep.
0600 Pt asleep.
0620 Pt awake.
0700 Pt awake.
0730Phenobarbital  gr iss
Insulin  10 U (IM)
Relieved by day crew.    (C. Stuthers)

#169  [154]  May 15  Sunday
0800  Relieved the watch.    (WB)
Pt still in head shaving.
TPR  97.4-54-18
Served.  Pt ate very good.  Ate two extra pieces of toast & coffee.
0845Metamucil  Z i
Multi-vit tab’t
Given as ordered.  Pt resting in bed.
0900 Pt resting in bed.
1000 Pt up walking around.  Seems drowsy from “Pheno”.
1100 Pt resting in bed.
1130Insulin  10 U
Phenobarbital  gr iss
Pt up walking around.  Eating cheese sticks, nuts & etc.
1155TPR  98-56-18
Pt resting.  Asking questions about insulin & other medications.
Served.  Pt ate very good.
1300 Pt resting in bed.
1400 Pt up walking around room.
1500 Pt setting in chair resting.
1515Extra feedingPt only ate a small portion of sandwich.
1600TPR  98.6-60-20Pt resting in chair.
1645 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN

#170  [155]  May 15  Sunday
1645  Relieved the watch.    E. W. Prise
1700 Pt requested to have windows shut.  When corpsman raised blind to close window Pt jumped back as if he were afraid of the light, got very fidgety and tried to pull blind down while corpsman was closing window.
1715DinnerRoom is totally dark.  Pt finished dinner.  Ate very poorly.
1800Multi-vit tab’tPt resting.
1900 Pt sitting in chair, very quiet.
1940 Pt appears to be asleep.
2035 Pt awake.
2055Extra feedingPt refused everything except 1/4 a glass of milk.
Na amytal  grs vi
Pt resting in chair.
2200 Pt has been walking about room for the past hour.  Sitting in chair at present time.
2250 Dr. Hightower to see Pt.

#171  [156]  May 15 – May 16  Monday
2255 Na amytal  grs viDr. Hightower discovered that Pt did not take his Na amytal.
2305 Pt back in bed.
2340 Pt appears to be asleep.
2400 Watch relieved.  Pt awake.    E. W. Prise
2400 Assumed watch.  Pt awake.      [Stuthers]
2430 Pt awake.  Tossing back & forth in bed.
2445 Pt awake, out of bed, walking about room.  More windows open.
0100 Pt back in bed, sitting up.
0115 Pt out of bed, walking up & down room.  Looking out door of room, said “There seems to be a lot of ether in here.”  When further sedation was suggested, Pt did not answer.  Returned to bed.
0135 Pt awake, sitting in bed.
0200 Pt awake, in bed.

#172  [157]  May 16  Monday
0230  Pt awake.
0245 Pt now appears to be asleep.
0300 Pt asleep.
0330 Pt asleep.
0400 Pt asleep.
0430 Pt asleep.
0500 Pt asleep.
0530 Pt asleep.
0600 Pt asleep.
0615 Pt awake.  Very quiet.
0700 Pt awake.  Lying in bed.
0730Insulin  10 U (IM)Pt to head, shave & shower.
0800 Relieved by day crew.    C. Stuthers
0800 Assumed watch.    (WB)
0805BreakfastServed.  Pt ate fairly well.
0810Metamucil  Z i
Multi-vit tab’t
Taken as ordered.  Pt seems rather “down in the dumps” today.  Up walking around.  Asking corpsman when he thinks Dr. Raines will be here.
0820B/P 124/x2  TPR 98.2-66-20Pt resting in bed.  Still picks at forehead.

#173  [158]  May 16  Monday
0900  Pt setting in chair.  Seems to be in deep thought.
0905 Dr. Smith here to see Pt.
0935 Dr. Smith left.
1000 Setting in chair resting.
1100 Pt still setting in chair.
1130Insulin  10 UGiven as ordered.
1155TPR  98-68-20Pt resting in bed.
1200LunchServed.  Pt standing up to eat.  Pt takes a couple of bites and then walks around a bit, then back for some more.  Pt salted food with almost every bite.  Couldn’t get enough from shaker top so he took it off & poured the salt on.  Pt ate pretty good.
1300 Pt resting in chair.
1400 Pt resting in chair.
1415 Pt requested 1/2 the cake & milk he left this noon.  Given same.
1500 Pt up walking around room.
1505 Extra feeding brought in & Pt stated he did not want any of it.  (Put in “reefer”.)

#174  [159]  May 16  Monday
1530  Dr. Raines in to see Pt.    W. R. Breon, HN
1640 Relieved the watch.    E. W. Prise
1705 Dr. Raines left.  Pt sitting in chair reading paper.
1715DinnerServed.  Pt asked what we would do about windows if it rains tonight.
1735Multi-vit tab’tPt finished dinner.  Ate very good.
1850T.P.R. 98.6-98-20Pt sitting in doctors’ room.  Appears to be thinking about something.
1925 Pt asked corpsman “Have you and Breon been taking down the conversations between me and Dr. Raines?”  When I [the corpsman] told him we weren’t, he demanded to talk to Dr. Raines.  Corpsman was unable to talk him out of it.  Pt then shown to telephone booth and allowed to call.
After calling doctor, Pt called corpsman into room and said “Prise, can you assure me on your honor that there

#175  [160]  May 16  Monday
  is no apparatus here that can take down our conversations?”  Nothing I told him would change his opinion.
1945  Dr. Deen in to see Pt.
1955 Dr. Deen left.  Pt sitting in bed, still questioning corpsman.
2030 Pt has been very quiet.
2035 Pt into head to brush teeth.
2045 Pt refused evening feeding.  Into bed lying very quiet.
2100Na amytal  grs iiiPt said he only took one of his sleeping pills.  When asked what he [had] done with the other, he stated “I flushed it down the drain.”
2200 Pt has been lying very quietly in bed for past hour but is still awake.
2230 Pt sleeping.
2xxx Assumed watch.  Pt awake.    [Stuthers]
Dr. Deen to see Pt.

#176  [161]  May 16 – May 17  Tuesday
2330  Pt awake.  Asked to have door between rooms open.  Room is warm.
2400 Pt awake.
2430 Pt awake.
0100 Pt awake.
0130 Pt now appears to be asleep.
0200 Pt asleep.
0300 Pt asleep.
0400 Pt asleep.
0430 Pt asleep.  Turning back & forth in bed.
0500 Pt asleep.
0600 Pt asleep.
0700 Pt awake.
0715 To head, shave.
0730Insulin  10 U  (IM) 
0800 Relieved by day watch.    (C. Stuthers)
0800B/P 106/72  TPR 98.4-56-18Assumed watch.    (WB)
0810BreakfastServed.  Pt ate very good today.

#177  [162]  May 17  Tuesday
08xxMulti-vit tab’t
Phenobarbital  Z i
Given as ordered.  Pt resting in bed.
0900  Pt resting in bed.
1000 Pt resting in chair.
1040 Dr. Smith & Dr. Nardini here to see Pt.
1130Insulin  10 UGiven as ordered.
1155TPR  98.x-x0-18Pt resting in bed.
1210LunchServed.  Pt ate fairly well.
1x0x Pt up in chair.  Bed linen changed.
1400 Pt resting in chair.
1440Extra feedingPt ate about half of this.
15x0 Pt resting in chair.
1540 Dr. Raines here.
1645 Dr. Raines left.
Watch Relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
1645 Relieved the watch.    E. W. Prise
1735Multi-vit tab’tPt finished dinner.  Ate very good.
1820 Dr. Hightower to see Pt.

#178  [163]  May 17  Tuesday
1835  Dr. Hightower left.  Pt seems to be in a very good mood.
1900T.P.R.  99-84-20Pt sitting in chair thinking.
1925 Dr. Hightower back to see Pt.
2000 Dr. Hightower still with Pt.
2005 Dr. Hightower left.  Pt resting quietly.
2050Extra feedingTaken in by nurse.
2100Na Amytal  grs viPt finished extra feeding.  Ate very good.  Dr. Hightower in to see Pt.
2110 Dr. Hightower left.  Pt resting quietly.
2205 Pt appears to be asleep.
2300 Pt sleeping.
2400 Watch relieved.  Pt sleeping.    E. W. Prise

#179  [164]  May 18  Wednesday
2400  Assumed watch.  Pt sleeping.      [Stuthers]
0100 Pt asleep.  Room warm.
0200 Pt asleep.
0300 Pt asleep.
0400 Pt asleep.
0415 Pt awake.  Went into head then went back to bed.
0430 Pt asleep.
0500 Pt asleep.
0600 Pt asleep.
0615 Pt awake, lying quietly in bed.
0715 Pt in head, shave & shower.
0730Insulin  10 U  (IM) 
0800 Relieved by day watch.    C. Stuthers
0800 B/P 110/72  TPR 97.6-56-18Assumed watch.    (WB)
080xBreakfastServed.  Ate well.
0820Multi-vit tab’tPt resting.
0830 Dr. Raines here.
0930Metamucil  Z iDr. Raines left.
1000 Pt resting in chair.
1100 Pt resting in chair.
1130Insulin  10 U
Phenobarbital  xxxx
Given as ordered.
xxxx xxxx

#180  [165]  May 18  Wednesday
1200 TPR  98.6-xx-xxPt resting in chair.
 LunchServed.  Pt ate fairly xxxx.
1300 Pt resting.
1400 Pt sets on edge of bed and stares at deck.  Goes into head often [?].
1445Extra feedingDid not do too good on this.
1500 Pt setting in chair resting.
1515 Dr. Hightower here.
1530 Pt’s son here with butler.
1545 Son & butler left.
1630 Dr. Hightower left.
1645 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
  Relieved the watch.    E. W. Prise
1725DinnerServed.  Pt very much pleased with his tray.
1745 Pt finished dinner.  Ate very good.
1800Multi-vit tab’tPt resting quietly in bed.
1900T.P.R. 98.4-78-20Pt sitting up in chair.  Appears to be in good mood.

#181  [166]  May 18 – May 19  Thursday
2005  Dr. Deen to see Pt.
2010 Dr. Deen left.  Pt resting.
2030 Pt appears to be asleep.
2100 Pt sleeping.  Not given Na amytal.
2200 Pt still sleeping.
2300 Pt sleeping.
2400 Watch relieved.    E. W. Prise
2400 Assumed watch.  Pt sleeping.      [Stuthers]
0100 Pt asleep.
0200 Pt asleep.
0230 Pt awake, seems confused. [*]  Asked time.  When told, wanted to know if he had to get up.  Referred to corpsman as “Halsey”.  Said he did not want any “sleeping pills”.
0300 Pt awake, very quiet.
0330 Pt awake.  Again asked corpsman what time it was and if he should get up.  Refused sodium amytal.
0345 Pt called Dr. Deen.  Talked a few minutes, then returned to

[*  One effect of sodium amytal (amobarbital) is to cause confusion or disorientation on awakening.]

#182  [167]  May 19  Thursday
  room, asked for “pill”, got into bed.  Resting quietly.
0415  Pt asleep.
0500 Pt asleep.
0530 Pt asleep.
0600 Pt asleep.
0615 Pt awake.
Pt asked corpsman  “What government officials are here?  I think I’ll have to go now.”  Pt went into doctors’ room & talked with doctor [for a] few minutes, then back to bed.
0730Insulin  10 U  (IM)Pt sitting up in bed.  Paid paper boy $1.65.  Pt seems confused and in deep thought.
0755 Relieved by day watch.    C. Stuthers
0755 Assumed watch.  Pt in head shaving & showering.      [Breon]
0805BreakfastServed.  Pt ate very good.

#183  [168]  May 19  Thursday
0830 Metamucil  Z i
Multi-vit tab’t
Given as ordered.
0900 Pt setting in chair.
0920 Dr. Nardini here.
1010 Dr. Nardini left.
1100 Pt up walking around inspecting the blinds.
1150Insulin  10 U  (IM)
Phenobarbital  gr iss
xxx given as ordered.
Pt xxx xxx.
1200TPR  98-60-1xPt resting in bed.
 LunchServed.  Pt ate very well.
1300 Pt resting in chair.
1400 Pt up walking around room.
1440Extra feeding.Pt did not eat any of it.  Asked to have it saved.
1500 Pt up walking around.  Seems nervous today.
1600TPR  98.x-96-20Pt walking around room nervously for last hour.  Keeps looking out blinds & then making sure no “light” is coming in.  Pt making very close inspection of room, looking at blinds, checking xxxxxxx,

#184  [169]  May 19  Thursday
  looking around chairs, looking at everything.  Walking around very nervously.  Sits in chair for moment then up for another “tour” of the room.
1635  Dr. Hightower here.
1650 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
[ ] Relieved the watch.    E. W. Prise
1715DinnerServed.  Pt very quiet.
1735 Pt finished dinner.  Sitting in bed, very quiet.  Ate very good.
1815Multi-vit tab’tPt sitting in chair reading.  Seems to be in good mood.
1900 Pt sitting in chair reading.
1915 Pt visited by Dr. Hightower.
1955 Dr. Hightower left.  Pt resting.
2055Extra feeding.Taken in by nurse.  Refused by Pt.
2110Na amytal  grs viPt resting quietly.
2140 Pt appears to be asleep.
2200 Pt sleeping.
2300 Pt sleeping.

#185  [170]  May 19 – May 20  Friday
2400  Watch relieved.    E. W. Prise
2400 Assumed watch.  Pt appears to be sleeping.      [Stuthers]
0100 Pt asleep.
0200 Pt asleep.
0245 Pt awake, to head.
0300 Pt appears to be sleeping.
0400 Pt asleep.
0500 Pt asleep.
0545 Pt awake.
0600 Pt awake.
0700 Pt awake.
0730Insulin  10 U  (IM)Pt to head, shave.
0800 Relieved by day watch.    C. Stuthers
0800 Assumed watch.    (WB)
 BreakfastServed.  Ate very good.
0850Metamucil  Z iGiven as ordered.
0900Multi-vit tab’tGiven as ordered.  Pt up walking around.
0950 Dr. Nardini here.
1025 Dr. Nardini left.
1100 Pt resting in bed.

#186  [171]  May 20  Friday
1130 Insulin  10 U
Phenobarbital  gr iss
Pt up walking around.  Seems to be well rested.
1200TPR  98-56-18Pt resting.
1205LunchServed.  Pt seems very quiet.  Looked like he didn’t have the strength to eat.
1300 Pt resting.
1330 Dr. Hightower here.
1420 Dr. Hightower left.
1445Extra feeding.Pt ate half of it.
1500 Pt resting very comfortably.
1600 Pt resting in bed.
1655 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
  Relieved the watch.    E. W. Prise
1730DinnerServed.  Pt asked to have part of it sent back.
1750 Pt finished dinner.  Ate very good.  Resting quietly in bed.
1800Multi-vit tab’tPt does not appear to be in a very good mood.
1830 Dr. Hightower in to see Pt.
1910 Dr. Hightower left.  Pt resting.
2000 Pt resting.  May be asleep.
2030 Pt sleeping.

#187  [172]  May 20 – May 21  Saturday
2100  Pt sleeping.  Not awake for Na amytal.
2200 Pt sleeping soundly.
2300 Pt sleeping.
2400 Pt still sleeping.
0100 Pt sleeping.
0200 Pt sleeping.
0245 Watch relieved.    E. W. Prise
  Relieved the watch.    R. W. Harrison
0300 Pt sleeping.
0400 Pt sleeping.
0500 Pt sleeping.
0515 Pt awake.
0600 Pt apparently sleeping.
0645 Pt awake.  Pt asked what time it was.  When told by the corpsman, Pt rolled over and pulled up his cover.
0700 Pt sleeping.
0715 Pt awake.
0730Insulin  10 U  I.M.Pt up and asked for razor.  Pt given razor and toilet articles.  Pt to head.

#188  [173]  May 21  Saturday
0745  Watch relieved.      [Harrison]
0745 Assumed watch.  Pt in head shaving & showering.      [Breon]
0800B/P 108/74  TPR 97.8-54-18Pt resting quietly.
0805BreakfastPt ate fairly well.
0830Metamucil  Z i
Multi-vit tab’t
Given as ordered.
Pt up and about.
0900 Pt seems rather depressed today.  Stated he didn’t want to see his visitor today.  Dr. Nardini notified.
1000 Pt resting in bed.
1005 Dr. Nardini here.
1015 Dr. Nardini left.
1100 Pt resting very quietly.  Has been very quiet all morning.
1130Insulin  10 U  (IM)
Phenobarbital  gr iss
Pt up & about room.
Given as ordered.
1145 Relieved for chow.
1200LunchPt ate fairly well.
12xx Returned from chow.
1300 Pt resting in bed.

#189  [174]  May 21  Saturday
1400  Pt resting in bed.
1500Extra feedingPt did not eat any of this.
1600 Pt up walking.  Ate a few crackers & a glass of milk.
1650 Watch relieved.    W. R. Breon, HN
  Relieved the watch.    E. W. Prise
1710DinnerServed.  Pt refused part of his dinner.
1715 Pt visited by son.
1730 Pt finished dinner.  Ate very good.
1800Multi-vit tab’tPt sitting in chair reading.
1945 Pt visited by Dr. Deen.
2000 Dr. Deen left.  Pt in very good mood.
2100 Pt refused evening feeding.
Na amytal  grs vi
Pt given Na amytal but I’m [the corpsman is] not sure he took them.
2120 Checked room.  Pt did not

#190  [175]  May 21 – May 22  Sunday
  take Na amytal.  States “I don’t think I want them at all.”  “I can sleep without them.”
2200  Pt has been pacing room constantly for past 50 minutes.
2300 Pt has been pacing floor for one hour & 50 minutes now.  Refuses Na amytal.
2345 Watch relieved.    E. W. Prise
  Watch assumed.    R. W. Harrison
2400 Pt still pacing floor.
2405 Pt asked if he would receive any medications tonight.  Corpsman told him that there was none except his Na amytal.  Pt said “Thank you”, but refused [Na] amytal.
2415 Pt in bed.  Pt said he was going to get some rest now.
2420 Pt asked for a half glass of orange juice.  Pt got up to drink orange juice.

#191  [176]  May 22  Sunday
2425  Pt in bed resting.
2435 Pt up to drink a cup of coffee.
2445 Pt in bed resting.
0100 Pt sleeping.
0130 Pt awake.  Pt sat up in bed a second and then laid back down.  When asked if he wanted his sleeping capsule, Pt replied “I was asleep and I just woke up.  I’ll go back to sleep without it.”
0145 Corpsman saw doctor and asked about sleeping capsules for Pt.  Doctor said to give them if he asks for them.
0150 Corpsman went back in room and Pt was not in bed.

Thoughts on Reading the Nurse’s Notes

Anyone reading the Nurse’s Notes will be struck by how normal Forrestal appears at the beginning. He may have been exhausted at the time of his admission but there is no sign of clinical depression.

Here are a few notes excerpted from the first two weeks, variously by Breon, Kipp, and Prise, starting with a note from the first day:

April  2   Pt ate fairly well at dinner tonight. ... Pt seems friendly.

April  3   Pt ate a good breakfast. ... (said breakfast was very good).

April  3   Pt shaves and showers with quick, exact movements.  Helped to clean shower room and make bed.

April  3   Pt to head 3 times in 5 minutes ... Pt states the Phospho soda [a laxative] must be good “stuff”.

April  4   Very abrupt questions about special watches, past and present life, about living conditions now, prices and naval career.

April  4   Pt asked corpsman many questions as to Navy career, future, etc.

April  5   Pt asked a few questions to the corpsman of his Navy career, also corpsman’s name and what state he was from.

April  5   Talked about psychosis; that is, his viewpoints on it in comparison with religious fanatics.  Asked me how many books I had read on N.P. [possibly neuropsychology or neuropsychiatry] and did I plan on furthering my studies.

April  5   Pt up and to head.  Upon returning said  “I’m afraid I won’t be a very good companion from now on because of the sedative.”

April  6   Dinner served.  Pt ate fairly well.  Stated he couldn’t eat it all and it was a shame to waste it.  He offered it to the corpsman on watch.

April  7   Pt visited by son.  When corpsman remarked on what a fine looking son he had, Pt said “Yes! He’s a fine boy.” ... Pt visited by wife.  Appears to be in very good mood.

April  8   Pt awake.  Lit up pipe and asked “I’m supposed to have some visitors this afternoon.” ... Pt sitting in bed very quiet.  Seems perfectly at ease.

April  9   Pt woke up.  Struck up conversation with corpsman by saying “Prise, you must begin to regard your patients as animals in a zoo after a while.”  When I told him I didn’t, he smiled and said “That’s good.”

April  13   Seems very friendly and very consoling toward corpsman.
That last note was made after the 5th insulin “treatment” when the insulin therapy began in earnest. (The therapy started with 20 units on April 9 and by April 13th had increased to 40 units.) It sounds like Forrestal thought the corpsman might be worried about his reaction to the treatment.

From this point on Forrestal’s health deteriorated, obviously due to these treatments and perhaps the barbiturates given him, first sodium amytal then phenobarbital.

It’s worth repeating:  Forrestal quickly recovered from his exhaustion and only became temporarily sick during the so-called insulin treatments and then permanently after the highest dosage ones. Also, probably the sedatives (barbiturates) he was given after the initial period did more harm than good. It must be stressed that this sickness was a physical malaise, and quite different from clinical depression.

Observe the increasingly claustrophobic prison atmosphere as the Notes progress. Things start off well enough but reading between the lines, relations do not seem so friendly after the higher doses of insulin begin about three weeks into his stay. And imagine being confined to a room, however VIP-like, for seven weeks, going on eight. After a month or so Forrestal was like a lion pacing a small cage, watched like a character out of Kafka.


You find the word “depressed” in two places. One is in the middle of a “sub-shock insulin therapy” treatment (April 28), the nineteenth of these barbaric “treatments.” You – anyone – would have good reason to feel miserable at that point.

The second time you find the word “depressed” is the day before Forrestal disappeared, May 21. Just what you would expect of a suicide, right?

But the argument works as well another way, works better considering the abundant evidence – separate and independent evidence – that Forrestal did not kill himself, that is, he was murdered. The man who wrote “seems depressed” was also the man on watch the day Forrestal disappeared. If Forrestal was murdered then this suggests a more sinister interpretation of the corpsman’s note. He could have been complicit, in which case he would want others to think Forrestal had been depressed before he disappeared.

The man doing the watch both times, the only times that man ever did the watch, was Robert Wayne Harrison, Jr. There is another reason to mistrust Harrison’s note of May 21 even if honest. Harrison had just met Forrestal and was in no position to reliably evaluate his mood. A stranger might easily confuse thoughtfulness, preoccupation, drowsiness (it was the 3rd shift), etc. with depression. And in any case in its severity clinical depression is something quite apart from merely being depressed in the colloquial sense.

Consider the manner in which Harrison expresses himself, after knowing Forrestal all of one hour and fifteen minutes:

May 21  0900    Pt seems rather depressed today.

– as compared to all the other days, which comparison he was in no position to make.

The previous watch, corpsman Prise, had come to know Forrestal quite well after having worked 51 consecutive days starting April 6. Consequently he was in a good position to judge Forrestal’s moods accurately. He had written a few hours before Harrison:

May 21  2000    Dr. Deen left.  Pt in very good mood.

That said, Harrison may well have been correct about Forrestal being unhappy at 9 am but his “today” was – perhaps unintentionally – misleading. Something happened to Forrestal between the above two notes, as noted below, something from which he may not have recovered by the time Harrison saw him. Because of this Forrestal’s malaise was likely due to a physical problem lasting some hours rather than a mental state.

The previous day, May 20, Forrestal had become physically weak not long after a “stimulating” injection of insulin. The timeline went as follows.  At 11:30 in the morning he is given 10 units of insulin. At this time (quoting corpsman Breon):  “Pt up walking around. Seems to be well rested.”  But by the time lunch is served at 12:05:  “Pt seems very quiet. Looked like he didn’t have the strength to eat.”  At 2:45 pm he is offered an extra meal, half of which he eats. When dinner is served at 5:30 pm (quoting corpsman Prise):  “Pt asked to have part of it sent back.”  By 5:50 pm:  “He ate very good. Resting quietly in bed.” and 6:00 pm:  “Pt does not appear to be in a very good mood.”

The next morning, May 21 at 7:30, he is given another injection of insulin, 10 units according to Harrison.  Thus the context of Harrison’s note at 9:00 am:  “Pt seems rather depressed today.” is the same as that of the previous day with Prise:  10 physiologically extraneous units of insulin had suddenly used up a proportional amount of his blood sugar. At first this is indeed “stimulating” as the existing sugar gets metabolized far more rapidly than normal, then the let down occurs because of the reduced sugar level.

The above delayed reactions repeat that of May 16:  Insulin (10 units) at 7:30 am, then by 8:10 am (quoting Breon):  “Pt seems rather ‘down in the dumps’ today.”

All these reactions to 10 units of insulin happened after the “insulin therapy” in which far higher doses had been given, up to 60 units. At the beginning of his stay 10 unit doses had little effect, the only reaction mentioned in the Notes is hunger.

In short, Forrestal’s periods of malaise were more physiological than psychological.

And keep in mind that no one would be happy after living several weeks under the conditions described in the Notes.


Forrestal has been asleep for half an hour, he wakes up, and 15 minutes later kills himself, supposedly.  How many people have committed suicide right after awakening?

Forrestal’s brother Henry was to have come to Bethesda on May 22 to take Forrestal away regardless of the doctors. (See our introduction to the Willcutts Report, the section “The World Outside the Report.”)  Doubtless on the evening of May 21 Forrestal, anticipating his release after seven weeks of confinement, was like a horse at the starting gate champing at the bit.

Here are the main entries for the last eight hours of Forrestal’s life (all times are per the corpsmen and accurate only to the nearest five minutes). Assuming Harrison’s and the other corpsmen’s notes are correct, Forrestal has not been given any insulin or phenobarbital since 11:30 am and not taken any sodium amytal pills since May 19 two days ago:

May 21st
  4:50 pm
... E. W. Prise ..............................................................................
  5:15 pm   Pt visited by son.
  5:30 pm   Pt finished dinner.  Ate very good.
  6:00 pm   Pt sitting in chair reading.
  7:45 pm   Pt visited by Dr. Deen.
  8:00 pm   Dr. Deen left.  Pt in very good mood.
  9:00 pm  Pt refused evening feeding.
  9:20 pm   ... Pt did not take Na amytal.  States “I don’t think I want them at all.”  “I can sleep without them.”
10:00 pm   Pt has been pacing room constantly for past 50 minutes.
11:00 pm   Pt has been pacing floor for one hour and 50 minutes now.  Refuses Na amytal.
11:45 pm   ... R. W. Harrison ..............................................................................
Sunday,May 22nd
12:00 am  Pt still pacing floor.
12:05 am  Pt asked if he would receive any medications tonight.  Corpsman told him that there was none except his Na amytal.  Pt said “Thank you”, but refused amytal.
12:15 am  Pt in bed.  Pt said he was going to get some rest now.
12:20 am  Pt asked for a half glass of orange juice.  Pt got up to drink orange juice.
12:25 am  Pt in bed resting.
12:35 am  Pt up to drink a cup of coffee.
12:45 am  Pt in bed resting.
  1:00 am  Pt sleeping.
  1:30 am  Pt awake.  Pt sat up in bed a second and then laid back down.  When asked if he wanted his sleeping capsule, Pt replied  “I was asleep and I just woke up.  I’ll go back to sleep without it.”
  1:45 am  Corpsman saw doctor and asked about sleeping capsules for Pt.  Doctor said to give them if he asks for them.
  1:50 am  Corpsman went back in room and Pt was not in bed.
A man leaps out a 16th story window trying to hang himself, right after waking up, after drinking beverages and socializing before that – it all strikes several false notes.  And why would Harrison immediately bother the doctor about sleeping pills when Forrestal  (1) had just been asleep,  (2) had just said he would go back to sleep without them?

The doctor referred to was in the adjoining room, called the “doctors’ room.”  It was separated from Forrestal’s by a bathroom with a door on each side. According to the Willcutts Report testimony of that doctor, (Commander) Robert Reynolds Deen, question 15, Harrison did not merely see him, he woke him up. And what Harrison said was less than consistent with what he wrote in his notes. Here is Dr. Deen:

“... the corpsman, Harrison, came in, awakened me and said that Mister Forrestal still was not sleeping, what should he do about it. I said something like this – that Mister Forrestal knew that he should take his pills if he were unable to sleep without them and that the corpsman should again remind him that the pills were there and that he should take them if he felt he couldn't go to sleep by himself. ... I think it was about one thirty-five or something like that when the corpsman came and talked to me. I went back to sleep again because the next thing I recall was Miss Harty [Hardy] coming into the room ...”
Dr. Deen’s reply to Harrison was obvious and predictable. Why would even a rookie go to the trouble of waking him up over a triviality? A rookie indeed, perhaps, but the question could have been an excuse either to leave Forrestal alone for a minute or to appear to have left him alone after he was gone.

According to the Willcutts Report testimony of Dr. Deen (again question 15) he had earlier closed and locked his bathroom door. Harrison would have had to enter the doctors’ room through the galley.

According to the Willcutts Report testimony of nurse Dorothy Turner she was on the eighth floor about this time. She happened to look at the clock when it was almost 1:44 am. (The hospital clocks were probably synchronized, though we are not certain.) A minute later she heard a “double thud.”  The time Harrison wrote in the Notes for seeing Dr. Deen, having – he says – just left Forrestal in bed, is the same time as that, 1:45, so Harrison’s time is off – too late – by at least six minutes. (Whether Forrestal killed himself or someone else killed him, the act from bed to cord to out the window would have taken at minimum a substantial part of a minute.) The Nurse’s Notes times are written with a five minute precision so Harrison’s time skirts fabrication. Dr. Deen’s recollection of “about one thirty-five or something like that” is too uncertain to prove anything but 1:35 is closer to the true time than what Harrison wrote.

The point is that contrary to Harrison’s Notes and testimony he was probably not in the Doctor’s room when Forrestal went out the galley window, and in that case he must have seen Forrestal leave his bed.


The end of the Notes, quoted above, give the lie to the claim that Forrestal was copying a poem, or writing anything at all, right before he died.


Forrestal underwent, and at the higher dosages suffered through, nineteen consecutive days of so-called insulin therapy, from April 9 to 28 except for a respite on April 17, then after a respite of three days, another five consecutive days from May 2 to May 6.  On May 6 Forrestal, after an almost complete mental breakdown, may have finally realized that these “treatments” were in fact a degradation. In any case May 6 saw the last of the so-called insulin therapy.

Thus according to the Nurse’s Notes these barbaric treatments took place from April 9 to May 6 for a total of 24 treatments in 28 days.  The dose varied as follows (a question mark means that the page for that injection is missing, a blank means no treatment was given that day):

 20  20   ?   35  40   ?   45  50 ––  50  55  60  60  60  60  60  55  55  60  55 –– –– ––  40  35  35  35  35 

During the one and three day respites in the middle of the insulin therapy Forrestal was given no insulin injections. Both before and after the insulin therapy, that is, before April 9 and after May 6, he was given a so-called “stimulating” dose of 10 units of insulin each day.


Prise clearly spells his name “Prise” in the Notes and elsewhere. As we elaborate in our introduction to the Willcutts Report in the section “Obscured Witness,” the body of the report consistently misspells his name “Price.”  The first time in the Notes that the temporary relief watch W. M. Water refers to Prise he misspells it “Price” but after that spells it correctly.


On May 16 Breon notes that during lunch Forrestal craved salt.  He “salted food with almost every bite. Couldn’t get enough from shaker top so he took it off and poured the salt on.” A craving for salt is caused by a low sodium level, which in turn could have been caused by the heavy perspiring during the worst of the earlier insulin treatments. Whatever the cause, sodium deficiency is a very serious condition. Forrestal seems to have gotten over it though because salt is not mentioned again.


The Notes begin April 2 at 0430 but Forrestal was not formally admitted, per the Admission Notice (exhibit 3 item 1) until 1645, suggesting a hasty admission, paperwork postponed.


At times you get the impression the nurse corpsman is writing something just for something to write.


On April 30 and again on May 9 and 16 Forrestal complains about a strange smell in the room, an “etherish odor.” None of the staff seem to notice it. There are two possibilities:  (1) One consequence of an assault on the central nervous system can be imagined odors, so the smell may have been imaginary.  (2) Perhaps Forrestal was, or had become, more sensitive to odors, and smelled something the hospital personnel could not or were used to.

Earlier, April 17, Forrestal had asked that some flowers be taken out, saying (quoting the watch’s account) “they were ‘too strong’ for him.”


By mid May, into his seventh week, Forrestal has become concerned that his conversations with Dr. Raines might not be private. Here is the account of Prise, five days before Forrestal disappeared:

May 16th
4:40 pm
... E. W. Prise ..............................................................................
6:50 pmPt sitting in doctors’ room.  Appears to be thinking about something.
7:25 pmPt asked corpsman “Have you and Breon been taking down the conversations between me and Dr. Raines?”  When I [the corpsman] told him we weren’t, he demanded to talk to Dr. Raines.  Corpsman was unable to talk him out of it.  Pt then shown to telephone booth and allowed to call.

After calling doctor, Pt called corpsman into room and said “Prise, can you assure me on your honor that there is no apparatus here that can take down our conversations?”  Nothing I told him would change his opinion.
7:55 pm... Pt sitting in bed, still questioning corpsman.
8:30 pmPt has been very quiet.
We cannot know what made Forrestal concerned at this particular point about the privacy of his conversations. Whatever it was, his concern would have been reasonable had he told Raines anything he wouldn’t want made public. Raines’ character might have become apparent to Forrestal by this time. The man was dishonest before the Willcutts board. He testified that Forrestal’s friends were allowed to visit when in fact several close friends were turned away, as was even his brother until he threatened legal action. And Raines lied about Forrestal’s handwriting, see our introduction to the Willcutts Report, the section “The World Outside the Report.”

If Forrestal’s conversations were being recorded, neither Raines nor the watch need have been privy to it. Note the temporary change of room from 1618 to 1615 on April 5th – ample opportunity to plant a listening device.


On April 24, after 14 “insulin treatments,” Forrestal complained about the taste of the food given him the previous evening. Here is the note of corpsman Prise:

7:35 am    Pt talked to Dr. Deen.  When doctor told him he had a poor night because he did not take his sleeping pill, Pt said “They put it in my food last night.”  Nothing the doctor said would change Pt’s mind about this.  Pt also stated “The reason I know it was there, is because I could taste it.”
There are several possibilities. The strange taste (or perhaps smell, which can affect taste) could have been a consequence of the insulin therapy. Perhaps the food did indeed taste bad, but because it had been poorly prepared. Finally, perhaps Forrestal was right and it contained sodium amytal, which has a slightly bitter taste.

If sodium amytal had been placed in Forrestal’s dinner, the doctor or corpsman need not have known about it.

In any case, this is the only time Forrestal complained about anything being put in his food.

For what it’s worth, in those years sodium amytal (amobarbital) in high dosage was thought to be a “truth serum.”


One can only speculate about the contents of the missing pages, why they were left out, and when – that is, missing in the original or merely from the photocopy provided by the Navy per the FOIA request.

The notes covering Forrestal’s reaction to the 2nd day of insulin therapy, and the entire 6th day of insulin therapy, are missing. One possibility is that Forrestal had a severe reaction and the board did not want it known.

Another possibility, both for these and other missing notes, is that the board wanted to obscure some visitors Forrestal had during those times.

Then of course the missing pages might be a consequence of the bungling that government functionaries are known for. On the other hand, bungling can be a convenient excuse.

The original notes were obviously kept in a binder, so there is no good excuse for any of them disappearing.


In Dr. Hightower’s testimony before the Willcutts board, question 14, he says regarding Forrestal:  “I saw him again Saturday morning [May 21] at which time an old friend of his from New York came down to visit, a Mister Strieffler.”  That would be Paul Streiffler, Forrestal’s financial manager and close friend. Yet in the Notes for May 21 neither Hightower nor Strieffler are mentioned. The Notes are continuous and complete during this period so their thoroughness is only apparent. (Dr. Hightower might have been taken for granted because he was the doctor on call in the doctors’ room the night before.)


See the section “Missing Witnesses” in our introduction to the Willcutts Report. Why were Breon, Kipp, Kelley, and especially Stuthers, the man replaced by Harrison, not called to testify before the board? As with the missing notes, one can only speculate. Perhaps they were uncooperative, weren’t with the  he-committed-suicide  program.

According to Connie Riggs, a nurse stationed at Quantico at the time of Forrestal’s death who knew some of the non-corpsmen nurses stationed at Bethesda, none of those nurses believed the suicide story.

Why Suicide

There is only one reason to think that Forrestal committed suicide.  The contrary, that Forrestal was murdered, is bizarre.  That is the only reason, and considering that Forrestal had powerful enemies, not a very good one.

Once someone is labeled “suicidal” the stigma has a force of its own.

Why Murder

Suicide is at least as bizzare as murder.

Per an observation of Medford Evans:  Men hang themselves or they jump out sixteenth-story windows, but they don’t hang themselves out sixteenth-story windows.

Men don’t sleep for half an hour, wake up, and immediately kill themselves.

Civilized men leave a suicide note. Forrestal had friends and a family, yet there was no suicide note, no statement, nothing. 

Calling part of a Greek play copied by some anonymous person months or years before, of unrevealed provenance, Forrestal’s, then calling this shabby thing his substitute for a suicide note, is a candidate for the most brazen fraud of the century.  There is no question, not the slightest, that this is part of a cover-up. And what is there to cover up?

Per the research of Cornell Simpson:  The day of his death Forrestal had an appointment with his brother to leave the hospital and complete his convalescence in more congenial surroundings.

Per the Nurse’s Notes, and despite the insufferably pompous Dr. (psychiatrist) Raines’  “double wave-like”  claptrap testimony before the Willcutts board, Forrestal never acted suicidal or clinically depressed. Even under the waves of neurological assaults caused by artificially induced insulin shock he was never suicidal or clinically depressed.

Per the research of David Martin:  Two days before Forrestal was taken to Bethesda, Stuart Symington, Secretary of the Air Force, communicated to Forrestal – judging from his reaction – a threat of an extreme nature.

Forrestal was, and had good reason to be, suspicious, and suspicion is a consequence of self-preservation, not self-destruction. Even if one were to believe that Forrestal was paranoid – irrationally suspicious – paranoids do not kill themselves, they are afraid others might.

Who Did It

One can only conjecture who was behind the assassination of James Forrestal. Considering that he had been an outspoken critic of both the Soviet Union and Israel, and had let it be known that he planned to start a newspaper where his views could be presented, the governments of those two countries are prime suspects.

The Israelis (including the pro-Israelis before 1948) have a long history of assassinating people who they see as standing in their way. (See  This Is Our Ally?,  especially  Attempted Assassination of President Truman,  and the book Rise and Kill First by Ronen Bergman *)  On the other hand, Soviet assassination victims were confined to ex-Soviets, e.g. Leon Trotsky. Furthermore, unlike Soviets, Israelis could easily move within the U.S. All things considered, the perpetrators were likely Israeli agents. That might also account for the faux nature of the Navy’s investigation.

* See the book review:
“Review: ‘Rise and Kill First’ 
by  Brett Redmayne-Titley
The Unz Review  June 26, 2019