Rodney Stich
(1923 - 2015)
Background and CredentialsThe following professional biography is abridged and copyedited from Mr. Stich’s former website. He writes of himself in the third person. Here are three photos of him, the last was in the original article and the first two found elsewhere on the Internet.

Rodney Stich has an unusual background for exposing corruption in various government agencies, corruption which adversely affects the security of the United States and the lives of the men, women and children in America.
His ability to discover these problems comes from his extensive experience, starting in the U.S. Navy in 1941 (prior to the Pearl Harbor attack on December 7, 1941). The highlights include:
- Sixty years of sophisticated aviation experience (as detailed below).
- Occupied key government positions where he was able to document hard-core corruption in the three branches of the federal government. The federal government assigned him the task of correcting the conditions causing the worst series of airline crashes in the nation’s history. It was here that he first discovered the gravity of the deep-seated culture of corruption in the FAA that continues to this day. The aviation tragedies of September 11, 2001, were simply a continuation of the cause and consequences of what he has been documenting for years.
- He became a confidant to dozens of other former and present government agents who discovered, or were part of, activities involving corrupt and criminal activities inflicting great harm upon the security of the United States and great personal and financial harm upon countless numbers of men, women and families.
- These sources include present and former agents of the FBI, DEA, Customs, CIA, including former heads of secret CIA airlines and secret CIA financial operations, who were part of covert activities in which corrupt and criminal activities were occurring.
- As a result of his David versus Goliath role in attacking corrupt government personnel in the three branches of government, he acquired knowledge and documentation to prove his charges. He also acquired hundreds of government documents supporting his sources’ allegations of corrupt and criminal activities.
Details of Aviation and Other Activities
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Certificates
- Airline Transport Pilot (503896).
- TYPE RATINGS in the DC-8 jet; Convair 880/990 jet; Curtis C-46; DC-3, DC-4, Convair 240-340-440; Martin 202-404; Boeing Stratocruiser (B-377); Lockheed Constellation (749-1049-1649); and considerable flying experience in the Lockheed Electra (from which the Navy EP-3 was derived), Boeing 720, DC-6, and DC-7.
- Japanese Airline Transport Pilot (#170), one of the first pilot licenses issued by Japan, issued in 1952.
- Navy aircraft flown: PBY - as instructor in advanced PBY training at Jacksonville, Florida; Plane commander (PPC) in Liberator (B-24) and Privateer (PB4Y2); SNB (D-18); SNJ (AT-6); BT-13 and Stearman.
Related Professional Organizations
- International Society of Air Safety Investigators (ISASI) since 1974.
- Aviation Space Writers Association since 1978.
- Lawyer-Pilots Bar Association since 1978.
- Airline Pilot Association (ALPA) while an airline pilot.
- Association of former intelligence officers (AFIO).
Background for Discovering Covert Activities
- Starting in 1989, Stich became a confidant to a large number of CIA and other deep-cover operatives, during which he spent over 2,000 hours in deposition-like questioning, receiving thousands of letters, documents, and affidavits describing and supporting the activities which he writes about in his books and which supplement what he personally discovered as a federal and then private investigator (and as an international airline pilot).
- Included in his many insider friends and sources are the heads of former CIA proprietary airlines and financial institutions, pilots who flew arms from the United States and drugs back, people who were involved in drug-money laundering, looting of savings and loans, and other activities ordered by their deep-cover superiors.
- This combination of government investigator background and large number of friends and confidants involved in deep-cover activities for the past forty years gives the author an unusual amount and source of information and insight into the normally highly compartmentalized area of covert activities.
- Possibly because of his military pilot and airline pilot background, combined with his considerable work in exposing government corruption, dozens of present and former government agents and operatives, former drug traffickers, and others, have provided Stich during the last ten years with huge amounts of data, documentation, and clarification on corrupt activities in government. This is the detailed information that is found in his various books.
Stich in his Beech Twin Bonanza (D50E) aircraft before corrupt government personnel (Justice Department and federal judges as described in the third edition of Unfriendly Skies and Defrauding America) seized his business properties, his home, his planes and his assets. These corrupt activities were assisted by corrupt CIA-FBI proprietarylaw firms and fronts.

- Over 60 years in sophisticated aviation positions.
- Navy pilot and instructor in World War II. Instructed in PBY seaplanes, and was Patrol Plane Commander in four-engine Liberator (PB4Y-1) and Privateer (PB4Y-2) aircraft before the age of 21. Received Navy wings at the same time as George Bush received his. (Bush received his Navy wings at the Naval Air Station in Corpus Christi and Stich received his at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, in December 1943.
- Prior to going to Navy pilot training, Stich was a radioman. His initial flying was in the Pacific, with primitive PBY aircraft and equipment, flying in the same general area as Amelia Earhart ran out of fuel. The navigational problems at that time makes it easy to understand why she became lost and exhausted her fuel supply. Stich was flying patrols out of Midway Island before the great battle of Midway, missing the battle by being sent to the United States for Navy pilot training.
- This training occurred in 1943 at the University of Georgia at Athens, primary flight training in the Navy’s yellow Stearman at the Naval Air Station, Dallas (Grand Prairie, Texas), and at various airfields in the Pensacola area, ending with pilot training in PBY seaplanes. Upon finishing training, he received two pilot designations: the first was as a Naval Air Pilot (Chief Aviation Pilot) and ten days later, received a commission in the Navy and designation as Navy Aviator.
- Following the receipt of his Navy wings, Stich went to the Naval Air Station at Jacksonville, Florida, for advanced PBY training. At the end of this training, he was selected to be a pilot flight instructor, which continued for approximately one year, after which he was sent to Hutchinson, Kansas, for training as Patrol Plane Commander in Liberator and Privateer aircraft. This was followed by various assignments to the Naval Air Stations at Whidbey Island in Washington and at San Diego, before being sent to Tinian Island in the far Pacific.
- Upon the ending of World War II, Stich left the Navy and eventually started flying for various airlines. Stich flew as an airline pilot in domestic and international operations with several different airlines. In those days, pilot furloughs were common and frequent. His main airline was Transocean Airlines based in Oakland, California. Others included Pioneer Airlines based in Dallas; California Central Airlines in Los Angeles; Seaboard and World Airlines; California Eastern Airlines; Overseas National Airlines.
- His primary airline, Transocean Airlines, started up Japan Airlines in 1951, furnishing Martin 202 and DC-4 aircraft and captains. Stich was part of this startup and received Japanese pilot license number 170 in 1952. Some of the Japanese copilots that flew with Stich were pilots based on Wake Island when Stich was based on Midway Island. During patrol flights, the PBY aircraft on which Stich was a crewmember was attacked by Japanese "Betty" bombers, and very possibly piloted by some of the same pilots who were now his copilots. It was ironical that the Japanese planes carrying the rising sun emblem on the side of the fuselage were the same emblems on the aircraft shooting at him.
- Because of Transocean’s international operations, the flight operations covered many unusual incidents and type of operations. For instance, he flew several DC-4 trips from Oakland to New Delhi, India, carrying 1600 monkeys for delivery to the Midwest where they were used for the Salk polio vaccine program. He flew Moslem pilgrims to Mecca from various Middle East locations (Beirut, Jerusalem, Baghdad, Teheran, Abadan, sometimes landing in the desert outside of Mecca.
- During one such operation in 1953, while residing at a hotel in Abadan, Iran, he was caught up in the CIA-initiated revolution that toppled Mossadegh and brought into power the Shah. The Iranians had previously ordered the departure of British and Americans, and Stich and his small group of airmen were only tolerated because they were flying Moslems to Mecca. When the revolution occurred, Stich and his small group were at great physical risk. With the help of a Dutch national responsible for security, this small group had a machine-gun escort to their aircraft for an immediate departure.
- During his flying days for the airlines, Stich was captain on virtually every type of piston aircraft flown by the airlines since the end of World War II. These included, for instance, DC-3, DC-4, C-46, Martin 202, Convair 340, Lockheed Constellation, and Boeing Stratocruiser.
- All types of emergency situations were part of these activities, including for instance: engine fires and engine failures in flight and during takeoff; shutdown of all destination and alternate airports by fog on the North Atlantic run; un-forecast high winds on long over-water flights that made reaching an airport questionable.
Taking Employment As
Federal Air Safety Inspector-Investigator
- In 1962, upon the bankruptcy of Transocean Airlines, Stich went to work for the Federal Aviation Administration (called the Federal Aviation Agency at that time). His initial assignment was in the Los Angeles office, working with American Airlines, Western Airlines, and others. These airline safety duties included conducting flight checks of airline pilots, issuing government ratings so they could fly that particular aircraft, checking for safety problems, making safety recommendations, and anything else involving air safety.
Start of Discovery of Corruption in Government
- In 1963, while United Airlines was experiencing a string of brutal airline crashes, including a DC-8 that crashed into New York City and which was the worst world-wide crash at that time, FAA officials asked Stich to volunteer for the most senior program at United, where many of the crashes were occurring. Stich accepted, and went through an arduous ground and flight training that culminated about four months later with Stich passing and receiving a type rating in the DC-8 aircraft.
- Stich was replacing another inspector who had repeatedly reported that United Airlines management was violating and not complying with important federal air safety laws and then falsifying government-required records to cover up for these violations. That inspector had been blocked by the local District Office manager at Denver, and the regional FAA officials in Los Angeles, and had been so concerned by the accidents and near-accidents that he traveled to Washington and complained to top officials at the FAA and with the NTSB (at that time the NTSB was called the Civil Aeronautic Board Bureau of Safety). United Airlines management pressured FAA management to transfer that inspector, and this was done. He was transferred to an undesirable location in Puerto Rico, and his DC-8 experience and training was thereby wasted.
- Stich promptly discovered what other inspectors had discovered. United Airlines management was repeatedly violating important and federally-required air safety requirements that explained the long series of senseless crashes experienced by United Airlines. He discovered, as others had done, that FAA management at the local, regional, and national level was making these violations possible by harassing, threatening, and removing inspectors who reported the problems and tried to correct them as required by their federal job responsibilities and as required by the Federal Aviation Act. Stich inspected, discovered, and reported very serious air safety and criminal violations throughout the United Airlines flight activities, discovering their relationship with several prior fatal crashes. United Airlines management threatened to get Stich fired or removed, as they admitted they had done to Stich’s predecessor.
- Stich discovered, as many federal inspectors discovered and experienced earlier, that FAA management:
- Knew of the crash-related pattern of air safety and criminal acts by key management personnel at United Airlines.
- Instructed inspectors not to file reports of air safety or criminal violations that were discovered at United Airlines. This and similar misconduct made possible most of the many crashes experienced by United Airlines over a 20 year period.
- Removed from the official government records and returned official reports of these problems to the reporting inspectors, telling that that these reports were not wanted, and that they would make the office look bad when there was an accident investigation.
- Destroyed inspectors’ reports that revealed the serious violations at United Airlines.
- Harassed and threatened federal inspectors who continued to report the accident-causing air safety and criminal violations.
- Took retaliatory actions against federal inspectors who took required corrective actions, such as conducting a record inspection opposed by United management personnel, reporting a crew members needing corrective training for such problems as high-sink-rate approaches, poor knowledge of the aircraft, poor pilot performance.
Discovering Cover-Ups Throughout Government
- Stich provided evidence to various members of Congress, to the FBI and to U.S. Attorneys where the federal violations were occurring. They did nothing except cover up.
- The prior brutal crashes, the continuing crashes and near-crashes, caused Stich to escalate his attempts to carry out the federal air safety responsibilities. He was blocked by FAA personnel at every level, who sought to protect the serious air safety and criminal activities at United Airlines. In desperation, Stich used federal laws in an imaginative manner seeking to force corrective actions. These included:
- While an FAA inspector-investigator, he acted as a special prosecutor, forcing a four month long hearing upon the FAA, introducing testimony by various FAA personnel and hard evidence to support his charges of corruption related to a series of fatal airline crashes implicating management personnel at United Airlines and within the Federal Aviation Administration. The hearing officer at the adversary hearing was a member of the FAA Administrator’s staff and held his position only as long as he pleased his boss. He then engaged in a cover-up. During the hearing, several other fatal crashes occurred at United Airlines, which were linked to the federal violations and corruption that Stich and other inspectors were reporting.
- Stich continued to keep top officials with the National Transportation Safety Board informed of the air safety and criminal activities that he and other inspectors had discovered, and which had played a key causative role in prior crashes investigated by this accident investigating agency. Stich reported the criminal perjury and subornation of perjury by FAA management personnel at the hearing which was causing continuation of the air safety and criminal violations. NTSB management, despite their responsibility under the Federal Aviation Act, refused to become involved. This refusal, this cover-up of major accident causing air safety and criminal violations, then made the NTSB officials implicated in several other United Airlines crashes that occurred during and after the hearing. These officials then had to cover up the behind-the-scene corruption that they themselves were a part of. This practice of NTSB cover-up would continue for years, and be evident during the TWA Flight 800 crash and the crash of an EgyptAir aircraft.
Circumventing Government
Corruption and Obstruction of Justice
- Stich circumvented Justice Department block by appearing before a federal grand jury in Denver seeking to produce evidence of criminal acts related to a series of recent airline crashes. The mostly unsophisticated men and women composing the grand jury relied upon the U.S. attorney who was present while Stich was offering his evidence, and no action was taken by the jury foreman. Several individual members of the Grand Jury approached Stich as he was packing up his evidence and said they felt that he was revealing serious problems. But their lack of sophistication kept them from seeking further evidence.
- Because Stich had made many real estate investments as an airline pilot that made him a millionaire, he did not have the financial need to back off, to abandon his federal job requirements as other inspectors were forced to do. They had to remain quiet or suffer personal and financial retaliation. Stich decided to quit the FAA and try to expose the aviation corruption from the outside as a private citizen.
- Stich filed federal lawsuits in the U.S. district courts seeking to expose the federal corruption that he and other inspectors and CIA whistle-blowers had uncovered. In the first two lawsuits, the federal judges sympathized with Stich, ignored the federal laws requiring them to allow the case to proceed, and then dismissed the lawsuits. This practice made possible the continuation of the air safety and criminal activities and led to other crashes.
- Stich published books, the first one, in 1978, being the first edition of Unfriendly Skies (which is now in the third edition). The purpose of the books were to inform and motivate the public. He appeared as guest and expert on over 3000 radio and television shows during the past 18 years. Television networks from Germany, Holland and Mexico have flown camera crews to the United States for the sole purpose of interviewing Mr. Stich.
Joined by Dozens of Other Government Agents
- His aggressive exposing of serious corruption implicating federal officials exposed further government corruption. In addition, other federal agents started revealing to Stich the corrupt activities of federal personnel in other areas. This information and documentation provided caused Stich to write other books, again attempting to inform and motivate the public to exercise some form of personal responsibility.
- Over a period of years, since the mid-1980s, these sources included agents of the CIA, FBI, DEA, ONI, Customs, INS, and other government agencies, and other insiders. Today, his sources number in excess of fifty and continue to increase.
- In the 2007, Stich published an updated 4th edition of Unfriendly Skies: 20sth & 21st Centuries, and Defrauding America, in the fourth edition, and in two volumes.
- In late 1999, Stich published another book focusing on the corrupt war on drugs, called Drugging America, A Trojan Horse.
- During this 30-plus years of fighting a David versus Goliath action against corrupt federal personnel, Stich suffered incredible retaliation from corrupt government personnel, and especially corrupt Justice Department personnel and federal judges (assisted by California judges and a covert CIA law firm). By the corrupt misuse of federal office, Stich was stripped of his life’s assets, which in 1987 consisted of $10 million in real estate (of which $6 million was equity). His home was taken and he was ordered out of it, his various businesses that funded his exposure activities were taken, along with his twin-engine Beech Twin Bonanza aircraft and all of his assets. These acts were intended to strip him of the assets that funded his exposure activities.
- During this saga, virtually no one provided any assistance, despite the fact that his battles addresses major national issues that were inflicting great harm upon the entire country. The only financial help came from people whose numbers could be counted on the fingers of one hand. So much for risking everything in an idealistic effort to fight arrogant and vicious enemies.

Stich’s plane (Beech D-50E Twin Bonanza), before federal judges took it, his home, his businesses, his properties, his assets, his sole source of income, in a bizarre scheme to silence his exposure activities.
Throughout a great part of the traumatic attacks upon Stich, he had one very loyal companion, his only loyal companion. He was also physical protection when several of Stich’s sources of information were killed or found dead under mysterious circumstances. That companion was Midas, his German Shepherd.
After over ten years of companionship, which provided considerable support to Stich during great personal and financial losses, Midas passed away on April 3, 1997. Unless one had that kind of relationship with a near-human-like four-legged creature, during such difficult times, that bond may be difficult to understand. At Midas’ death, grief-stricken Stich wrote a short memorial for Midas:
Good bye, old pal, you’ve been my closest and most faithful companion for the past ten years, sticking with me through very difficult times. I will always remember my German Shepherd, Midas. Your loving friend, Rodney.
Nearing the end of his life, he continues the fight against the arrogance and corruption in government, and the legal attacks from the legal fraternity that continues its efforts to silence him. He faces an uglier enemy than any he faced in World War II. More information on these legal attacks can be found in his books.
Tip for Anyone With Heart Problems
Stich had a multiple bypass operation in 1985 for nearly total blockage of several coronary arteries. The bypass operation was successful, and remained successful for 15 years. In 2001, Stich experienced angina, even while not exercising and was admitted to the hospital. An angiogram revealed that his left main coronary artery was totally blocked and the vein bypass for that artery had failed. Normally, this would have resulted in death. He was hanging on to life by the development of small collaterals or arterioles.
The medical team told him that a second open-heart surgery was not feasible, and that stents were not possible because of the small size of the available arteries. All they could do was prescribe a nitro patch to apply every morning to reduce the severity and frequency of angina. Lying in the hospital bed and being advised of his condition, it looked to Frank that he didn’t have long to live.
On his own, Stich learned, not from any doctor but from another source, that there existed EECP (Enhanced External Counter Pulsation) treatments that stimulated the growth of arterioles or collaterals to augment or replace totally blocked arteries. This treatment is medically recognized throughout the world, and used in major medical centers. Strangely, most doctors were unfamiliar with the treatment.
Stich, living in Walnut Creek, California, requested this treatment from the cardiologist at his HMO provider. The treatment was approved at no cost to him. He also learned that Medicare approved the treatment as well as most health insurance companies and other healthcare providers.
The treatments consisted of 35 one-hour sessions during which he lay on a padded table, with cuffs wrapped around his legs and lower abdomen. These cuffs are something like the cuffs that are wrapped around a person’s arm when taking the person’s blood pressure. The cuffs are inflated and deflated in synch with the beat of the person’s heart, and causes an increased pressure on the blood going to the heart. This has been found to stimulate the development of little arterioles that augment or replace blocked arteries, resulting in decrease or elimination of angina, elimination of drugs, increase in exercise ability, and improvement in the quality of life.
To pass time during treatment, Stich listened via headphones to radio programs that kept him informed on world events. Some people listen to audio books, and others listen to music.
He found all these benefits to be true. In his case, the improvements were very noticeable. He went from a physical stage short of death, to where he was able to function more like a normal person. He also noticed a significant drop in his high blood pressure, which has been as high as 180 mmHg.
About two years later, Stich felt that the benefits were slowly eroding, causing him to again request authority to undergo another series of 35 treatments. Again the benefits were felt.
Stich felt that accompanying the treatments with almost daily exercise on the treadmill was beneficial. This treadmill exercise also showed him the improvements that followed the EECP treatments. Stich was 80 years of age when he accomplished the first series of EECP treatments and then 82 when he did the second series.
Besides not being suitable for open heart surgery or stents, Stich was not eager to undergo invasive treatments, even if he had been physically suitable. Open-heart surgery has its risks, and stents sometimes result in blood clots, which are sometimes fatal. Further, stents often last for a limited period of time, resulting in their replacement, or a condition where replacement is not possible.
One thing that surprised Stich was that almost none of the doctors that he talked to had even heard of the EECP treatment, including the doctors in the hospital who had described Stich’s dismal coronary condition.
These benefits caused Stich to make other people aware of the benefits, especially for those facing death. The Internet site,, was one of the methods he used to made this information available to others. It can be found on the Internet Wayback machine,
As a former pilot, Stich thought that pilots undergoing EECP treatments might be able to avoid open heart surgery, and possibly eliminate being medically grounded by the FAA.