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Leonard Peikoff Today

On March 5, 2024 Mr. Peikoff’s daughter initiated legal proceedings to have him, then aged 90, declared incompetent and put in conservatorship. The following is from an open letter allegedly written by Peikoff describing what he thinks is happening. The letter is undated but appeared in several places on the Internet, including Facebook, on dates ranging from August 17 to September 4, 2024. James Valliant, who put the letter online, says it is authentic. In this article we always omit our external quote marks.
I am outraged ... at a new assault against me – an assault instigated by my daughter, Kira Peikoff ... Based on outright lies and ... innuendo which she has offered about me to a court of law, she has petitioned the government to place me under a conservatorship. ... Kira’s petition, if she wins, obliterates all my rights as an American citizen.

... She is asking the court to declare officially that I no longer have mental capacity, and therefore I cannot take safe care of myself in any or all realms. Therefore, she holds, I need a government-appointed conservator to oversee and manage my entire life i.e., an individual to approve or veto in advance any of my decisions, and I, as a matter of law, would have no choice but to obey. ...
Why is my daughter taking such an evil and destructive action against me? From the evidence I have accumulated in the past months and in certain cases years, the answer is twofold.  1) Kira is upset that after I die, she will no longer get all my lifetime savings. When I remarried, I decided to bequeath my Estate (50/50) to my beloved wife, Grace, and to Kira.  2) So, Grace, in Kira’s opinion, has stolen from her both my love and “her” money. Yes, it is true. Kira regards a bequest in my will – of my money while I am still alive – as already her money.

The case is even more irrational. Due to Kira’s relentless demands, I have already given her a sizable fraction of my Estate, which leaves me with not enough to pay for my present legal expenses which were undreamed of when I gave her the money. For Kira, though, these gifts were not enough, they did not satisfy her. ... I now think that giving her these gifts was a weak and stupid action on my part. Especially since she is now using these gifts to pay her high-priced lawyers – whose fees she can meet only through the very money that I gave her. ...

What does it add up to about Kira? In my understanding, it means that in her dealings with me, Kira is motivated by three desires: Greed, Jealousy, and Revenge. (She launched the petition for a conservatorship shortly after I told her about the change in my will).
... Kira’s first attack was to petition for an Emergency Conservatorship. This means that the court should grant her desire to enslave me immediately. There was a court hearing – Kira demanded that a conservator be placed over me at once because, I guess, of all the evils waiting in the wings to explode, if and when I am set free.

The normal procedure is to have the wife appointed by the court, but Kira demanded that the court use her nominated conservator ... . Kira in her delusion did not expect me to have the competency or desire to respond. Instead, I was fully present (my wife, Grace, beside me). I think the Court heard my voice loud and clear. I objected to this senseless conservatorship and exposed her lies. Outcome of Kira’s first attack: The judge denied that any emergency existed. I established my competence, at least unofficially, AND won his agreement on the emergency issue! At that point, Kira was stopped, albeit temporarily, in her rush to shackle me.

Once accused of mental incompetency, in order to keep his legal “protector” at bay, the victim faces an uphill battle – a painful trudge through the legal system’s endless procedures not only riddled by costs, but also by the anxiety triggered by all the legal machinations that it creates continuously, month after month, day after day. And I have been advised that the case may continue to 2025. I wake every day to this “ground zero” and to the question when, if it does, will the axe fall?

... do you see the contradiction? In the name of “the accuser and the government protecting me,” they have submitted me to very high amounts of stress in multiple arenas. I have been put through hours of legal procedure, and hours-long mental capacity tests which I am required to pay for at $900 plus an hour, stripping from me my dignity and making my life miserable and even fearful of the final verdict to come – who knows when?

Following the “Leonard Peikoff” typed signature is an addendum, reading in part:

... special thanks to my good friends Carrie and Bradley, who, through their enthusiasm, editorial assistance, and computer-wise action made it possible for me to write the letter and place it before the public.

Searching the Internet reveals a San Diego County Superior Courts docket for
Petitioner / Plaintiff:  Kira Peikoff Beilis
Proposed Conservator:  Marilyn Kriebel
Proposed Conservatee:  Leonard Peikoff
Objector:  Grace Davis

The text of the Peikoff letter is suspicious. Consider the salutation and first paragraph (consisting of one sentence), not quoted above:
Dear Objectivist Students and Friends,
I am Leonard Peikoff and I share with you today another fight against a grave social injustice.
Imagine an Objectivist about to be, so he thinks, publicly hanged. He addresses the crowd:  “I share with you today another fight against a grave social injustice.”  It’s ridiculous. Furthermore, the phrase “social injustice” is not one an Objectivist would use without some sort of apology. It makes Peikoff sound like a SJW.

Peikoff accuses his daughter of “Greed, Jealousy, and Revenge.” Instead of “greed” wouldn’t an Objectivist have said “greed for the unearned?”

Revealing the text under the ellipsis in the first quoted sentence:  “I am outraged, let alone astounded and even heartbroken, at a new assault against me ...”  Peikoff is a professional writer yet the word “even” is extraneous and undercuts “heartbroken.”

Regarding the proposed conservator he says:  “The normal procedure is to have the wife appointed by the court ...”  Yet he must know that Kira thinks his wife is the problem.

He exaggerates the consequences of a conservatorship. It does not mean that he becomes a slave or that the conservator gets his money, much less that it “obliterates all my rights as an American citizen.” The relation of conservatee to conservator is somewhat like that of a child to a guardian. The conservator is required by law to act in the interest of the conservatee. If Peikoff is in fact squandering his money due to the ravages of age, it is natural that his daughter would want to prevent it for his sake. And since she believes Peikoff’s nurse / caregiver (now wife) is manipulating him, she would think it wrong for that person to acquire half his wealth and would want to prevent it for justice’s sake. While she might benefit financially after Peikoff’s death, who is anyone to claim that that is her motivation?

In his letter Peikoff does not consider the possibility that his daughter is sincerely trying to help him. Shouldn’t a much younger woman steadfastly refuse the marriage proposal of a nonagenarian?

Peikoff seems to oppose the very idea of conservatorship, yet without that recourse the enfeebled would be easy prey to con men.

He says Kira is fighting for a larger share of his estate yet at the same time says he now hasn’t enough money to pay for a legal defense.

He claims to lay his case before the public yet omits an important detail: giving his nurse / caregiver a 3.7 million dollar mansion.

Kira revealed that stunning detail after being asked about the Peikoff letter on her Facebook page. Her reply (no longer online) was:

Thank you for your concern. This is a private family matter that will be determined by a judge, not the court of public opinion. All I will say is that my father’s statement is libel, and contains many mistruths about me. He neglected to mention that his new wife is a nurse caregiver who was hired from an agency and that she has used controlling tactics to influence him and isolate him from his entire family, many friends, and longtime professionals. We will go to trial in March [2025]. As one example, he purchased the $3.7M house in secrecy and quitclaimed the deed to her (this is public record) before there was any marriage, while she was drawing a salary from him as a caregiver. This is in violation of CA probate codes which consider such asset transfers to caregivers to be presumptive fraud.

Though this affair should have been a private matter, the open letter made it a public one. “Quitclaim” means to transfer ownership by renunciation. Without money changing hands, Peikoff renounced his claim to the house and made Grace the sole owner.

In another social media post Kira wrote:

The last few weeks have been hell for me. I wish more people would have the simple decency to stay out of a private matter and let the courts do their job. And thank you to those who have expressed reservations about snap-judging a matter they cannot possibly understand, especially when so many of the facts presented are false.

I deeply miss my father, the man who unconditionally loved me for 38 years. Not a day goes by without the heavy pain I now carry in my heart. I dream of him often and it’s always the way he used to be, the loving and steadfast, kind father I knew, not the man who has now become unrecognizable. My children ask to see their grandpa one last time and I cannot give them that. We are all gutted.

Mr. Valliant says that Peikoff asked for his help defending against Kira’s lawsuit. On August 29 he started a GoFundMe campaign, titled “Help Dr. Peikoff Fight for His Freedom,” with a target of $20,000. Mr. Valliant has a Facebook page “Protect Leonard Peikoff” (account “Leonardshelper”) on which he posts the latest news of this affair. Posted on Aug. 31:
... I’m reaching out to share that Dr. Peikoff urgently needs our support to fight a legal battle that threatens his freedom and autonomy. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a significant impact in this crucial fight. If you can, please consider clicking the link below to donate or share it with others who might help. ...
By September 14 the fund had reached somewhat over $18,000 at which point Mr. Valliant increased the target to $30,000. By September 24 the fund had reached somewhat over $26,000 and he increased the target to $40,000.

Donations began to slow down after reaching about 26 and a quarter thousand dollars, coincident with the third increase in the target as donations approached it, the online appearance of photos and video of Peikoff and his wife, and possibly “market saturation” of his small circle of followers.

Instead of public donations, one source of money would be a loan based on the equity Peikoff’s wife has in the multi-million dollar house he gave her. And Peikoff has several well-heeled personal friends. Why the GoFundMe campaign, accompanied by desperate pleas and photographs of Peikoff, when the money could be obtained privately?

At first the photos of Peikoff displayed on “Protect Leonard Peikoff” predated this affair. One was from 2020, another from 2019. Eventually Mr. Valliant put up a recent photo of Peikoff and his new wife. She appears to be a 30-something (she might be 60 and dyes her hair) Filipino. The photograph has been removed but is preserved here:

On September 20, 2024 Mr. Valliant finally provides a video of Peikoff, now 91, interviewed by him. According to the accompanying text it was recorded on September 7. Mr. Valliant starts off talking about current events in Israel (Peikoff doesn’t disagree when Mr. Valliant insinuates that because the U.S. did not bomb Iran in 2001, the U.S. is responsible for the October 7th Hamas attack against Israel in 2023). Then Peikoff discusses the disposition of Rand’s copyrights after his death, meeting his nurse / caregiver, that she was a physical therapist and got him walking after a collapse, his marriage proposals, what they do for fun. At least two intervals are edited out. There is no mention of conservatorship or of his daughter, and no mention of the $3.7M house he gave to his future wife. Peikoff is voluble but his speech somewhat slurred. At 43:57, after prompting from Mr. Valliant, his wife makes a brief appearance:
The video is titled “Catching up With Leonard Peikoff” and though Valliant no longer links to it on his Facebook page it can still be found on YouTube.  Here is a transcribed excerpt starting at 50:30. Peikoff’s false starts are retained but crossed out. Jay is Grace’s son, Jaymeson.
... we’ve just found I hope you don’t misinterpret this, uh, we enjoy going to a casino, and they have them in California. We found one down near San Diego that we’ve gone to with Jay and a couple other people at the party and played blackjack with live dealers and really enjoyed it. Last time I only lost $25, a big achievement. Uh, anyway that restaurant and that place has a fabulous, fabulous restaurant, even though it’s just an ordinary casino, the greatest food ever, uh and uh we went the other night and they said, order four dinners from the restaurant from the menu and we’ll serve you all four. And they said [apparently in reply to a question – AW], no, you have to order four cuz they want to make it so spectacular that anybody will come there and they’ll want to stay there and start gambling. So, uh, we enjoy that. We haven’t done it very, twice I think, [inaudible] long time but it’s something we do to have fun.
Recall from Mr. Valliant’s Facebook page “Protect Leonard Peikoff” (Aug. 31 and again Sept. 12):  “Every donation, no matter how small, makes a significant impact in this crucial fight. If you can, please consider clicking ... [link to GoFundMe]”  Don’t strain your pocketbook responding to Mr. Valliant’s pathetic pleas on Peikoff’s behalf.

Peikoff’s letter was widely discussed in Ojbectivist circles. Here is a thoughtful comment by “anonymous98” on Elliot Temple’s discussion group (Sept. 25, abbreviations expanded, emphasis removed, a punctuation error corrected). Peikoff referred to Kira’s “evil project” in his public letter, not included in our except above:
Peikoff wrote that Kira’s motivations were greed, jealousy, and revenge, and that her “project” (trying to get the conservatorship) was evil. ...

I can’t imagine publicly writing that kind of thing about my own child. He is encouraging other people to hate and potentially harass her. He is completely leaving out her side of the story. He could have written something about how she is misguidedly trying to protect him, and while he understands she has concerns, he is of sound mind and is truly in love.
From what I read, Peikoff bought a 3.7 million dollar house and quitclaimed it to his nurse before they were even married. He says in the video that he asked her three times before she agreed to marry him. I don’t think he mentions that he also bought her a 3.7 million dollar house before she married him, and that this happened while she was still his caregiver. ...

Adult children having to deal with their elderly parents being taken advantage of is common. There is often nothing they can do, since their parent is of sound mind, and they just have to watch their parent give away their life savings. ...

I don’t know if this is what is happening with Peikoff but it is a reasonable concern, and I can’t imagine vilifying my own child for having that kind of concern. ...

On October 31 Kira announces on Facebook that she is dropping the case:
In March of 2024, I filed for a Conservatorship over my 91-year-old father, Dr. Leonard Peikoff. I took this action after I lost all communication with him and he deeded title to his house to his nurse and then married her. I was subsequently cut out of his life. I felt I owed it to my father, with whom I had a lifelong loving and close relationship, to protect him. The conservatorship was my only option to reach him and to try to help him after communication closed.

After much thought, I have decided to drop the conservatorship case. Although I still believe I have a strong legal case that is supported by multiple disinterested witnesses *,  a neutral Court-appointed medical expert, and the presumptions of undue influence under California probate code, my dad has shown himself to be beyond reach as a victim used by his abuser.

Even though many people in our lives can attest that we previously had a close and loving relationship for 38 years, my father has been convinced, under what I believe is the undue influence of his nurse-turned-wife, that I am an evil, greedy person who doesn’t care about him and only wants his money. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even if I were to prevail at trial, so much damage has been done already that it would amount to a Pyrrhic victory.

My father’s love for me has been destroyed, and I no longer believe that any amount of evidence brought to his attention will open his eyes. Also, a conservator’s actions to protect him from financial fraud would take at least another year or two of contentious litigation to reverse the harm that has likely already occurred. If he is not able to understand what should be obvious, that I am trying to protect him, I do not wish to put him through a prolonged legal battle at this stage of his life.

My intention was never to control his decisions or limit his independence, but rather to shield him from what I truly believe is undue influence and exploitation. However, the emotional and mental suffering this process has caused both of us is so severe that I cannot justify continuing.

I offered to mediate – with zero financial concessions to dispel personal attacks against me – in order to restore any hope of contact between us, but was denied. Under her influence, my dad has called me Hitler in court and said that he wishes I was dead, but I still love him deeply and I grieve for the father he used to be. In the end, I don’t want to be the reason for any more distress during his remaining years. I remain devoted to my father and his legacy.

Of course, if my dad ever wanted to reach out to me again, I would welcome that. I miss him so much. But under her influence, he’s convinced I am his “greatest enemy,” so I know it’s not going to happen. It’s sad to live with the knowledge that he’s 91 and I’ll probably never get to see or talk to him again. And it’s sad that he is too far gone to understand my attempt to help him. It’s a scar on my heart I’ll have for the rest of my life.

Having said all of this, given the fluidity of the situation, I will maintain my love for my father and reassess means for justice.

* See first comment [on Facebook, see below] for an eyewitness statement from one of the multiple disinterested people who have come forward to share their concerns with the Court.

First comment (Oct. 31, typos corrected):
Witness Statement:  I, [NAME REDACTED], declare:

I am an adult and I have personal knowledge of the facts stated in this declaration or present facts upon information and belief. If called as a witness, I could and would testify to the truthfulness of these facts.

I have been a caregiver, acupressurist, and housekeeper for more than 30 years. I am a certified massage and acupressure therapist.

On December 10, 2023, I began working for Leonard Peikoff (“Mr. Peikoff”) as his caregiver and housekeeper. Given Leonard’s frail state, he needed help to get out of bed, especially since he was not very lucid most of the time.

After getting Mr. Peikoff out of bed, I made him breakfast, which he seemed to enjoy. His nurse, Grace Davis (“Grace”), was also present that morning. Grace was irritated that Mr. Peikoff liked the breakfast I made him, and from that day forward, I was no longer allowed to cook Mr. Peikoff’s breakfast.

Later on that day, Mr. Peikoff tried to access his email account but grew increasingly frustrated as he complained his email password had changed. He specifically told me to wake Grace’s son, Jay Davis (“Jay”), up so that he could give the correct password. Mr. Peikoff told me that Jay would always change his passwords. It was clear to me when I told Jay about Mr. Peikoff’s request, Jay was in no hurry to give him the correct password.

On my December 15, 2023, shift, while cleaning the living room, I overheard Jay telling Mr. Peikoff how poorly his daughter, Kira Beilis Peikoff (“Kira”) treated Mr. Peikoff by not coming to visit him. Jay even suggested that Mr. Peikoff leave Kira out of his will. This is something I continuously heard Grace and Jay tell Mr. Peikoff – that Kira should be taken out of his will because she no longer cared for him. I also overheard Grace tell Mr. Peikoff that it would be better if the partnerships he owned were assigned to her, so that she can take care of the details, like the finances and division-making.

That same day, Mr. Peikoff’s publishing agents showed up to discuss a book deal. I recall hearing Grace telling Mr. Peikoff that it may be best for him to make her a partner in the book deal, so she can ease his responsibilities.

During another shift, Mr. Peikoff’s cellphone began to ring, so I handed it to him and told him that it seemed like someone important was calling him. Typically, Mr. Peikoff’s cellphone was always out of reach from him and on vibration mode, to the point where he could not hear or see family and friends trying to reach him. It seemed to me that Mr. Peikoff was cut off from communication to the outside world.

When I handed his cellphone to him, Mr. Peikoff answered the call and began talking to his attorney friend. From what I could hear, the conversation was very heated as the friend was telling Mr. Peikoff that no one can reach him, neither through phone or email.

Mr. Peikoff responded that it was none of the friend’s business.

Although I did not work with Mr. Peikoff for very long, I decided to send him a Christmas gift that year. This is because I had a good relationship with Mr. Peikoff. He liked my work, and I think he could tell that I cared about his wellbeing. He always seemed happy when I was helping him out, with either physical therapy, preparing him good meals, or helping him get dressed.

Even though this was the case, the Christmas gift I mailed to him was returned back to me, with the status of “undeliverable.” I thought that was odd, as I knew I had the correct address.

To me, it seemed like someone did not want my Christmas gift to reach Mr. Peikoff.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is correct and that this Declaration is executed on _____[redacted]_____, in _____[redacted]_____, California.

Sub-comment to the above, by Kira’s husband, Matt Beilis (Oct. 31, ellipsis in original):
Also worth mentioning re the December 15th observation above by this witness ... Kira had a jovial phone conversation with Leonard on December 8th mutually planning and then literally booking a hotel visit with Leonard for a couple nights. Kira also reached out to Leonard’s overnight caretaker at the time (another of the disinterested witnesses who came forward unprompted) to ensure she could go as well to help with Leonard’s care.

Unbeknownst to us, Grace’s son Jay sent a text to that overnight caretaker literally DURING Kira’s call with Leonard (we have the screenshots showing this) to block the visit, texting: “if Leonard asks you to go to Newport Beach to stay with him in Newport Beach from January 5th - January 7th say you cannot. I’ll speak to you about it. His daughter is insane.”

According to the above witness statement, this witness observed Jay allegedly smearing Kira’s character on December 15th to Leonard for her decision to not take that trip when Jay himself prevented it.

Leonard told us he was in a private room during that call and that no one could listen in to Kira’s call with him.

Second comment, by Shelley Jones (Oct. 31, ellipses in original):
I was Leonard Peikoff’s assistant for 8 years, and I say with all honesty and sadness that I have personally witnessed much of what both Kira and the “witness” in the first comment have described, among many other things. I have not been vocal about this publicly or anywhere other than privately to a few friends due to expecting to be a “star witness” in what would have been the trial in March. However, I can now speak freely.

I always loved and did my best to protect Leonard in any way I could, and many of his friends (many now former friends due to the situation with Grace) can attest to that. It got to a point where I was clearly seeing the manipulation and “undue influence” happening and could no longer protect Leonard as I had previously, nor sit around and watch this all happening.

I chose to get involved with this case in defense of Kira because I DID see the damage being caused by Grace and Jay firsthand. Kira did not mention how Leonard no longer has ANY privacy, and there are listening devices everywhere in the home as well as staff spying on him and reporting back to Grace and Jay.

Again, I love Leonard still and considered him to be a friend as well as our working relationship for 8 years. It broke my heart to go against him in support of Kira, but it was the moral thing to do. Also, I was concerned about Leonard being left penniless and on the streets once his money was gone, as well as many other things.

I hate that this whole situation happened, I miss Leonard (one of the funniest and most humble, wonderful men I ever knew ... when he was still thinking for himself), and this all breaks my heart in ways you cannot imagine.

Last but not least, to set the record straight, Kira and I were never “friends”, and I rarely even spoke with her unless there was something going on in Leonard’s life to discuss. So, I side with her because I saw this all unfold and I know her version of the story to be true. So, as difficult as it was for me (and still is), I chose the side of “moral” over saying nothing because I could not have lived with myself if something happened to Leonard and my speaking up may have mattered. I do feel Kira made the right decision with the lawsuit, but I also understand why she felt it was necessary. My heart goes out to her and her family for the loss of her father ... at least the father he used to be.

Another comment by Shelley Jones, in reply to someone who says that Kira wanted to take away Peikoff’s freedom, that he doesn’t believe her account, and that the court case was immoral (Oct. 31, one typo corrected):
This conservatorship was not initiated intending to take away Leonard’s “freedom”, but to protect his finances from the frivolous overspending going on which Kira (and I and others) were worried would leave him penniless ... Kira had every right to be concerned and request someone oversee Leonard’s finances from the outside ... His investment advisor and tax person agreed and expressed concerns as well and supported Kira, just FYI. There have been a whole lot of falsehoods thrown out there [in your comment], but some of us were firsthand witnesses to what has been going on. ...

From another comment by Shelley Jones (Nov. 1, one paragraph split into two):
... there is a law in CA making it a crime for a “caregiver” to marry their “client” within I believe 90 days of being paid as a caregiver. She [Grace] was being paid up until around a month (if that) before the wedding, clearly violating this law, but even with proof the State doesn't seem to care. She wheeled him in his wheelchair into a courthouse with his oxygen tank shortly after being released from the hospital and right after buying the new home to get married. ...

Kira's story is very credible, and I can back it up because I had a front row seat to all the drama and chaos. For the record to everyone, Kira tried MULTIPLE times to reconcile with her father without any financial involvement, and one day he would be open to it, then the next day he would refer to her (as he did with me on the phone more than once) as “Hitler”. ...

The vilification of Kira by so many is sickening, and now with not having to worry about saying anything that would have been thrown at me and twisted in court, I can no longer stay silent.

In reply to someone else, Kira Peikoff writes (Nov. 2):
A person does not need to be demented in order to legitimately need the protection of a conservatorship. Being “unable to resist fraud or undue influence” is also, in California, grounds for granting conservatorship, which is what this case was always about.

In reply to someone else whose comment seems no longer online, Kira writes (Nov. 2):
I’m guessing this lawyer doesn’t specialize in elder abuse? If so, he would know that is simply not the case. A conservatorship can be granted if a person is found to be “unable to resist fraud and undue influence.”

From a neurologist who specializes in assessing capacity cases in the elderly:
“Notably, according to standards set forth under Probate Code Sections 810-812, a specific medical diagnosis, or lack thereof, is not the primary determinant of a person's legal mental decision-making capacity.
“Welfare and Institutions Code §15610.70(a) defines undue influence as “excessive persuasion that causes another person to act or refrain from acting by overcoming that person's free will and results in inequity.”
In assessing and determining whether a result was produced by undue influence, one must consider the vulnerability of the victim (example factors: advanced age, physical dependence, isolation, cognitive status), the influencer’s apparent authority (ex: caregiver/patient relationship), the actions or tactics used by the influencer, and the equity of the result.

For credible information on this topic, see the American Bar Association:
[“Undue Influence Revisited” by Philip Marshall & Mary Quinn, May 30, 2017]
“People with full capacity can be subject to undue influence as with domestic violence, cults, hostage situations, prisoners of war, and even totalitarian regimes. It is, however, easier to unduly influence someone who has mental capacity impairments … Elders of all incomes and walks of life are subject to undue influence that can rob them of their self-worth, net worth and even their lives.”

Later Kira comments on another post by the same person (again apparently no longer online, Nov. 2):
You don’t know my father or his mental capacity, nor do viewers of a YouTube video. In fact he has been assessed by a neurologist ordered by the court. Mental capacity is a relevant, but not determinative factor, in undue influence. And mental capacity is not a binary yes or no, it’s a sliding scale. My father is not demented – anyone can see that. But he is not A+ cognitively either.

He has been medically deemed susceptible to undue influence. I am not a dishonest person. I am a person of strong moral integrity who acted bravely in the face of an excruciating ordeal to protect one of my highest values.

I would want my sons to do the same for me.

A comment by Kira (Nov. 2):
A former caretaker who worked in my dad’s house as his overnight nurse after his marriage is now speaking publicly for the first time. She shared this on her own page [a couple of misspellings here corrected – AW]:
“[I] Worked for her father and witnessed first hand this situation.

“I was saddened to watch a disabled man being told lies about his daughter and purposely keeping all contact away from him. Things like her sending him flowers and not giving them to her Dad, turning his cell phone off or putting it on vibrate so he could not hear who is calling him, sabotage visits that his daughter would plan to see him, abuse of medications, writing letters on his email on behalf of him not being aware. His wife would sit at his bedside and feed him lies about his daughter that was heard on the baby camera and the text messages I received about his daughter that were not true.”
“When I was a lone at night with Leonard he spoke so highly of his daughter and expressed how proud he was of her. The three of his favorite topics were is daughter, his dog that he loved dearly that past away and his mentor and good friend Ayn Rand.

“Kira Peikoff is by no means Hitler. She is a loving daughter that had to watch her sick father that was almost dying taken out of the hospital that could barely walk and had to be on a 24 hour oxygen tank to the justice of the peace to immediately marry his caregiver Grace.

“When I started caring for Leonard Peikoff he was severely sick, barely walk, oxygen saturation unstable and BP. He had to write his wedding vows for his wedding party which he was told he had to have in order to make his marriage legal. I had to write those vows for him because he was unable to write or recall many events why he was getting married.”

The next comment, by Roselyn Jacobson, refers to the caretaker above (Nov. 2, punctuation corrected):
That same caregiver, Tanya Davis, worked for my husband and have mentioned exactly this! a year ago. I told her to do something. It’s heartbreaking to hear someone being taken advantage off. She mentioned also that your Dad is on some heavy meds. He is not himself most of the time.

Kira replies (Nov. 2):
Yes, her observations as well as those of numerous others close to my dad convinced me to go to court in March. It was an absolute last resort but one of his financial advisors told me I would be “negligent” if I did not take legal action. ...

For those who have read my dad’s letter, he claimed I went to court because he split his will. That is a flagrant lie meant to characterize me as a money grubber. Now that I’ve dropped the case I feel I can be more open in speaking up. At least people can now know the truth.

Kira and Shelley Jones also commented on the Facebook page of William Swig, who along with Scott Schiff hosts the Ayn Rand Fan Club podcast (YouTube).

Shelley Jones replies to Scott Schiff (Nov. 2):
I’m willing to share what I know firsthand ... Leonard was in regular contact with Kira as he had always been from all those years prior to 2020 until he got married, at which time (for the first time ever) she was given a strict schedule of when she was allowed to call him. She visited as often as she could, and her son Leo is named after him. On a phone call I had with Leonard (with Grace interjecting herself into the conversation), she said, “I am his WIFE, and Kira needs boundaries.” This was when I was trying to “mediate”.

Rumors started after Leonard’s 90th birthday party in October of 2023 (which Kira and I both attended, and it was the first time I had met her in person) about things Kira had allegedly said (which I did not witness, but she was by her dad’s side pretty much the entire time), and it was on and off drama and accusations about that for a while. I do not know what Kira might or might not have said, but I do know that Grace’s son, Jay, was loudly saying to me on several occasions that day what Kira was accused of having said. He badmouthed Kira to me and others every chance he got.

Kira would try to call, but Leonard’s phone was often set to silent (not by him) and she grew more and more concerned when she was unable to get in touch with him after sometimes several days.

As for the Estate, he flip-flopped (in phone calls with me) about what to do, and eventually said he was going to cut her out completely, leaving everything to Grace. I don’t believe he told Kira that at the time (nor did I), so that’s not what she was reacting to as far as I know. She was devastated to have had her relationship with her father destroyed. He would have conversations with her about a reconciliation of their relationship, then the next day he’d change his mind suddenly and would refer to her as “Hitler” (to me). Eventually, he stopped speaking to her entirely. She sent him flowers, sent emails, etc. She tried and tried, but it was no use. Then anyone who even continued to speak to Kira was “the enemy”; then came the conservatorship filing out of concern after Kira found out from a reliable source that Leonard intended to transfer all of his assets to Grace. That was the chain of events to the best of my recollection.

Shelley Jones replies to William Swig asking about the date of the marriage. Rancho Santa Fe is the multi-million dollar mansion Peikoff gave to Grace (Nov. 2, punctuation and spelling corrected, ellipsis hers):
The courthouse marriage was in August 2023 I believe, with their “ceremony” held shortly afterward. He got out of the hospital ICU due to pneumonia and sepsis in July, the month prior. The move from Leonard’s home in Laguna Woods to Rancho Santa Fe happened while Leonard was still in the hospital, which I’m pretty sure was in July 2023. Kira Peikoff, can you please give the specific dates, as I’m sure you have what I don’t have ... emails, etc., from that time.

Then (Nov. 2):
Scott, I just spoke with Kira and she wants to have the timeline of events set straight because “my dad’s version is a flagrant lie”. She has given me permission to share these texts, and she does have emails and voicemails to back this all up. Unlike me, she still has all of the communication from then. I deleted everything once I resigned with Leonard because I didn’t foresee the court case or needing any of it anymore. I just wanted to move on and try to put it behind me. Which is why I’m limited to relying on my memory from a year ago. ...

This was Kira’s text to me just now:
My dad told me he wanted to split his will in Oct 2023 (you typed the letter) which was right before his birthday. But that he was still leaving me the copyrights. I accepted that and we agreed to never discuss the issue again. In fact, we exchanged emails about this. It was only after I brought up the concerns of one of his current caretakers [at that time] and another friend to simply let him know that people in his life thought he was being taken advantage of (Dec 2023) that he severed all contact, told me I am disowned, and that I don’t have a father because I “hurt Grace’s feelings”. I tried desperately to reconcile with him, sent him flowers, asked to speak to Grace, and she would not allow that. The last time he contacted me was Jan 1, 2024, to dismiss me from his life. I never heard from him again. I went to court in March because I had no other options to get through to him and there were so many red flags.

On 10/13/2023: Let me add, Kira, that I do not want to discuss this or any will or money issue again – certainly not on the telephone, or on Zoom, or anywhere else. Of course, if some emergency requires such a discussion, I don’t forbid that obviously. But I want it only in an emergency, of the right kind. So, Kira, I hope that we can go back to the beginning, where you are in the cradle holding my fingers and my heart is bursting – and nothing will interrupt that again. I look forward to your fingers grasping mine again on Saturday.

After that, we never discussed money or the will again.

As you know, I never went to court because he split the will. I was willing to accept that and move on so we could have a relationship. It’s awful how my dad has mischaracterized the events and ascribed purely financial motives to me.

In November, 2023, he left me a voicemail to say he wanted to come visit me, which Grace and Jay made him cancel.

Kira (Nov. 2):
I will add that I don’t believe my dad mischaracterized the events leading up to the conservatorship on purpose, in order to slander me. My dad was never a liar, never devious or wicked in any way. (Although I don’t know who he is now under her influence.) I believe his letter reflects how he has been manipulated to believe a lie that paints me in the most ugly light. And because he has some documented memory loss, I’m guessing he doesn’t remember how the events actually unfolded – only what he is told happened. He has had difficulty (recently documented in a court-ordered neurology exam) orienting events in time. For just one example, he told a neurologist recently that he stopped driving “3 or 4 years ago,” when in fact it was about 9 years ago.

Ed Powell weighs in (Nov. 2, one paragraph split into two):
This case illustrates, alas, a standard scam, particularly prevalent among Filipinas. I’ve heard the same story from multiple people.

I was explaining the case (to the best of my limited knowledge) to a friend the other night. He immediately took Leonard’s side, while his wife, whose own grandfather was subject to the exact same scam, tried to educate him. In the end he saw his wife’s point. ...

It’s not even a case of rationality or mental capacity. A “nerd” is the perfect mark for this type of scam. ... Indeed, counterintuitively, the more honest and undevious a person is, the easier it is to fool them.

Kira replies (Nov. 2):
I was told by two separate lawyers that this is a common scam by Filipina nurses. I was told they have a “playbook.”

Kira comments on the post of Shelley Jones above (Nov. 2):
Yep the move to Rancho Santa Fe was July 2023 straight from the hospital, where he had been in the ICU for sepsis and pneumonia. I flew and visited him there on a moment’s notice.

The marriage was done in secret on Aug 31, 2023. He didn’t know he was getting married. He thought they were picking up a marriage license only. But they got married, and he explained to me the following day when he called to tell me the news that “this is how it works in the state of CA.”

Scott Schiff asks Kira about Peikoff’s claim (in the first Valliant interview) that he had asked Grace to marry him once a year for three years before she said yes. Did Kira suspect a romance? She replies (Nov. 2):
I did not know there was any romantic notion until July 2023 when, 9 days after his hospital discharge, he told me he had decided to get married. I was utterly shocked because I had asked him directly in May 2023 if he was romantic with Grace (who was his paid nurse then), and he denied it, though he admitted to liking her. I said, “Once you move to Rancho Santa Fe, I bet you will marry her.” He responded that he would never get married again:

“Why would I do that at my age?” And he said he didn’t want to put me in a precarious position with the copyrights, which was our lifelong understanding that I would inherit. He told me several times last year that he was leaving the most important books to me as a “favor to Ayn” and that I was the only person he trusted with them.
I said, “The problem is in three or six months, you won’t remember this conversation.”
He said, “How can I reassure you?”
And I said, “You can’t.”

And here we are.

Someone asks about a reconciliation, Kira replies (Nov. 2):
I tried and tried for a reconciliation every way you can imagine. It is impossible.

I don’t know anything about his [Peikoff’s] physical state, as I have not seen him in a year. I am not in contact with anyone who still talks to him and could report back to me. So many people have now been cut off: my entire family, his own brother, his longtime financial professionals, his secretary, other caretakers, multiple longtime friends. All because of this situation.

I can’t comment on the future.

Someone asks Kira what she makes of Peikoff’s current close association with James Valliant. Does Valliant believe Grace is sincere in her relation with Peikoff? Has she duped Valliant as well? Kira replies with a rhetorical question. The “five minutes” is hyperbole for a few days compared to many years (Nov. 3):
Or is James so intellectually dishonest that he has shown up in my dad’s life five minutes ago after being completely irrelevant, non existent for years, and claims he knows everything that happened, more than all the many eyewitnesses who have come forward and made sworn statements under penalty of perjury? Is he such a sycophant desperate for glory that he will exploit the void in my dad’s life for friends, when the good and honest ones have all been cut off, so that he can promote his own status in Objectivism? Or even, I wonder, vie for a position on the new “committee” that apparently will run Ayn’s estate? You decide.
As someone summarized, “Valliant came out of nowhere to help facilitate what Grace and Jay are doing.”

Back on Kira’s Facebook page, she replies to someone about the termination of an overnight nurse (Nov. 3):
... I can speak more freely now. I was the one who told him [Peikoff] about the overnight nurse’s [Tanya Davis’s] concerns. ... She had reached out to me cold, a stranger, to tell me, risking her job.

I told him on December 18th, 2023. I truly, truly did not expect what happened next. To this day, I still feel shocked and horrified by it.

He reacted with utter fury, telling me she was a liar, and that I was trying to discredit Grace and blow up his marriage.
He screamed at me that I was disowned and no longer had a father.
He said, and this is a direct quote, which my husband can testify to, “If Grace was working with the mafia to poison me, I wouldn’t want to know.”

I have been cut out of his life ever since.

In another comment Kira writes about the eyewitness accounts (Nov. 4):
... in terms of the individuals who have spoken up and voiced concerns – not only did they have nothing to gain, they had everything to lose. And they did. Six people lost their jobs over speaking out.

A postscript comment: “And worst of all I lost my dad.” When someone points out that she had already lost him, she replies (Nov. 4):
Yes, I had already lost him several months before I went to court. He cut me out of his life. When I tried to reconcile with him, at first he was open to it, but Grace explicitly forbade it. (Her rejection of my reconciliation attempt is documented in emails – Jan 2024.) That was the last I ever heard from him.

Someone writes that he would like to know “the context of Valliant’s involvement here” and Shelley Jones replies (Nov. 4):
Re Valliant, I can offer that prior to this whole nasty situation, as I did all of Leonard’s scheduling for visits and phone calls for 8 years until early this year, James Valliant was not a “friend” of Leonard’s. If he was, I would have known about visits and communication. I was also told that some time ago, Leonard said unflattering things about Valliant, which I cannot confirm because I don’t believe Leonard ever mentioned anything to me. However, does anyone wonder why Valliant suddenly appeared out of nowhere to be Leonard’s “champion”? I can only speculate about that.

Among other questions, someone asks (Nov. 7):
... why a grown son ... lives with them and is always present?

Valliant doesn’t mention Kira’s announcement on his “Protect Leonard Peikoff” Facebook page. Eventually a commenter does. At some point Valliant pins near the top of the page: “Protect Leonard Peikoff limited who can comment on this post.” That is, who can comment, period. (When I replied to his calling Kira’s witnesses liars by politely pointing out reasons to give them credence, he deleted my reply and blocked me from viewing the page – from that account anyway. And when someone else asked if Grace’s son lived at the mansion, he too was immediately banned.)

Valliant keeps his GoFundMe campaign going. On November 7, a week after Kira’s announcement, he adds the following to the GoFundMe page – the amount raised having reached $26,994 (brackets his):
[Update: The case was dismissed, unilaterally! Your support helped to make that happen! Thank you, one and all! However, the petitioner is still publicly threatening future legal action. The fight isn’t over yet!]
Yet at this point Kira is explicitly not threatening legal action.

Carl Barney, former Church of Scientology executive, former head of a disgraced trade school conglomerate, former ARI board member, and co-founder of Objective Standard Institute, writes on his blog (Nov. 14) that when he visited Peikoff in 2020 he found him in very poor health. Barney considered conducting a “medical intervention” and asking Peikoff’s friends for help. However Peikoff’s “long-time assistant, Shelley” told him that “Leonard would not approve of such an intervention.”  Then working with Peikoff’s assistant and a friend (unnamed) he found an “up-scale” healthcare center in Peikoff’s area and eventually hired Grace Davis, a registered nurse. He paid the agency for her services.

After that, as related by Barney, he communicated with Peikoff’s assistant “almost daily” and checked in with Peikoff “mostly daily.”
Grace helped him. He started to become stronger. Notwithstanding that, he was still so frail – in and out of the hospital – that Grace and her son, Jaymeson (an EMT), continued tending to him.

I started to hear from his assistant (also my Executive Assistant), Shelley, that there was something odd with Grace. She was taking over everything – not only his health, but also his office and his finances.

Due to illnesses and medical drugs, Leonard became increasingly susceptible to undue influence. After his move to Rancho Santa Fe (near San Diego), I then heard from Shelley (and others) that there were conflicts with Leonard’s friends. Some were cut off. Shelley was finding it difficult to contact Leonard. After years of regularly scheduled meetings, Leonard was now canceling (or forgetting about) them. Then, Shelley’s access to his computer was entirely cut off.

A few months ago, Leonard called me. He spoke to me for about an hour. He went into a long diatribe about his former assistant and Kira – how wicked they were. He complained bitterly about Kira. Finally, I said to him, “But, Leonard, you’ve always loved Kira. ... Something must have happened. What happened before this conflict arose?” There was a long pause, and then the line went silent – I think someone had pressed the mute button. After 30 - 60 seconds, Leonard came back on and, in a strange, non sequitur way, said, “Well, Kira was always possessive, even as a child,” and then he went on to talk about her childhood.
It sounds as if someone was monitoring Peikoff’s speech, perhaps making suggestions.  If witness testimony can be believed, it would appear that by hiring Grace, Barney let a Trojan horse into Peikoff’s life.  He is hardly the man to say (as he does near the end of his post)  “This ordeal is private ... Let’s leave it alone.”  With his ill-gotten hundreds of millions he could try to fix the problem he unwittingly caused.

Someone comments on Barney’s blog: “Gossip is disgusting ... .”  We would reply: Talking about this affair is not necessarily gossip. Eye-witness testimony is not gossip. When Peikoff, through Valliant, published the open letter about the affair it became a subject for public discussion and it will be criticized.

Apparently Grace has such sway over Peikoff that he emptied his savings so he could buy her a mansion. Judging from Valliant’s GoFundMe campaign Peikoff could only just barely afford it, and Valliant insinuates that the upkeep of the mansion is costing all the royalties from Peikoff’s and Rand’s books. Thus Peikoff might end up giving Grace the Rand copyrights as well.

Back on Kira’s Facebook page, she posts (Nov. 19):
I’m fed up. I’ve had enough of being villainized for trying to be a good daughter during an unspeakably horrible ordeal, where I have suffered the loss of my dad while he is still alive – due to no fault of my own. I hope people have the sense, and the knowledge now, to know better, and to see through these attacks on my character.
And quotes (as a screenshot) Valliant’s “Protect Leonard Peikoff” page:
[Valliant, Aug. 17]:
In fact, Kira has received nearly all of her father’s money in recent years.

[Kira Beilis, Nov. 19]:
... Your campaign to villainize me is disgusting and immoral. Your statements are filled with lies. My father gave Grace 7 figures since Jan 2023 as revealed in the deposition of his former financial advisor. Just stop telling people lies. Don’t you have anything better to do than to rub salt in the wound of a tragically painful family ordeal?

Matt Beilis replies (Nov. 19):
So wild that someone who had no presence in your dad’s life during these events is publicly & privately slandering you and every other person who came forward with their first hand observations. Some hell of a coincidence that all the nurses / caregivers, financial professionals, close friends, and employees who spoke out all have corroborating accounts. Or does he think it’s a conspiracy by a bunch of people who had nothing to gain (and most of whom lost their jobs) by coming forward? What would be all of their motives? ...
Continuing in a second post of the same date, Matt Beilis says that Valliant has just deleted Kira’s comment, and  “I wonder how many other skeptical responses he’s deleted?”

When one Dwayne Davies posts that Valliant explained the situation to him “in great detail and it makes sense,” Kira replies (Nov. 29):
... You and [James Valliant] clearly have false information about why I filed my case. I have a robust timeline of events in my records backed up by emails, texts, phone messages, and multiple third party witnesses, including my Dad’s financial advisor of 17 years who told me I would be “negligent” if I didn’t go to court because he was being financially exploited. She testified that she personally filed a report with Adult Protective Services because she was that concerned. And it was her first time in her nearly 30-year career to make such a report. James can pretend I am “entitled,” “greedy,” or whatever other lies he has been fed about me by my dad (whose information comes from the interlopers controlling his life), but I know the truth, as do all the other people who were ACTUALLY THERE. The more James [Valliant] persists on this vilification campaign, the more ridiculous and desperate he seems. The real question is why is he still going? For God’s sake I wish you people would just leave me alone.

When someone claims that a video of Peikoff proves that he is “in control of his faculties,” Steve Rogers replies (Nov. 29):
If you think that proves there is no undue influence, then you don’t know anything about how elderly decline actually works. And you don’t know anything about the kind of influence that someone can exert once they have isolated a person and can control all the information.

Dwayne Davies replies (Nov. 30):
Kira, you claim this was never about mental capacity. But *you* know that is what most of your supporters here think justifies this. You know most of them think your father is mentally not all there. Have you ever come to his defense and told them you think his capacity isn’t the issue and he is still the brilliant man he was years ago? Not that I’ve seen.

You tell me (and others) this isn’t about mental health. While doing nothing to stop your supporters believing that. ...

Kira replies (Nov. 30):
My dad is objectively not the same as he was years ago. He was evaluated by a court-ordered independent neurologist merely three months ago. While he does not have a diagnosis of dementia, he has declined cognitively from baseline. From the report sent to the court:
“Leonard Peikoff has deficits in a few of the mental functions listed under Probate Code §811(a). He has mild impairment in his ability to attend and concentrate, mild impairment in long-term memory, and mild to moderate impairment in his ability to plan, organize, and carry out actions in his own rational self-interest.”

He did not correctly recall basic facts like how many children I have, what both their names are, or how many times he has been married.

Once again, this case is not about whether my dad has dementia. It is about undue influence. An elderly person can fall prey to undue influence without being brain dead. But deficits in cognitive functioning make them more susceptible to being taken advantage of. And the neurologist concluded exactly this: that he *is* susceptible to undue influence.

Since you seem to think you have all the facts, I wonder whether you also know that the neurologist discovered a listening device during his exam at my father’s house – which was supposed to be in a private room.
Matt Beilis also replies to Davies (Nov. 30):
At the risk of repeating myself for a person who doesn’t deserve even a second more of my time, there are now many first hand accounts of undue influence. Everyone has seen them. “Fraud and undue influence” is not the same thing as “loss of mental capacity.” The former DOES NOT require the latter. Everyone has the internet and can read more into the distinctions between capacity and undue influence if they wish, though the first hand testimonies are pretty telling in themselves. Why should we ignore those again? And I’ll just assume James [Valliant] didn’t mention any of the numerous individuals who declined to give capacity statements at Leonard’s request due to their concerns about his lapsing memory (an issue I’ve experienced with him first hand many times, and one he admitted to Kira in VMs [voicemails] and email).
And one Louise Lamontagne replies to Davies (Nov. 30):
I assure you that I never thought it was about reduced mental capacity or dementia as such. From the start I believed it was fraud and undue influence. I also considered that he probably has some decline of some sorts given how he is treating his own daughter. No one has been tricked or fooled by Kira. ...

A Michael Niren replies to Davies, which reply is “liked” by Matt Beilis (Nov. 30, one misspelling corrected):
...While he [Valliant] makes a compelling case, there are just too many, holes, unanswered questions or unsatisfactory ones. And in no way how Kira is being portrayed – as some entitled daughter out for her father’s money – is at all accurate given what I have read. She clearly is concerned for her father and crushed by the destruction of their relationship. ... the alternative narrative doesn’t even come close to passing the smell test. The case “defending” LP has been over-engineered to the point of it not being tenable IMO. I am an outsider so whatever I state needs to be qualified accordingly of course.

Davies keeps at it,  Kira replies (Nov. 30):
James [Valliant] still insinuates I only want my father’s money. He continues to do so publicly as well as privately, as numerous strangers have messaged me to say he is out to discredit me in private meetings.

Not sure what you think is “BS” as you were NOT there and I am speaking from direct experience as well as depositions of witnesses who testified under oath.
Whatever you might think of Robert Bidinotto regarding other matters, he makes some good points here (Nov. 30):
Anyone with open eyes can notice how Valliant was using leading questions in his interviews with Dr. Peikoff, and also see the many editing breaks in the videos. ...

There’s also no charitable way to interpret the responses of those who would dismiss the accounts of Dr. Peikoff's family members, employees, and old friends with direct knowledge of the manipulation and abuse of him that has been going on, and the detailed specifics of those accounts. ...

Near the end of Rand’s life she made Leonard Peikoff the sole heir to her estate. She told him that she trusted him to use it well. What would she think of an “Ayn Rand” institute that promotes leftists for president: first Hillary, then Biden, then Kamala? What would she think seeing who will end up with a substantial part of the wealth she worked so hard to create?

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